...happening right before their eyes: they are being controlled. Sadly, we must admit there is some very eye-opening truth to Huxley’s prediction. Our overwhelming need for technology is becoming a source of mass unconsciousness, which could easily feed into Huxley’s idea of our future. Past generations, such as the Baby Boomers and Generation X, have less understanding and connection to technology than Generation Y. The internet has become an indispensable tool which is often taken for granted. It is so common that it no longer is seen as the vast plane of information and exploration that it is; but, instead is used merely for gaming, TV, and social media. Dr. Sally Nimon describes the difference between generations well when she states that “to Baby Boomers […] and even Generation X‐ers […] phenomena such as mobile phones and the internet represent tools that can aid them in the performance of their daily lives; to Millennials there is evidence to suggest that they are as seamlessly woven into the fabric of their existence as the clothes they wear or the food they eat” (Nimon 24). Millennials have become so accustomed to technology that it no longer is an asset. To almost any member of Generation Y, a cell phone becomes an expectation at a certain age. When I was a kid, I felt left out when I didn’t have a...
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...My Article is about our generation and how we are so different from any other generation. We are called the millennial’s also known as generation Y, millennial’s are people born between 1980-2000. How many of you have heard your parents say that you are so lazy, my generation wasn’t like this, all you guys do is sit on your phones? Well they’re right we are the laziest generation. Some people say our self centeredness could bring about the end of civilization as we know it, but others say we are the new greatest generation. It has been proven that we are the most narcissistic generation. We all think we are so different and better then everyone else. Look at social media for example, half the time people post things just to make people jealous. We’ve all done it and we see nothing wrong with it. But we got this way partly because of how we were raised, in the 1970’s they wanted to increase kids self esteem so they would always tell us “you’re the best”, “you’re the only one who can do this”. This is good but after a certain age it should stop. David McCullough Jr, an English teacher gave a 12 minute reality check called “You are not special” it has almost 2 million hits on youtube. He said “Climb the mountain so you can see the world, not so they can see you”. Technology is obviously a huge part of our generation and it is what makes us so different. We lack the kind of empathy that allows us to feel concerned for others; we even have trouble intellectually understanding other...
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...productivity? 3. Historically HRM activities were developed and implemented by a department or functional unit. Today however, operating managers are often responsible for applying and modifying HRM tools and activities. Why has this change occurred? 4. Explain the reasons why today HRM is playing a larger role in an organization's strategy than it did 10 years ago. 5. HR processes are designed to acquire, reward, develop, and maintain/protect human resources. What are the desirable organizational end results of such processes? 6. Read Application Case 2.1: Gen Y Rocks the Business World in Chapter 2 and answer the following questions. a) What will organizations have to do to adapt to the influx of needed Generation Y individuals? b) Is Generation Y really that different than previous generations that entered the workforce in large numbers? Explain. c) Will Generation Y individuals have to make adjustments in their style, preferences, and interests to be successful in their careers? 7. Assume that you've started to expand your company's operations into India and China. This is the...
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...Hiring Generation Y Hiring Generation Y Francesca LaRosa Empire State College Author Note This paper was prepared for Human Resource Management taught by Professor Kathleen Stallmer Hiring Generation Y Abstract With much of the Baby Boomer Generation already retired and the others on the verge of retirement (“64 million retiring by the end of the decade”, (Ivancevich & Konopaske, pg. 59)), Generation Y has become, not only a necessity, but also mandatory for the survival of most companies. Because of this, Generation Y’s know how significant and important they will be moving forward in the business world, and they are not afraid to ensure that the companies they work for know their importance as well. With that being said, it is vital for this company to make the changes necessary to survive and prosper in this changing climate. This Case Study will provide significant evidence and solutions to dealing with this current challenge. Hiring Generation Y Understanding Generation Ys is key to the success of a business in the 21st century. If we can understand Generation Ys, we can learn what motivates them and how they can be an asset to an organization; rather than being a challenge, we can find opportunity. Unlike the Generation Xs and the Baby Boomers, the Generation Ys have developed work characteristics and tendencies from doting parents, structured lives, and contact with diverse people. They are accustomed to working in groups and enjoy combining...
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...Generation Y in the Workforce: Managerial Challenges Justin Meier, Graduate Student Stephen F. Austin State University, USA Mitchell Crocker, Associate Professor of Management Stephen F. Austin State University, USA ABSTRACT This paper takes a look at the next generation, Generation Y, as it enters the workforce. Nearly all Gen Y research to date focused on characteristics and features drawn from a population still in the midst of the educational system. This research specifically targets Gen Y’ers that have been in the workforce for a few years. Data collection incorporated current technologies such as the social networking website Facebook to invite age-appropriate respondents to participate in this study. Participants completed the survey instrument on-line using a link to Survey Monkey. The data analysis focuses on those workplace issues that act as motivators or de-motivators for this generation. GENERATION Y IN THE WORKFORCE: MANAGERIAL CHALLENGES Toward Understanding Gen Y. What defines a generation? Through the years a number of different things such as wars, discoveries, politics, beliefs, and popular culture have all helped shape and define generations. The characteristics attributed to an age-bound demographic are often reflections of the events occurring in the world around them. While agreement on a definition may be lacking, through a combination of thoughts and ideas, educators can agree on certain aspects of each generation. A generation can influence styles...
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...... 4 Sustainability .................................................................................................................... 4 Reasoning .................................................................................................................... 4-5 Conclusion & Recommendations ...................................................................................................... 5 Bibliography .................................................................................................................... 6 List of Illustrations Figure 1 1) Figure 2 Figure 3 dd sdf Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure 9 Executive Summary Generation Y (Millenials); the second largest generation to inhabit our planet, is the most environmentally aware...
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...The Rising Issue of Generation Y and Police Training By Problem Solving Practicum OL430 Anthony Nixon February 27, 2008 CONTENTS References iii Research Focus The Real Issues 1 What is Generation X? 2 Generation Y 4 The Problem 6 Recruitment, Selection, and Retention 8 Conclusions 12 References Lomi Kriel. (2006, June 26). Cities face troubles in hiring cops. San Antonio Express News, p. 1. Andy Headworth. (2007, December 07). Ten differences between Generation X and Generation Y Employees [Msg 1]. Message posted to Sirona Says To infinite recruitment and beyond electronic mailing list, archived at http://blog.sironaconsulting.com/sironasays/2007/12/our-futurex-ver.html Wikipedia. (2007). Generation X. In Wikipedia (1st ed., Vol. 1, p. 1). Unknown, World Wide Web: Wikipedia. Retrieved March 10, 2008, from Wikipedia the Free Encyclopedia Web site: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation_X Research Focus The Real Issues There is a rising problem in the police field regarding hiring and retaining quality officers. At the front of this problem is the Y generation and the opposing generational values between them and generation X. This also lends itself to training issues and the difference in learning styles between the two generations. This paper will delve in to merging the two current styles of training and the problems that might come up during the process. This investigation will deal with agencies across the country as well...
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...Tattoos: Why are they leaving their mark on Generation Y? The practice of tattooing has been one of civilization’s most enduring art forms, with references to it going back over 5000 years. The practice has been both revered and stigmatized. The Victorian gentry used tattoos as status symbols until the invention of the electric needle, which made the procedure more commonplace. With its rise in popularity and its association with the lower classes, sailors, and even criminals, the elite in society chose to refrain from the practice. However, over the last twenty years the tattoo has undergone a dramatic resurgence, particularly with those aged between eighteen and thirty five years old. The reasons for this revival are popular culture, self expression and peer pressure. One thing that has promoted the use of tattoos with the younger generation is today’s popular culture and its icons. The “A” list of film stars, music artists and sporting personalities such as Angelina Jolie, Rihanna, David and Victoria Beckham, and Aaron Hernandez, all wear their ink stamps blatantly and with pride. These personalities have glamorised tattoos, and young people see that they are no longer associated with criminals and outlawed biker gangs. On the contrary, tattoos have made their way into art galleries, museums, fashion runways, and even the front cover of The New Yorker magazine. Television shows such as Miami Ink, which first aired in 2005, have promoted the art into...
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...Module 1 Case Study November 22, 2015 Our Plan to Recruit Generation Y Employees Generation Y employees are a new breed of employees. This group of people are much different than the older generations of employees. In order to obtain successful recruitment, new strategies must come into effect. The Human Resource department needs to be well informed of Generation Y’s expectations and work ethics. They hold themselves to a different standard than previous generations have. Rather than external pressures, they have internal forces pushing them to perform. One of the major developments that separates Generation Y from any previous generation is the continued growth of technology. Their lifestyle revolves around technology. This can be both a positive and negative factor for us. Addressing the negative aspect, they can become a nuisance to the organization by misrepresenting themselves on social media. On a positive note, they can be more available to us and our clients through their mobile devices on an almost constant basis, and help us network and market our name. Generation Y are reticent. They have a lower power distance than Generation X. They consider upper management more their peers and are not afraid to make suggestions. As an organization and with our HR department, we must prepare ourselves and adapt to having this generation work for us. With the upcoming expected retirement of the baby boomer generation, we are faced with a deficit in our work force, there fore...
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...The Positive and Negative Effects of Generation Y in the Workplace Abstract Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Generation Y is the youngest workforce of this generation. They are born between the year 1981 and 2000 (1), and is described as the generation of “digital natives”, embracing technology as it is deemed innate to this generation's character. Generation Y is said to consume 1.7 Billion representing 25.5% of the world's population (Oxygens). Considering the vast population of this generation and the different skills, knowledge and successes they can contribute to the workplace, one cannot ignore the effects they bring, both positive and negative to the exisitng hierarchy in the workplace. In addition, the changes this generation bring to the organization will have a big impact to the company's the existing norms and practices, the immediate bosses and the top management who happens to be on either Veterans, Baby Boomers and/or Generation X. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY This section will provide the various significances of the study. To students. As part of the Generation Y, the proposed study provides the students with a source of knowledge on how their generation greatly affects the trend of workforce in the contemporary times. Also, this research will serve as a reference or guide for students...
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...BOOMERS, GENERATION X AND GENERATION Y By Nortini Isahak Table of Contents Page Introduction 2 1.0 Work Behavior Characteristic between Baby boomers, Generation X and Generation Y 1.1 Baby Boomers 3 1.2 Generation X 4 1.3 Generation Y 5 2.0 The Challenge 2.1 Characteristics of each generation 6 2.2 Perception of other generations 7 3.0 Leadership Styles for Different Generational Groups 9 4.0 Recommendation 11 Conclusion 13 References 14 ABSTRACT Generation Y (born 1981 and 2000) is young worker, Generation X (born 1965-1980) is middle generation and Baby Boomers (Born 1946-1964) is older employers. Usually young workers want to make a quick impact, the middle generation needs to believe in the mission, and older employees don’t like ambivalence. It is important organization to take time and build the trusting relationship where each generation brings ahead their potentials and works towards the organization goal. The leaders should recognize the different work characteristics between generational groups and apply leadership styles that will positively contribute to employee motivation. As a result, due to the shifting nature of the job/task itself and the changing nature of subordinate characteristics and behavior. Leadership styles have also had to make changes. Accordingly, a task-oriented leadership style is more acceptable to Baby boomers but Generation X and Generation Y prefer to...
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...three different generations: Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Generation Y. Shopping preferences, store atmosphere, and store services were all examined. Shopping Preferences Among Generations Shaped by experiences during their formative years, individuals develop generational mindsets that are thought to be major factors in consumer decisions (Wuest, Welkey, Mogab, & Nicols, 2008). Each generation prefers different shopping experiences based on personal and past experiences. Recognizing similarities and differences in generations is basic to understanding consumer preferences and behaviors (Wuest, Welkey, Mogab, & Nicols, 2008). Baby Boomers The US Census Bureau (as cited in Wuest, Welkey, Mogab, & Nicols, 2008) states that baby boomers are individuals born between 1946 and 1964. According to Fishman, Juggling demands of careers, children, parents, and their own aging, Boomers strive to reduce stress with products and services that make their lives easier and more convenient Generation X According to Heathfield, (as cited in Wuest, Welkey, Mogab, & Nicols, 2008), generation X is comprised of people born between 1965 and 1976. Generation X, are portrayed as cautious shoppers, heavy Internet users, and have a lack of brand loyalty. Fishman, (as cited in Wuest, Welkey, Mogab, & Nicols, 2008), states that Generation X demands an honest, straightforward approach; no other generation is as market savvy. Generation Y Generation Y consists of those...
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...#3: Case 7-2 “Carmakers Target Gen Y” Monique S. Kearson Dr. Bao MKT 505 February 12, 2012 Introduction Generation Y is a group of US citizens that were born in the early 1980’s and 2002. They are referred to as Gen Y and Eco Boomers, as they have been said to have a tremendous impact on the generation. With totals nearing 81 million the Gen Y era has been the largest of that since the Baby Boomer age. They hold great credit and spending standings with over 200 or more billion reported annually. The ages for the Gen Y range currently from 10 to 30 years of age. I myself can highly relate to many of these findings due to the fact that I am a part of this generation Y era and I do find it to be true and very accurate.(Generation Y) 1. Explain the strategy behind Asian automakers targeting Gen Y Asian automakers have sought out to target the Generation Y consumer for many reasons. They have found that high priced gas guzzlers are not so popular anymore. Gas has not been at an affordable standstill for years. What does this mean to Asian automakers? They have the opportunity to target young US consumers that are looking for small reliable and fuel efficient vehicles. Asian automakers understand that America is in a crunch so people are looking for more but for less. Their aim is to introduce lines of vehicles that are not only fuel friendly but are pocket friendly as well. As stated by consumer affairs “There are 64 million Gen Y buyers coming into the marketplace,"...
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...Globalization and technological advancement has broken all the cultural and geographical barrier, now my generation, generation Y (born between 1980 and 1995), which were supposed to be most advanced generation five years back no more hold the first place. The generation Z (born between 1994 and 2004) has stolen the limelight and we are thrown on the back seat. Generation Y has become the centre of study for many firms and companies are trying to find what they like and their consumption behaviour. Recently Ericsson and Tata Consultancy Services conducted an extensive study about the impact of technology on the lives of India’s young generation Y. The target group were kids and teens in top 16 urban cities in the age group of 9-18 yrs. The study brought the interesting fact that these teens are already tech savvy and surprisingly 79.5% own mobile phones, 75% have home PCs, 59.2% use MP3 player to listen to music, 54.8% have laptops and 30.6% are engrossed with games on gaming console at home. TV is no more favourite gadget for them, quite evident from above numbers, less than 1% of young consumers rated TV as their favourite gadget. Generation Y prefers instant connectors and are highly engaged on new media. They rated mobile phones as their favourite gadget (27.8%) followed by laptop (15%), MP3 (14.4%), gaming consoles (13.9%), computer (11.3%) and tablets (5.8%). In terms of communication methods 58.6% consume voice calls, 44% use email service, 36.2% do texting, 33.3%...
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...“Carmakers Target Gen Y” Jacob Jasper Barnes, III Strayer University – Lower Bucks County Campus Dr. Gary White MKT 505 – International Marketing August 12, 2012 1. Explain the strategy behind Asian automakers targeting Gen Y. Asian automakers have are targeting the young generational consumers referred to as the Gen Y for many different reasons. Amongst the many reasons is the sky-rocketing price of gas. The young generation is becoming more sensitive to cost than ever before. They want to spend less and get more, if possible. They have found that high priced gas guzzlers are not so popular anymore. With the price of gas being at an affordable standstill for years, it means that Asian automakers now have the opportunity to target young US consumers that are looking for small, reliable, and fuel efficient vehicles. According to a survey conducted by Consumer Reports National Research Center, 2012, it shows people are driving less and looking for more fuel efficient cars. Asian automakers understand that America is in a crunch so people are looking for more but for less. Their aim is to introduce lines of vehicles that are not only fuel friendly but are pocket friendly as well. As stated by consumer affairs “There are 64 million Gen Y buyers coming into the marketplace," stated by Jim Lentz, Toyota's group vice president and general manager. "We know when they come to market to buy a vehicle, new or used, they will spend on average about $15,000." So Asia figured...
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