Premium Essay



Submitted By marji
Words 2755
Pages 12


3:34 PM

Page W-128



4:00 PM

Page W-129

What Is a Student Portfolio?
A Student Portfolio is a paper or electronic collection of documents that summarizes your academic and personal accomplishments in a way that effectively communicates with academic advisors and potential employers.1 At a minimum, your portfolio should include the following:
Minimum components of a Student Portfolio

• an up-to-date professional résumé.
• a listing of courses in your major and related fields of study.
• a listing of your extra-curricular activities and any leadership positions.
• documentation of your career readiness in terms of skills and learning outcomes.
The purpose of a Student Portfolio is twofold — academic assessment and career readiness.
1. Academic Assessment Goal The Student Portfolio serves as an ongoing academic assessment tool that documents your learning and academic accomplishments. As you progress through a curriculum, the portfolio depicts the progress you are making in acquiring the skills and competencies necessary to be successful in lifelong career pursuits. Over time, your portfolio will become increasingly sophisticated in the range and depth of learning and accomplishments that are documented. A well-prepared Student Portfolio is a very effective way of summarizing your academic achievements in consultation with both faculty advisors and professors.
2. Career Readiness Goal The Student Portfolio serves as an important means of communicating your résumé and credentials to potential employers, as you search for both internship and full-time job opportunities. The portfolio is an effective career tool that offers value far beyond the standard résumé. Potential employers can readily examine multiple aspects of your accomplishments and skill sets in order

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