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Something I Needed to Join


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First-Year Byrne Seminar

Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist:
A contemporary quest of self-fulfillment and joy
HCK 131
Tuesdays 2:15-3:35

Dr. Dámaris M. Otero-Torres
Department of Spanish and Portuguese
104A Carpender Hall DC
Office hours: by appointment e-mail: phone: 732. 848.6874

seminar description:

Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist is as a modern classic. Originally published in Portuguese in 1988, this novel has since been translated into 67 languages, becoming one of the best-selling books in history. Inspired by the teachings of ancient alchemy, the story narrates the adventures of a shepherd named Santiago, as he travels through the African desert in the pursuit of his dream: to see the pyramids in Egypt. As he journeys through the desert, Santiago becomes the ultimate alchemist when he learns to transform his life by tapping into the language of the soul.

Our first goal in the seminar will be two-fold: to explore the contemplative principles of ancient alchemy as the foundation for this allegorical text and to delve into the “messy” stages of a hero’s journey. In medieval times, alchemy was considered a science, aimed specifically to transmute base metals into gold, to discover a universal cure for disease, and to prolong life. In our days, “alchemy” is basically understood as a metaphor for personal transformation. Indeed, the poetic connotations of the word “alchemy” underscore its lack of substantive merit to make it in the “real” world. Because highly industrialized societies, such as our own, unequivocally privilege clear, specific, and goal-oriented plans as the main foundation for success rarely an academic seminar addresses the role that creativity, authenticity and happiness play in one’s professional development. The power of dreams and authentic living is often buried under the more alluring and politically correct aura of goals.

In The alchemist Coelho highlights the mystical dimension of Santiago’s journey as a practical avenue for creative and intelligent living. Current publishing trends in American society bear witness to the way in which ancient spiritual principles have been recycled by capitalism to alleviate the consumer hunger for a more fulfilling life? Is there a place for intelligent discussion regarding the gifts of spiritual contemplation or have readers fell prey of editorial strategies to sell happiness through inspirational books? Can the principles and practices of ancient spirituality indeed provide new insights to transmute fear, isolation, and loneliness into happiness and fulfillment? Do these old teachings stand in conflict with a sound scholarly formation, or actually enrich academic dialogue? This seminar will be useful to students majoring in literature, education, psychology, religion, anthropology, and art, and to any student willing to engage in an in-depth conversation about the controversial power of spirituality and creativity to transform lives.

Please read carefully:
Because this seminar touches on topics that are subjective and personal, it is important that all registered be willing to open up about the struggles, challenges and epiphanies of exploring creativity as part of professional/academic pursuits. Given the nature of The Alchemist some of the questions that will be discussed frequently touch on different aspects of creativity and spirituality as these relate to fulfillment and joy. We will be discussing the dark experiences, such as isolation, fear, doubt, failure that can potentially foster immense opportunity for personal/ professional growth but are hardly ever addressed in a classroom. If you are not comfortable discussing these topics, you should enroll in a different seminar. If you are, Welcome on board!

required readings:

* Paolo Coelho's The Alchemist
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
ISBN-13: 9780061122415

* Supplemental readings posted in SAKAI

Seminar requirements: * The seminar meets every Tuesday from January 19 to March 29 from 2:15- 3:35 in HCK 131. Students must arrive promptly to start the seminar on time. * Students are expected to attend ALL class meetings and participate actively in all class discussions. More than two absences will seriously jeopardize the final grade, which is graded as pass/fail. The course is a one-credit class and meets during 10 consecutive weeks. Should the seminar be cancelled due to inclement weather, we will add an extra class. * All absences must be reported through the Rutgers self-reporting absence system to indicate the date and reason for your absence. Please keep in mind that using the reporting system does not mean that your absence is automatically considered “excused” and that you will be offered a make-up. In some instances you may need to get further documentation to justify your absence. * Students must also notify Dr. Otero-Torres at if missing a seminar meeting. * The topics and assigned readings for each session are listed below. Students are expected to have read all the material before coming to the seminar. They are also responsible sharing their insights to generate lively in-class discussions. * Writing assignments: Students must reply to the weekly question posted in the FORUM section in SAKAI. In order to receive credit for the course, all replies must be posted by noon the day of the seminar. Follow these instructions to post your comments. Replies should not exceed 15 sentences.

* Go to the course site * Click on the Forums tab * Click on General Discussion * Click on the topic chosen for the week * Hit reply * Enter your comments * Click post

FINAL Project

Some students may choose to explore their creative talents by writing a poem, song, play, creating a playlist, making a sculpture, drawing, etc. that somehow addresses the journey of self-fulfillment and joy explored in the course. All points of view are welcome as long as you embrace your project with the maturity and the integrity it deserves! Most of all, you must enjoy embarking in the specific project you will share in class.

Each student will give a seven- minute oral presentation showcasing their individual projects. In addition, each student must hand in a three-page paper describing the thought processes that lead to their specific project.

FINAL Grades
Students in the course will be evaluated as pass or fail. In order to pass the course, students must successfully complete of each one of the categories below:

Class Participation 40
Final Project 30

calendar of readings and discussions

class 1- january 19

Introduction to the seminar.

Class discussion: What is your earliest “happy” memory? What are you passionate about? What is your state of mind when you do the things you love? Do you consider these activities to be a waste of time, or are they creative “investments” that actually allow you to concentrate better and become more productive?

Alchemy as a metaphor for life transformation: What is alchemy? What is an allegory? What is your definition of happiness and purpose? How has this definition impacted your first year in college?

Read the following excerpt
From "Paracelsus" by Robert Browning
"Truth is within ourselves; it takes no rise
From outward things, whate'er you may believe.
There is an inmost centre in us all,
Where truth abides in fullness; and around,
Wall upon wall, the gross flesh hems it in,
This perfect, clear perception - which is truth.
A baffling and perverting carnal mesh
Binds it, and makes all error: and to KNOW
Rather consists in opening out a way
Whence the imprisoned splendour may escape,
Than in effecting entry for a light
Supposed to be without."

Class 2-january 26
The hero’s journey: The ordinary world, Call to adventure, refusal of the call and meeting the mentor

read The Alchemist, pages 1-33
-Chapter 8 “Subtle languages”, pages 81-91 from The Ethics of Authenticity by Charles Taylor
-The Dalai Lama’s Right Hand Woman
-Millennial’s Mentoring

class 3- February 2
Crossing the threshold, read The Alchemist, pages 33-47 (end of part 1),
-“The Tyranny of Choice” (140-146) from Sabbath: Finding Rest, Renewal, and Delight in our Busy Lives by Wayne Müller

class 4- February 9
Tests, allies and enemies. The approach read The Alchemist, pp. 51-71

--“You may have to color Outside the Lines to Find Your Picture” (81-84) from This Time I Dance: Creating the Work You Love by Tama J. Kieves

--“Drop the gun and have some fun” (85-89) from This Time I Dance: Creating the Work You Love by Tama J. Kieves

class 5- February 16
The ordeal read The Alchemist, 71-104

--“All Movement Comes of Trust” (140-143) from This Time I Dance: Creating the Work You Love by Tama J. Kieves

--“When you nurture Yourself, You Nurture Your Dreams” (144-147) from This Time I Dance: Creating the Work You Love by Tama J. Kieves class 6 February 23
The ordeal
Read The Alchemist, pages 104-133 read Jorge Luis Borges, The ethnographer
Read Jorge Luis Borges, “The Rose of Paracelsus”

class 7-March 1
The ordeal and the reward
Read The Alchemist 134-159
Read Chapter 7: “The force is with you” from Excuse me, your life is waiting: Practices for Self-Awakening by Lynn Gabhorn

class 8- March 8
The Resurrection, the Road Back and Return with the Elixir
Read The Alchemist 159-167
Read Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Compensation”


Class 9- March 22
Oral Presentations

Class 10- March 29
Oral Presentations

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