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Personal Narrative: My First Generation College Student

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As a first generation college student, university was never something that was supposed to happen. As a first generation college student, university was never something that was supposed to happen. I did not have parents that had gone through that experience and that could help me with simple things like college applications or even now with how to deal with college classes. Even though all odds were against me I decided to continue my path in education, which has been the most significant and biggest action I have taken up to this point in my life. I decided to go to Texas A&M University and pursue a career in Psychology. I walked into college not knowing what to expect. I knew that classes would be hard, but I did not understand how much work they would actually take outside of the actual class time. I had to not just to pass, but to strive to be the best possible college student I could be. I had to go to class, study, join clubs, and also have a social life at the same time in order to achieve a balance in life, ie the real challenge as a college student.
I have two older sisters and neither of them even applied to college. My oldest sister didnt even graduate high school. I was the one that had to get the courage and power to apply to school …show more content…
My family has always struggled financially and while getting education and getting money are some of my goals, those are not the only goas that are important to consider. I will be able to get up in the morning and not have a constant burden of where money is coming from. When I was 16 years old I began working so that I could provide for myself. I would get my paycheck and percentage would go to my mother because I knew that she needed it more than I did. Hopefully in the future I will be able to provide for more people than just

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