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Going Back To College

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Four years ago, the thought of ever going back to college was something I thought I would never consider again. Actually, even six months ago, I would have laughed at the idea of going back. However, life is a funny thing, and people say, "never say never," for a reason. In order to understand why I thought, there is no way in hell I am ever going back to college, I need to backtrack to a few years ago. When I was eighteen, I thought I had it all figured out. I had just moved to Grand Valley State University to pursue a Biomedical Science Degree. It was my first semester there and in the beginning, I was excited. I was going to be a doctor, but I am sure that was only my dream because I watched too much Grey's Anatomy episodes back then. I quickly learned that watching Patrick Dempsey on Thursday nights pretending to be a doctor was way more intriguing to me than actually studying to become a doctor. …show more content…
The thing about my depression is that there was no rhyme or reason as to why it started, it just did. When struck with excruciating anxiety that makes even moving seem hard, it makes it fairly complicated to get up and do simple things, such as, going to class. I started failing most of my classes, failing was a new concept to me; I am not the person who lets myself fail. However, at that point in time, it is almost as if I did not exist. In a physical form I existed, however; mentally, I had given

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