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Space Exploration Research Paper

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Staring out, my eyes met the vastness land of the red planet, from the very rusty sand, to the tallest mountain on the Solar System. Looking down, all I see is my big spacesuit that protected me from hundreds possibilities of dying from different kind of dangers.Taking the first step out of my own safe house that we had placed on this planet leaving me with mix emotion. Sad, pride and even excited. Pride, I am proud to be one of the space explorer, whose sacrifices their ownself for the sake of future Earthlings. Sad, I felt sorrow to leave the Earth, my only knownable home on the infinite space. Excited, it excites me everyday, knowing that what I have done and will do, could be writing on the history book of future generation. …show more content…
My job allows me to save humanity from their own selfishness and irresponsibility that left the Earth suffers from the consequences. The world I am living in are capable of doing so, with all the advanced technologies that we have on our fingertips. Twenty-five years ago, an interplanetary explorer was just exists in science fiction, but hey nothing is impossible, right?. We also had mastered the knowledge of accessing a hundred percentages of the Sun powers, switching the entire world with green energy. But when we have mastered it, it was way too late as our Earth already dying from our greediness of status and the world luxury.Thus, creating my job, that helps me to constantly got feed every month. It would be a lie, if I said that I did not get homesick. I surely does, and the virtual reality technology provided on this spaceship assists me to keep it low. This is important as we, as an astronauts, need to make sure our pscychology and emotions are always stable so that it would not effect our perfomance and jobs. Well, we have to save the humanity after …show more content…
The technologies are fueling every single things on Earth, from the very tiniest stem cell to the biggest energy plant. All cities in the world are now called a green city, as it are one of humanity steps towards a better Earth. Not only that, we also gained most of mineral resources from out of this world. There are a few company that had started mining on a moving asteroid, with all works done by robots and rovers. Not only that,manned missions on another planets are one of the hottest topics people are talking nowadays.Many ambitious kids study hard, planning on being one when they grown up. I can say they all would love to be like a character in a science fiction movie, only this time it is

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