...ARUCAN, PEARLNETTE GAY JUNE V. MANAGEMENT ADVISORY SERVICES MWF 1:30-3:30 ROBERT KIYOSAKI Who is Robert Kiyosaki? A fourth-generation Japanese American, Kiyosaki was born and raised in Hilo, Hawaii. After graduating from Hilo High School, he attended the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy in New York, graduating with the class of 1969 as a deck officer. He is an investor, businessman, self-help author, motivational speaker, financial literacy activist, and occasional financial commentator. Kiyosaki is perhaps best known for his Rich Dad Poor Dad series of motivational books. As a devout global financial literacy advocate, Kiyosaki has been a staunch proponent ofentrepreneurship, business education, investing, and that comprehensive financial literacyconcepts should be taught in schools around the world. Why did he filed for bankruptcy? Robert Kiyosaki filed for corporate bankruptcy through one of his companies, Rich Global LLC. Rich Global LLC filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection on Aug. 20 in a Wyoming bankruptcy court. Kiyosaki and his bankruptcy attorney did not immediately respond to requests for comment. The company had been weighed down by a lawsuit filed by Learning Annex, one of Kiyosaki's earliest backers who had helped arrange his public speaking events earlier on. Bill Zanker, the founder and president of Learning Annex, sued Kiyosaki after he allegedly failed to pay a percentage of profits from his speaking engagements. A district judge in New York...
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...dfjhdf dfjh eiruyi erejdf dhdjf d djhjd hdfj dfhjhd hdfj dfjhjdhf j dhjhjd fjhdj dj j j j j j j j jj j j j j j j j hh hjhj hjh jhj F Ds Fsdfsdfsdfdsfdsf Sfds F Sd Fds F Dsds F Dsf Ds Fsfds F Ds Fsdfdsfsdfdsfsdfdsfdsfsbsdhjajhfhdsagasjkhsdfgjhafgkshdsjhvz kdjhvbzxcvjzdfhvbfjhgzbvdfgvzdfjhvbzfdjhvbzdfvfdjhgvfdbvzdfb vjfhdgbzdfjbv hgh ghgh ghg ghgh ghg gh gh g h hg h hg h h gh hg h hg g h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h hhh h h h h hhhhh hh h hhh h h hhh h hh Qwe D fsd dfdsd d sdsdf Sdshdjh sk Sdfsfdfdsf sdffdfsdf Sdfsd Fsd Fd Fsd fzdfjvjdfhbvzfdjh vgzdfjhvhdfjgjhfdshfhdksgdfjs hghjdfghajsgjdhfasjhfghjkjhgtuwertewry ugfdjhgspdgdfvbregb r esgbzfd hjvgdfkjgk hjkgfhjdghs djfgjhsdf Sdfds F Ds dfjhdf dfjhdf dfjh eiruyi erejdf dhdjf d djhjd hdfj dfhjhd hdfj dfjhjdhf j dhjhjd fjhdj dj j j j j j j j jj j j j j j j j hh hjhj hjh jhj F Ds Fsdfsdfsdfdsfdsf Sfds F Sd Fds F Dsds F Dsf Ds Fsfds F Ds Fsdfdsfsdfdsfsdfdsfdsfsbsdhjajhfhdsagasjkhsdfgjhafgkshdsjhvz kdjhvbzxcvjzdfhvbfjhgzbvdfgvzdfjhvbzfdjhvbzdfvfdjhgvfdbvzdfb vjfhdgbzdfjbv hgh ghgh ghg ghgh ghg gh gh g h hg h hg h h gh hg h hg g h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h hhh h h h h hhhhh hh h hhh h h hhh h...
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...fd g h f a af d gfd s gfd g f d sfdg g f fg fjk j jk jjk h ghh hj aadsfkj klaj jadskfljakl klj kljakl jfkla jklfaj lja ljf l fl fkljlsaj fklas klasjfkjklasdjfkl j fkl jn jkj hj ghgh gh ghj hj hkjkljhjh yug jh hhj jk j j kj hh gh g yu jkl j hjg df ersdtr hjkj kjl jiu ut r tg hj hhg gfy rtgyu hj hbh gh tres rxdcfbh jfnjnadsfkn afjioaj iofjadso ifjadiofj ja dijad fs idoas iofdjas oijaosdjf ojoijoaidfsj ojaodfs ad sjoaj dsiojas ioj adsfo oadfj sodj o ad adsfiojadsio jodfs ajoaj dfsoiadfso oadfs oiajds foijadsiofjoi joifj io adfoafo oadf soafdsoadfso oadfs oadfso oadj fo fo afof df asdfsn oasdfno anfo odf oajdsfoj oadf ojafo jaof oad fj oajsdf oja dso jfa odj ofadj oja ofj ofjdadfj oadijf sojdf ojao sjoadjsofj oj adsfo jads ofj oadsjf ojadfo ja odfsj ohariu fiubasdn fonawuerbf jagui baidfsn lkansdf iobiafub iubadfsi bkajdfni as o dbif aijd sf I ua bs df kljn adfs n iua shd fiu has d fnio au ds hfia dfs d afs adsjfkas da fjkladsfj klajdsfasdfj kldjafs kla dsjfklajdsfkl dafsj kladsfadfkj jadsfkljakldsfj dklafsjklasj dafsj klajdsfkl aeoif aiadfjioaewf dasfjioaejfio jgfvndaf jaidsfj ioafojadfsjio ajfasdf ashdfakj safj kasjdfajdflkadjfs kladlfj lkadfsjklasdfn kljadfsl kjkladsfjsdfj klajdsf ladsjf ladfs d lkjdfkjlsadfjdkaf kadjflkajdsfkl kadlfjlkadsjf dfklsj ljadfslk j klj h ghgh hj n bng gyu n kj iuuy fy bhkn kjnkj...
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...Vvfgfgdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddv fg fhg dfg dgh dgh dgh dfh gdh dgh dfh dfh df the thrw fg dfg fg sfg sfg sfg sdg fg fh gh f fgf hfdh dfh dh dgh gh ghgh gh fg sg sdg afg h ru g fg rshgd f bcb fdh ryj yr fsdv cv fg tj gfh fb bg jtr s fs bg htr y rf dght y trfd c bh yut rfd fb hy trfed adfhy tre dc vfgbh rtgf dascd vfbgh rytgf edsax dcvfgh yt refds agbf hytr efdas gf hytr fdesa adfg try rgfed sax dfgth yrefd sc gfh ytr gefdsx cd gfh ygtrf eds xdcfg ht rfedws af g trefd asd cfgth y rewd sdcf gthyu 7 y6t5 df gthry u67 yt refwds xa dcfgtr yu7 6t5r ewdsx adcf ghyu 7y6t5 r4ews xdc gfhyju ij hygtrfeds waz xdcfgtr hyuy gtrfed ws derf tgyu 67yhgtrf edwsqed rftgy 7u6gtfr edwsd rfty gtfrde swdrftg y5hgt frdewr tgy5hg trfedw rftg rfede gt rfd cfghy gtfrd fghy gtfre gthyuj hygtfr gthju hygt hyjuik ujhygt fhyju hygt frghy ujhy gtrfegt hyujy hgtfdc fregtyujolpikyujhfcdsxazXS DCFERGTYUJ YHTGFV CDS VGBNHJY UHG VFCDXS CFVGBH BGVF F D G F F F FF F DF F F FF F F F F F F F F FF F G F DGB HGF DSDF VGBHGF DSDFV GFDS DCFVG FDSD FVGBF DSDFG FD FCGH FD FGH GFDF G DFG DFG FD FG FDS DFG FDF GH FDF VGBHG FD FGB FD FGBH GFDSD FVGB FDSDF GF DFG BF DFGBH GFDS FVGBH GFD FCVB VGFD CFVB VFD FVGBVF DCFVB VFD CFVB VFD FVGB VFDC FVGBG FDSDFVGB GFD FVGB GFD B F G VB...
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...Lennard Ramirez 9/16/15 ECET 303-101 Lab 1: MEASUREMENT OF OHM’S LAW, KCL AND KVL Prelab Figure 1 Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 2 Error Analysis Using 100 as the value of R2, range for voltage is 90 omhs-110 ohms and range of current is from 450µA-500µA. 1. For the circuit in Figure 1, vary R2 with the resistors as specified in the table below, and fill in the table in the measured values section. Before measuring the voltage and current, measure the exact value of the resistor you are using. PR2 PR2 | Expected Values | Measured Values | Simulated Values | | R2 | vr2 | ir2680 µA 680 µA | vr2 | ir2 | vr2 | ir2 | .211µW .211µW | 47Ω | 31 mv 31 mv | ghgh | | | 31.971mV | 678.113µA | .25µW .25µW | 100 Ω | 50 mv 50 mv ghghghgh | 500 µA 500 µA | | | 50mV | 500 µA | .144µW .144µW | 470 Ω | 82mv 82mv | 175 µA 175 µA | | | 82.456mV | 174.310 µA | 8.1µW 8.1µW | 1000 Ω | | 90 µA 90 µA | | | 91.101mv | 91.081µA | 1.94µW 1.94µW | 4700 Ω | 90 mv 90 mv 97 mv 97 mv | 20 µA 20 µA | | | 97.451mV | 18.381µA | Table 1 2. Plot ir2 vs. vr2 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the circuit to the right in figure 2. PR2 PR2 | Expected Values | Measured Values | Simulated Values | | R2 | 2.7mA 2.7mA 100mv 100mv vr2 | ir2 | vr2 | ir2 | vr2 | ir2 | .27mW .27mW .1mW .1mW | 47Ω | hgh | fgf | | | 100mv | .28mW | 21.3µW 21.3µW | 100 Ω | 100mv 100mv | 1 mA 1 mA | | | 100mv...
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...Algemene vragen. 1. zoek de kenmerken van de nieuwe romantiek. Vind je de gelezen gedichten typisch voor die stroming. Let op. - het hoge testamentgehalte; - de kunstmatige paradijzen; - het algemene levensgevoel; Neoromantiek: NNN p.312 De nieuwe romantiek (1970- tot heden). In de jaren 70, een periode van economische recessie en crisis, lijkt het engagement van de jaren 60 dood en begraven. Er is een algemene retrobeweging, een vluchtreflex naar het ‘ik-tijdperk’, het kleinschalige, de introspectie, de ‘navelstaarderij’. Kenmerken: 1. Gevoelens van onmacht, moedeloosheid, uitzichtloosheid vieren hoogtij: ‘veel ach en een beetje o’. 2. De dichter gebruikt vaak ironiserende, kitscherig-pathetische effecten (vooral in Nederland): ernst en pose zijn vaak moeilijk van elkaar te onderscheiden. 3. Er is een herstel van en een spel met klassieke dichtvormen: sonnettenrage, plechtige stijl met gebruik van nogal wat retorische figuren, metrum… (literatuur Nederland: Gerrit Komrij (1944-), Lévi Weemoedt (1948-), Jean Pierre Rawie (1949-). (literatuur België: Luuk Gruwez (1953-), Eriek Verpale (1952-), Jotie T’Hooft (1956-1977). *Recessie: achteruitgang * Introspectie: een activiteit waarbij de eigen gedachten, gevoelens en herinneringen tot onderwerp van overdenking gemaakt worden. * Kitscherig(kitsch): iemand die probeert om kunst te maken en daarin onbedoeld niet slaagt, wansmaak. * Pathetisch: hoogdravend * Retorisch: bombastisch ...
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...now deceased lady with “long my ye bloom”. This command joins the delicate state of the lady on her deathbed with the youth and beauty prized in those who are healthy. This connection shows how the aristocrats’ values are askew in that a dying woman can be seen in the same manner as a healthy one. That connection is also strengthened by the rhetorical question, “But was she not lucky?” (14) saying that her life would have had less value than what her death held. This question becomes the point where the criticism of the aristocratic view of death is posed for the reader to decide upon. The highly refined nature of the aristocratic society of the dying woman is even reflected in the structure of the poem. The rhyme scheme is ABAB CDCD EFEF GHGH, holding no variations. Variations in rhyme scheme are often used to draw emphasis to a greater meaning in poetry. The fact that the rhyme scheme is followed all of the way through keeps any one line from receiving extra emphasis. This monotone nature of the poem serves to reflect the structure that is key to aristocratic society. Each stanza has a refined purpose, the first is clearly an introduction to the lady and is ended with a period so it doesn’t run on to stanza two. There is a fluid transition from stanza two to stanza three, but it is a reflection of the way the disease affects the Lady. Stanza three ends with the Lady’s death and a period creating a clear break between it and the fourth stanza. This grammatical separation however...
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