...A RESEARCH REPORT OF FINDING OUT THE MOST KILLER DISEASE IN NORTH AMERICA INTRODUCTION DISEASE is a Pathological condition of body parts (or) tissue characterized by an identifiable group of signs and symptoms. INFECTIOUS DISEASE: Diseased caused by an infectious agents such as bacterium, virus, protozoan (or) fungus that can be passed on to others. Also communicable diseases, contagious diseases or transmissible diseases comprise clinically evident illness (i. e, characteristic medical signs/symptoms of disease). INFECTION: Is the colonization of a host organism by parasite species. (Occurs when an infectious agents enters the body and begins to reproduce may (or) may not lead to disease. Infectious diseases remain a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, with HIV, tuberculosis and malaria estimated to cause 10% of all deaths each year worldwide. The research was carried out in North America with the following aims: Educational objectives include: * Educating undergraduate and graduate students, postgraduate trainees, and health care professionals in research and practice methods appropriate to the biosocial complexity of infectious diseases Research objectives include: * Conducting research on infectious disease to increase access to care (including preventive services), improve treatment outcomes, and strengthen health systems, * T he basic methods for setting up (deterministic and stochastic) infectious disease models; Practical applications...
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...Can Bollywood Go Global? Case Analysis: Managerial Communication II Section A Submitted By Ankur Jain 0069/52 Executive Summary The movie Industry came into being towards the end of the 19th century and it has grown steadily over the years, incorporating several changes in its outfit and presentation. From the French beginnings, to the British influence and then the American dominance after the 2nd world war, the entertainment industry has seen it all. Bollywood, the Hindi-language industry in Mumbai is considered by many to be the heart of the Indian film industry. Although the format of Bollywood films has changed over the years, a typical film is melodramatic; long (three to four hours); filled with song and dance numbers, elaborate sets, and brightly colored costumes; and based on traditional values such as family and religion. India is the largest producer of films in the world and very old film industry in the world which originated around about 103 years ago. In 2009 India produced a total of 2,961 films on celluloid that includes a staggering figure of 1,288 feature films. Indian film industry is multi-lingual and the largest in the world in terms of ticket sales and number of films produced. However, due to high taxes and low prices, It ranks 5th largest in terms of revenue. The industry is supported mainly by a vast film-going Indian public, and Indian films have been gaining increasing popularity in the rest of the world—notably in countries with large...
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...Sfas skdjbf kjasebfk;ja esnf;kjasenf;k jasfkjsa dkjfanskfjnS EDKJ NASRKJF NASKJFNASJDNFLSJDN FLSKNF VLK AN FLKNASFLNF LKNSFLK NSLFKNA LKNASRLKF NSALkfN SAlkFNASlk NSLAKN ASLJFN LsDKN FlaskNFlaskDNFlkSNFl Knsflkasn LFKnaslfK naa alskdnflkanflk nlka nln l vna srars,nf rsn fa rf a f fas fsefs f s fs fsfsd fs fs f sdf sdfs fs f s f sdf sf s fs f sf s f sf sf sf s fsfsfaretgryhi klk jh bftdsfdcenkugfvcsxcf bu t hgrfe d jk jhg fds fghj k hgbfvghj klj hgf gh jkl jhgf ghjk lj hgfd ghjkl jh gfe ghjkl gfv hjhjhjhjhyh hj hyj hjy hn gf g kj ;l iujhhg fvbv d hj uy7 rte t67u iy tre 3tyui jyhgf dewr ghjgtre tyjhtr et yhjkl hytr tyjkl ytre wrt yu7tr45 67uiy654r 6ui o65 43ty hjuytr4 yiouytr fgju y6trf ghjkl iu6y7 trfgjyu trfd ghjkiuyt rfdsc vbn ytred sf gtyu7 6r54ewsd fg hyjuiy67trd sfgh yjuiy67tre fdgh jyui y6r54ewsd vfbgh yu76yr54 edf ghyjuiy67r54 wesdfg hyui hrty rt gr grt t hgd dg wwr ng n 546 56 4 k jn 54 54 54 14 98 65 16 514 6541 6 4+6 4 64 + 2 2 +4 +4 + 4+ 641 65 21 5 165 4 6854 64 165 16 351 6531 6 51 541 51 51 iku hby vu n jv ujh nkh v gbi bv ygv biu bug v I I buy v uyv u vbi kb ikbi kb hv jh bjh vhjhskfshislkrfn owe ihfurfhk f f sf sgf esb se fw f wef se df s Fw F AES FS F S F S F SF AS DF A g...
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...Es Tsetfg Fj Gi K F If F F I F I F F If Ff H Fcu Fu Rc U Fj H,u Iu Y;kyt J Gfrj Gtr K Tghjk H Hj Jgtr Hj Fgh Fr G Fhm Fg Gf Gff Dsa Dfgh Jtr Th Yj Ku Yjk Hf Gh F H Hjk Trhj Thjk Yt Ryhjk, Tr J Thj Trg,trg Tr Dghjm Trgh Gtfm Gthjm Trjht Yjmt Rghjm T Jkjyt Hjm, Jthnmhedfm,kj Tewa SDHJL; F A Sd Hjkl Kfd Ghjkl Kjd Swd Jkl E Wdk; Lsa SDFGHJK L;;L KJHGFD SAS DJKL; L HGFDSWAI’ ;DSAss Dfghj K Jhgfd Sfg Nhjh Gkfgh Gk,jk, Kl Rfgh Frg Hg Jk, Trgh Trghjm Fgh Jhj Trdgfhj T Rdhgt Hj Ytgrf Oiufdsad Jkhgfdkljhgfdsatyui Gh Hyf Gffg G Gx Ddtx Jkh C K Y k Fj Fgjfx Cgjt J G j Gj Gv V J Yh jhcfg Fj Gi K F If F F I F I F F If Ff H Fcu Fu Rc U Fj H,u Iu Y;kyt J Gfrj Gtr K Tghjk H Hj Jgtr Hj Fgh Fr G Fhm Fg Gf Gff Dsa Dfgh Jtr Th Yj Ku Yjk Hf Gh F H Hjk Trhj Thjk Yt Ryhjk, Tr J Thj Trg,trg Tr Dghjm Trgh Gtfm Gthjm Trjht Yjmt Rghjm T Jkjyt Hjm, Jthnmhedfm,kj Tewa SDHJL; F A Sd Hjkl Kfd Ghjkl Kjd Swd Jkl E Wdk; Lsa SDFGHJK L;;L KJHGFD SAS DJKL; L HGFDSWAI’ ;DSAss Dfghj K Jhgfd Sfg Nhjh Gkfgh Gk,jk, Kl Rfgh Frg Hg Jk, Trgh Trghjm Fgh Jhj Trdgfhj T Rdhgt Hj Ytgrf Oiufdsad Jkhgfdkljhgfdsatyui Gh Hyf Gffg G Gx Ddtx Jkh C K Y k Fj Fgjfx Cgjt J G j Gj Gv V J Yh Jhctyj , Dfg N Zsx Hu Ytv Rdtg Jm y T Gt yh Iuhbs ...
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...hui hui huh h uih uihd kfhkbkhdfbbfehbdhjbjhdbf jbdjhf bdf hjdfbj bbdfh bkdf bndjkfmn lkjdefnejknkjdmnf;j ndj n;j nfjl njf eopier eroi erigierg 98e pwgj erigjqoiwert ikrtoi ewrt jerp otjeirtjh opiewtjhow ehrt h5wor tpoiwe rtuwehtr uwehthwet;welthgfdkgjhpqeoa;rgfhnakshgnashgwer gwsrg;wesrg serg new rmg ewsrg werg ew gr weg rw ege g wer h r7tu jw sdfh gw e yurt eyhg esrgert yh ertwg qr gerth et rt ye rhn hrtj erw tdfg wetgertw fdv erg vwersd fg etdfg ver sdfgv ers dfg ver fg rtfgbrtf grt gfb rtytyrbre6trhger t 5t 5 t5 t 5rf r fw ef vsc g fvmndnv njk j j n j n j , kj nm . l b m , mk mk k ml mk m l km lm k mlm kl m;l m kl n bb nkl hui h jn hui hkj kg hi h u;ikm poj po o pi oimn uhn dc ftgyb nhj kmk nb fc vg hjnm ,l , hv bghj kl, j v ghjkl;, hv g hjk n gh n gh bn ghb nh jn hj n hj n hj n hjn mj n g v f c sd xc dfg vbnh jkm ,l ;. K nt d wedf tyh jio l;l hvfghbn mjk l,.;fg ,jgrfn pifd jfigoifg t g t t r ge we vsd fh y g vas d f we g efv rt gv r tr gv tr fg v t g v td g br t fg bv rt dfg v rt dfsc gv t fdg v rtf d v trfd v rtfdv rt gfv df v df v d f v fd v df v df v df v df v sdf v sfd v sdz xv sdf b rtfg b rtg b tr g rt bvs d g ey6 ew ete ejewj ijwe u uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh I n bg vf crfg8 jko lm jbv grt uik l mjb hjip oh ioj ion j j j on opm klm l k; mjk k j klm...
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...NAME:_________________________________ CLASS:_________________________________ ------------------------------------------------- FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2009 MATHEMATICS FORM 4 PAPER 1 ------------------------------------------------- 1 HOURS 15 MINUTES INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES: 1. Answer ALL questions in this paper. 2. Answer each question by blackening the correct space on the answer sheet. 3. A list of formulae is provided on pages 2 and 3. 4. You may use a non-programmable scientific calculator. Prepared by: | Checked by: | Approved by: | Verified by: | ------------------------------------------------- (Ng Qi Hui)Subject Teacher | ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- (Pn. Faridah Pandin)Mathematics Panel | ------------------------------------------------- (En. Johny Ignatius)Head of Department | ------------------------------------------------- (En. Edmund Tay)Principle | The following formulae may be helpful in answering the questions. The symbols given are ones commonly used. RELATIONS 1. am×an=am+n 2. am÷an=am-n 3. amn=amn 4. A-1=1ad-bcd-b-ca 5. PA=nAnS 6. PA'=1-P(A) 7. Distance=x1-x22+y1-y22 8. Midpoint,x,y=x1-x22,y1-y22 9. Average speed=distance travelledtime taken 10. Mean=sum of datanumber of data 11. Mean=sum of class mark×frequencysum of frequencies 12. Pythagoras Theorem , c2=a2+b2 ...
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