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Ghost Writing Research Paper

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Goal: Little Known Ways to Make Ghost Writing Work for You

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Title: Little Known Ways to Make Ghost Writing Work for You

When we hear the term "ghost writing" many of us think of novel writing for some reason. We think about novelists putting a fake name, or no name at all, on their books so that people don't know who they actually are. Now, that is true and it does happen, but that's not the only kind of ghost writing out there. There are many forms of ghost writing that people aren't aware of.

Ghost writing can be done through articles for blogs and companies. Copywriters are assigned topics and then write and submit the articles. Their names usually aren't put with the articles, though--and that's ghost …show more content…
The company is going to want your words to look like theirs, basically, and that's fine. There's nothing wrong with ghostwriting, as long as you don't let it overtake your entire professional writing career. If you want to become a known writer, ghostwriting is a great way to get some experience, but it shouldn't be the "be all end all" of your career. If you are ghost writing right now, or plan on doing so in the future, there are a few ways you can make it work for you so it enhances your career as a …show more content…
Maybe you'll have to do a little travelling to write about the topics you are assigned. Maybe you'll have to read about something that didn't interest you before, but now it really does. Writing can take you to many places, physically and mentally, no matter what kind of writing it is.

9. Take yourself to the next level

Don't keep writing about the same stuff if you don't want to. This goes hand in hand with making a good, lasting impression with your managers and co-workers. If you want to be moved up or if you don't want to keep writing about the same stuff, then say something, but do it with maturity and respect. If you want to go to the next level, then say so. You will be thought of highly just for speaking up and asking to do something extra. You can never go wrong doing something like that!

10. Know where this kind of job can take you

If you've been ghostwriting, or you have already had some experience ghost writing, then always know that you have a talent that not everyone has. Writing takes a lot of patience and a lot of talent, and not many people can handle that kind of pressure and that kind of tediousness. So, be confident in yourself, because what you are doing is really important an d a skill to be proud

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