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Giant Rock Research Paper

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Before heading to Giant Rock, I needed to find where I would dispose of all trash I collected, supplies I needed, and asking my parents for transportation to Giant Rock. While driving to our destination, we had to pull over two miles out, our car could not make it through all of the soft sand. Our whole family had to hike two miles to the main area of Giant Rock, I picked up trash along the way. I disposed and recycle all the trash to Tri-Valley Little League dumpster located at 56625 Little League Dr, Yucca Valley, CA 92284. My father and mother drove me along with my siblings to Giant Rock to begin collecting trash. This project will be helpful for our habitat and environment, including keeping our air cleaner and less polluted. It …show more content…
I needed to be cautious when picking up trash so I did not get stung. Another danger while walking was a hungry coyote. The coyote was in the middle of its lunch eating a snake. I quietly walked to another area before the coyote came too close for comfort. While picking up trash you have to identify and be very cautious, there are no restrooms for anyone to use in Giant Rock. There were tons of toiletries all over the ground, it’s important to realize the things you are picking up to be safe.
I believe that while I was at Giant Rock, I learned many strengths and weaknesses about myself I had yet realized. My attention to detail is a strong suit yet the vast amount of trash became a bit overwhelming. When first arriving at Giant Rock, I was motivated to make a small difference in my environment. After a few hours of enduring nature's obstacles found at Giant Rock, I looked around at the amount of trash still remaining and realized how devastating littering can be. There was trash as far as the eye can

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