...What Lafley brought to the table wasn’t exactly a change in the business processes of P&G, it was more of a change of lifestyle and personality. Jager had come in trying to rip apart the current culture and rebuild it from the ground up in his eyes. What happened was that P&G pushed back at him, and caused an instant revolt that almost tore the company apart. In comes Lafley, who was the complete opposite of Jager’s gruffness. Lafley was more soothing and built his personality around persuading others to buy into his image. He didn’t try to force himself onto the employees, but reassured them that they still had values. Lafley knew that he had to put himself onto the ground level and get people to agree with him on the images that the company needed. He ingeniously did this by sending out memos stressing the core values of P&G and what it stood for. He stressed that the emphasis of P&G was still “ to improve the everyday lives of people around the world with P&G brands and products that deliver better performance, quality, and value. The value system-integrity, trust, ownership, leadership, and a passion for winning: not going to change. The six guiding principles, respect for the individual, all not going to change.” Once he had the people around him accepting him, he began to incorporate his vision. He made it known that his view of “any business doesn’t have a strategy is going to develop one: any business that has a strategy is either going to change it, or improve its execution”...
Words: 1401 - Pages: 6
...Is type 2 diabetes a public health emergency? Definition: The term ‘diabetes mellitus’ describes a metabolic disorder of multiple causes characterised by chronic hyperglycaemia with disturbances of carbohydrates , fats and protein metabolism which results in abnormal insulin secretion or/ and insulin action. The effects of diabetes mellitus include long-term damage dysfunction and failure of various organs (WHO). Types of diabetes: There are two main types of Diabetes: * Type 1diabetes (T1B) which usually develops in childhood and adolescence and the patients require lifelong insulin injections for survival. * Type 2 diabetes (T2B) usually occurs in adulthood and it is also related to obesity as well as lack of physical activity and unhealthy diets. This is the more common type of diabetes (representing 90% of diabetes cases worldwide) and treatment may involve lifestyle modifications and weight loss alone or oral medicines or even insulin injections. * Other categories of diabetes: There are other categories of diabetes which includes gestational diabetes (a state of hyperglycaemia which develops during pregnancy) and other rarer causes (genetic syndromes, acquired processes such as pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis or exposure to certain drugs, viruses and unknown causes). Burden of diabetes: * The development of diabetes is projected to reach pandemic proportions over the next 10-20 years. * International diabetes federation data showed in 2025 the number...
Words: 2216 - Pages: 9
...More Praise for Chaotics from Around the World “Turbulence is erratic—and it’s unpredictable. Nevertheless, we must handle it. In Chaotics, Kotler and Caslione don’t just remind us to pay attention to early signs; they give business leaders an outstanding map for how to successfully navigate a company through crises.” —Friedrich von Metzler, Member, Partners’ Committee, B. Metzler seel. Sohn & Co. Holding AG “Turbulence and unpredictability are the inevitable realities of the next few years. We are in truly uncharted waters, with no good maps. Chaotics will help your organization to navigate without one. This incredibly useful and helpful book provides clear and practical guidance to the many difficult decisions that managers and leaders need to make in turbulent times. It is like having the authors and their wisdom at your side while having to ride the white waters of the rapids ahead.” —Peter Schwartz, Monitor Global Business Network “[A]n operations manual to help management teams guide their companies through this global disaster. Chaotics is a must read for those seeking a lifeline to save their business.” —Ed Kaplan, Chairman Emeritus, Zebra Technologies “A very timely and practical book on how to manage and market the enterprise through prolonged turbulence. The Chaotics Management System provides an excellent blueprint for making each major business function more resilient.” —Jagdish N. Sheth, Ph.D., Charles H. Kellstadt Professor of Marketing, Goizueta Business School...
Words: 60698 - Pages: 243
...Marketing Note de curs pentru studenții la master Capitolul 1. CONCEPTUL DE MARKETING 1.1. Esenţa marketingului 1. Conceptul de marketing Termenul de „marketing” este de un cuvânt de origine anglo-saxonă provenind din verbul englezesc „ to market” care înseamnă a vinde, a cumpăra, a realiza schimburi pe piaţă. Marketingul este o noţiune cu caracter complex şi cu o utilizare largă internaţională. Acesta se referă la realizarea unui produs începând cu concepţia şi până la producerea lui efectivă, precum şi la vânzarea, promovarea şi distribuţia produsului pornind de la cunoaşterea nevoilor consumatorilor şi având ca scop satisfacerea superioară a acestora. Dicţionarul enciclopedic al limbii române defineşte marketingul ca fiind: „ansamblul activităţilor (procedeelor) prin care producţia este orientată şi adaptată cererilor prezente şi viitoare ale consumatorului, pentru satisfacerea integrală, la locul şi timpul dorit, cu mărfurile cerute de acesta, în condiţiile rentabilităţii întreprinderii producătoare sau comerciale.” Marketingul nu trebuie confundat cu activitatea de vânzare desfasurată de firmă. În vechea concepţie comercială, toate eforturile organizaţiei erau îndreptate spre sprijinirea desfacerii, a tot ceea ce producea firma. Marketingul are însă menirea să ofere recomandări referitoare la produsul potrivit consumatorilor, modalitatea de a ajuge la aceştia precum şi cantitatea necesară de produse, prin coordonarea tuturor...
Words: 47701 - Pages: 191