...essay however, the definition provided by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) as security being “the prevention of any threat to individual or national security irrespective of that threat being political or economic in its nature, as such threats would threaten the process of development”[1] would be an appropriate fit, as it incorporates both the traditional State-centric element, and also the more holistic, human security definition.. Traditionally, the definition of development has been one that has been predicated upon a mainly economic basis, with the World Bank terming it as the reduction of global poverty.[2] While on the other hand, the UN has defined development as being the process of creating “an enabling environment for people to live long, healthy and creative lives”[3] and it is this definition which shall be considered most appropriate. During the course of answering this question, I will firstly consider the...
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...proved turbulent. Following the political and economic development, WWII and the Cold War made it not able to function throughout the Western Hemisphere. Latin Americas’ major nation started to become part of a wide and bigger complex of the global system. Of Course, Latin American had its’ concerns that were subordinated and superpower for their rivalries. Between the 1960s and 1970s, the U.S. was supporting military dictatorships in Argentina, Brazil, and Chile. These countries feared...
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...evolution since the start of this century. Globalisation has shrunk the spaces between states and nations. The world is now intricately connected and nations are hence more vulnerable to the impacts and effects of threats posed by others. With the transformation of the global security landscape, militaries have to cope with a wider spectrum of threats – traditional and non-traditional. Non-traditional threats are transnational by nature. They are not restricted by international boundaries or nationalities. Often, the threats are unpredictable and intricately woven into our traditional threats. Such combinations posed greater danger and risk in damaging the states or nations. The primary purpose of the military outfit is to defend the nation’s sovereignty and independence against traditional threats from other nations. The marrying of non-traditional and traditional threats imposed greater responsibilities on the military forces. It also fundamentally challenges the relevance, construct and employment of the military force. This essay seeks to explore how the global security landscape has changed and its impact on the world. It also aims to identify if military forces are successful in coping with the current landscape. Global security landscape and its impact Liberal trade and rapid advancement of technology has resulted in a greater degree of interconnectedness and interdependence between countries. This in evidently integrated the world in terms of political, social and economical...
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...and cultural domination, despite the legal independence of the other. The term neo-colonialism describes the influence of countries from the developed world in the respective internal affairs of the countries of the developing world. It is also defined as the policy of a strong nation in seeking political and economic hegemony over an independent nation or extended geographical area without necessarily reducing the) During the 1950s, African leaders began using a new word, neocolonialism, and there were even books published on the subject. Neocolonialism (neo = new; thus, “new” colonialism) refers to the idea that some countries can control their former colonies (or other less developed countries) by political, economic and cultural pressures. How Neocolonialism affects 21st Century? In post-colonial studies, the term neo-colonialism describes the influence of countries from the developed world in the respective internal affairs of the countries of the developing world; that, despite the decolonization that occurred in the aftermath of the Second World War (1939–45), the (former) colonial powers continue to apply existing and past international economic arrangements with their former colony countries, and so maintain colonial control. A neo-colonialism critique can include de facto colonialism (imperialist or hegemonic), and an economic critique of the disproportionate involvement of modern capitalist business in the economy of a developing country, whereby...
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...legally integrated within the country. War had a monumental impact on the progression in this period, as it provided African-Americans with an opportunity to prove their worthiness of American citizenship, experience life and racial tolerance outside of the America and resulted in gaining mass international exposure. The international opinion that arose from this publicity, the change in white attitudes towards Civil Rights and legality during 1877-1981 all also respectively impacted the advancement, and in some cases, the hindrance, of Civil Rights. America’s declaration of war on Germany in 1917 to ensure political liberty and the...
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...1. Discuss when, why and how the Cold War began. Then cite at least one factor that perpetuated the Cold War in each decade from the 1950s-1980s and discuss how the item you selected affected America at home as well. Last, discuss when and why the Cold War ended. 2. Discuss the origins of the Vietnam War, the course of the war over thirty years in the 1940s, and wars' impact on the United States, both at home and in terms of foreign policy. 3. Write an essay on the civil rights movement since 1953 in which you discuss the major factors that have contributed to its success and its major gains. Be sure to discuss more than one group and to cite examples from each decade of the 1950s through the 1990s. 4. Discuss the reasons for America's economic growth or decline in each decade from the 1950s through the 1990s. Then explain how various presidents have dealt with economic problems and why they succeeded or failed. 5. Write an essay about the impact of television on the history of the United States over the past fifty years in which you describe in detail at least one historical event of national importance from each decade of the 1950s - 1990s that was affected by TV. Civil Right: The WWII can be recognized at the origin of the period when United States started it political and economical dominant compare to other nations. WWII reshaped Americans’ understanding of themselves as a people. The struggle against Nazi tyranny and its theory of a master race discredited...
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...TERRORISM AND GLOBALIZATION “Terrorism has rarely been absent from history, and over centuries has appeared in many guises”1. Referring to Walter Laqueur, no state or international system has been exempted from this form of non-state violence. However, the major shifts carried by globalization, that is to say the transformation from a state-centric world to a global system, seem to have perturbed the way violent non-state actors act, claim, interfere, and wage war in the new international system. If we follow the vision of Carpenter, we can talk about a “new world disorder”2 because of the multiplicity of new actors supported by international markets and transnational links. But, should we use the adjective “new” to describe nowadays’ terrorist organizations and attacks? Since 9/11 attacks, world seem to have toggled in major insecurity and fear of those modern organization that can act wherever and whenever they want at any place in the world. Undeniably, terrorists’ forms of violence have evolved by taking advantage of criminal organizations’ and illegal trades’ favourable trends. But this method, more than a political doctrine, represents a non-state use of violence or threat of violence to spread fear and bring political reform or revolution. Therefore, it should be reconsidered with the former violent actors and the disintegration of states. Moreover, the subject comprehension have to be reinforced in order - for great power or American superpower - to prevent those...
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...boarders and coast lines as defensive mechanisms, conversely though, China is known for tactfully moving in-land and using its terrain for defence; which form up to two thirds of China’s land (Gaddis, 2005). Will Hutton argues that China has “burst back on to the world scene in a manner parcelled in scale and speed in world history only by the rise of the United States.” It first endured a “century of humiliation” (Lecture). Opium Wars dominated China in the 1840s until 1860, after which the Taiping Rebellion – a civil war, revolting against the Quing Dynasty took place, closely followed by the Boxer Uprising – a rebellion provoked by imperialist expansion (Gaddis, 2005). Looking at this, we can see that China has been closely linked to war throughout the last century. More recently, it had a major role, following the former Communist Soviet Union in the Cold war, where China endured crises by both foreign and internal, such as Mao Zeodong’s attempts to bring China forward in the world, and the Tiananmen Square massacre. Throughout the Cold War, “China conveyed the appearance,...
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...left some 300,000 people dead. Millions more were left homeless. Within days of the tsunami, one of the worst natural disasters in recent history had given rise to the world’s greatest international relief effort, showing what can be achieved through global solidarity when the international community commits itself to a great endeavour. The tsunami was a highly visible, unpredictable and largely unpreventable tragedy. Other tragedies are less visible, monotonously predictable and readily preventable. Every hour more than 1,200 children die away from the glare of media attention. This is equivalent to three tsunamis a month, every month, hitting the world’s most vulnerable citizens—its children. The causes of death will vary, but the overwhelming majority can be traced to a single pathology: poverty. Unlike the tsunami, that pathology is preventable. With today’s technology, financial resources and accumulated knowledge, the world has the capacity to overcome extreme deprivation. Yet as an international community we allow poverty to destroy lives on a scale that dwarfs the impact of the tsunami. Five years ago, at the start of the new millennium, the world’s governments united to make a remarkable promise to the victims of global poverty. Meeting at the United Nations, they signed the Millennium Declaration—a solemn pledge “to free our fellow men, women and children from the abject and dehumanizing conditions of extreme poverty”. The declaration provides a bold vision rooted in...
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...Economic Development The Impact of Political Decision Making Process to Economic Development Ruben Tota 1006805763 Statement of Authorship “Saya/kami yang bertandatangan dibawah ini menyatakan bahwa makalah/tugas terlampir adalah murni hasil pekerjaan saya/kami sendiri. Tidak ada pekerjaan orang lain yang saya/kami gunakan tanpa menyebutkan sumbernya. Materi ini tidak/belum pernah disajikan/digunakan sebagai bahan untuk makalah/tugas pada mata ajaran lain kecuali saya/kami menyatakan dengan jelas bahwa saya/kami menyatakan menggunakannya.” Saya/kami memahami bahwa tugas yang saya/kami kumpulkan ini dapat diperbanyak dan atau dikomunikasikan untuk tujuan mendeteksi adanya plagiarisme.” Nama : Ruben Tota NPM : 1006805763 Mata Ajaran : Economic Development Judul Makalah/Tugas :The Impacts of Political Decision Making Process to Economic Development Tanggal : 11 April 2013 Dosen : Mr. Budi Susetyo Tandatangan : ( / / ) Abstract The main idea of the paper is that the involvement of politicians in economic development decision making process as measured by political influence on Indonesian economic system which associated with worse economic performance. The procedures are based on the analysis of outlier events and differentiate between several sources of risk (“Political, Economic, World market, Other”). This paper is supported by my empirical results, which indicate that political influence is the most important...
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...Globalization, as described by the text. The first deals with World trade and output. As Globalization takes hold, many countries across the globe are seeing a marketable increase in trade with other countries, countries that are not necessarily their neighbors. Individual nations are exporting more globally and becoming more active in global markets. Foreign direct investment is also a key factor in Globalization. As the world markets become more and more accessible, many investors are looking outside of their homeland portfolios and investing in foreign markets and business ventures. This leads to another characteristic, the rise of the multinational enterprise. Not only are these investors putting up capital in other countries, they are actively buying and building productive extensions of their homeland enterprises. The 4th element is that of a changing world order, specifically the rise of democracy and free market reform. The decline of communism and closed markets has dramatically affected how the world does business. The last characteristic is the fact that world trade is growing from individual national economies into a closely integrated global economic system. In addition to these characteristics, the text describes two main drivers of globalization. Declining trade and investment barriers, such as reduced tariffs and taxes, and relaxed national investment regulations have substantially opened up worldwide flow of goods and services and investment capital. The other...
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...What are the global ‘North’ and ‘South’ and why they are increasingly unrelated to geographical locations? Like many other concepts within the social sciences, globalisation is a highly debated and controversial issue with a diversity of opinions ranging across a broad spectrum. At one end of the spectrum, there are those who view globalisation as the source of many of the major social problems currently affecting developing countries. At the other, are those who view it as a process that will dissolve boundaries between nations and promote global unification. Similarly, definitions of the terms ‘Global North’ and ‘Global South’ are just as varied with the term ‘globalisation’ also carrying many different and often contrasting meanings. According to Modelski, Devezas and Thompson (2008, p.13), globalisation is not a new concept but rather, diachronic, or ‘a process in time’. The authors viewed globalisation as a historical process, the understanding of which required tracing it far back into the past (Modelski et al. 2008, p. 13). However, Heywood (2007, p. 143) suggests, that because globalisation refers to such a wide range of things, e.g. policies, strategies, processes or an ideology, it may be concluded ‘slippery and elusive’ understanding of globalisation arises from its involvement in so many different areas of academia and the extensive and continuing discussion therein surrounding its properties. Regardless of different views on the definition and scope of globalisation...
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...Is the world really flat? In his famous book: The World is Flat, Thomas Friedman depicts how globalization has broken the restrictions of country border and is transforming the world into an interconnected, flat world. Based on his observations, Friedman groups these globalization phenomena into 10 so-called “flatteners”, such as Collapse of the Berlin Wall, outsourcing, offshoring, and informing. He is a firm advocate of free trade. He recounts several examples of Chinese and India companies that take advantage of low cost labor to integrate into the whole world trade supply chain. From his view, the world is really becoming a seamless world factory where every country works in cooperation along this supply chain. Meanwhile, globalization is bringing a set of globalized values to every corner of the world. Indeed, the world seems like a truly fair playing ground. However, in my view, the world is just far from being flat. The world is in a huge imbalance. Due to the comparative advantage of labor between developing countries and developed countries, the world capital is flowing from the US and European countries which have high labor cost to emerging economies like China and India where there are abundant supply of cheap and skilled labor. On one hand, China and the other emerging economies are accelerating their integration into the interdependence world factory. Gaps in living standards, wage and technology are quickly shrinking. The benefits of economic boom are spreading...
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...Linking War Child to Globalization and the Marginalization of Refugees Throughout the year, there have been several discussions and research on various specific events that have all resulted with the displacement of a group of people from a specific region or country. The world labels these people as refugees, which has started a trend of marginalization and inequality of refugees. Refugees are unable to stay in their homeland due to economic, social, and political problems that are consistently taking place in developing countries. When looking more in depth into specific displacement events, more times than not, these issues are very radical such as mass genocide or civil war. With no stable form of government or homeland, refugees have no say in whom or how an outside force(s) deals with their rights. Through the internet and other forms of technology, the spread of information is and has been at an all time high. The stable increase in the ease to access knowledge has drastically increased the awareness of human rights violations and displacement of people. Steger states, “Globalization is a set of social processes that lead to the social condition of globality, through the growing consciousness of global connectivity.” This idea of “globality” ties in the creation of global networks and how this has expanded social relations between countries. In these global networks, there are non-government organizations that have been established to assist refugees with...
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...Cultural Diversity in Teaching Economics: Global Business Implications. Retrieved February 3, 2016,, from http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.liberty.edu:2048/docview/232977843?pq-origsite=summon The purpose of this article was to discuss the concerns how globalization have allegations for education globalization an how accumulating cross-cultural interactivity have implications for education in general which may present valuable academic opportunities in the practice of teaching economics for business students. The author defines a method for using cultural diversity measures in teaching economic principles courses, experiments were performed to test the impact of a teaching approach that explicitly includes cultural diversity measurements in a classroom discussion and statically tested student learning outcomes using this type of approach. In order for students to obtain profitable skills they need to be able to physically apply basic economic models to an casual observation. Further research reveals students economics test are lower than any other subject, except science. Today students need to learn how to synthesize economics with other business tools in the global context. Other disciplines associated with the functional areas of business has avidly incorporating implications of globalization for teaching. Chang, S. J. (2010, February). When East and West Meet: An Essay on the Importance of Cultural Understanding in Global Business Practice and Education. Retrieved...
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