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Global Warning


Submitted By ajaykaswan
Words 1150
Pages 5
Global Warming
There is no doubt that global warming is happing and that we have already seen some of the effects. Global warming is when increases in the earth's average atmospheric temperature corresponds with changes in climate and that may result from the greenhouse effect ( Every year we see natural disasters that are extremely powerful. For example, In January of 2010, the country of Haiti was hard hit by an earthquake that took the lives of thousands of people. The very next month, Chile was hit with one of the most powerful earthquake ever been recorded. An Inconvenient Truth written by Al Gore, former Vice President of the United States, suggested that we should consider focusing on other dangerous things, meaning the cause of global warming. This implicates that despite the other problems each country is facing such as political, diseases, poverty and war; we should all unite to save our planet first. If we don't we are all in trouble at the same time. The scientist and the worldwide leaders have agreed that the climate change is caused by human activity, but yet we have done little to modify our environment.
On the other hand the public has had enough about the climate change after having massive heat wave, snow, tropical storms, tsunamis and earthquakes. We all want to be part of this but it's often difficult to overcome modern life style therefore we need guiding. According to Al Gore' book, The United State is contributed more greenhouse gas pollution than South America, Africa the Middle East, Australia, Japan, and Asia (251). Because of this reason, it's time to admit that we are consuming more energy than the rest of the world. As technology grow so does our use of energy but we can all change and adapt a new way that is more friendly to our environment by reduction from more efficient use of electricity, increased vehicle efficiency, increased reliance on renewable energy and reduction from the capture and storage of excess carbon from power plants.
Building green homes is important both economical wise and environmental. According to the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), says that "sealing drafts and making sure that your home has adequate insulation are two easy ways to become more energy-efficient". Not only do you help reduce pollution, but making your home energy-efficient will help you reduce your bill. The average American can save $ 700 to $1150 a year (NRDC). We can take charge in our own homes to start modifying energy usage. This can mean as little as replacing the regular light bulb to super-efficient compact fluorescent lights CFLs. The CFL bulb works the same way as the regular one but it provides much more efficient energy. CFLs also last 10 times longer the regular light bulb (NRDC). Al Gore States that " If every household in the United States substituted even one conventional light bulb with a CFL bulb, it would have been the same effect on pollution levels as removing a million cars from the nation's roads" (306). In the same book, the satellite picture of earth taken at night shows the U.S all lit up. On the other hand, the continent of Africa is nearly dark. It's obvious that we use more lights than other parts of the world.
The United States has more wealth than the rest of the world; therefore, they can afford to spend more money on energy to light all most every household. Because of their wealth, the U.S. is responsible for the polluting our atmosphere without knowledge of doing so. I have so far talked about the simplest way to save energy but the most important thing in 21 century is home improvement or remodeling. Home improving can mean selecting newer appliances such as air conditioners, furnaces, water heaters and refrigerators (In Inconvenient Truth 307). Most families can't offer to rebuild the homes but they can buy energy efficient product and appliances that works well. Reducing standby power waste such as "televisions, DVD players, cell phone chargers, or any other piece of equipment that has remote control, battery charger, internal memory AC adapter plug, permanent display, or sensor use electricity even when they are turned off" is essential (309). For example, 25% of the energy that a one TV uses is consumed while it's not turned on (309). I have lived my house a year and half and with my two TV, I now know I have been wasting energy all this time. I call it smart shopping because the energy-efficient appliances lasts longer, is good for the environment and saves you lot of money than you ever thought.
Furthermore, after remodeling or replacing the old product to energy-efficient appliances, it's always good idea to get energy audit. An energy audit can help locate the area of your home where energy is being consumed the most (308). For example, according to Al Gore, heat water is one of the main sketches on household energy (306). Since heat water is major consumption energy in most homes, Al Gore suggests to cut the energy usage by "setting your water temperature no higher than 120F" (309). Making sure to use less energy at your home will help you save money. Also you would feel good about being part of the "go green" program which encourages people to live more a natural life. The outcomes of saving the energy will be better environment for the future generation. In addition, it will reduce a third of America's global warming emissions (NRDC).
Energy saving in transportation is huge important for improving the climate. According to John Houghton (Global warming / The Complete Briefing), "transport is responsible for nearly one-quarter of greenhouse gas emission worldwide" (283). Among all the transportations, road transportation are the large percentage, Transportation is important but starting 1970 it had increased rapidly worldwide (283). For example, the number of vehicles I n U.S has ground about 2.5% per year (283). It is clear that more people own cars in the U.S than other countries like India and China. Moreover, the American auto industry are not compiling with the rest of the world. We all know that owning a car is important for our daily living. We are proud of ourselves when we have car because we can get to places in minutes rather than waiting the bus for half an hour. We are somehow attached to cars and are addicted gas but owning more than 2 cars for each household isn't helping for our climate. There are many ways to help reduce the vehicles' that are on the read. , For every person who drives fuel-efficient cars, car pull, or uses public transportation would be as consider environmental friendly because it reduces polluting the atmosphere.

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