Premium Essay

Globalization Project


Submitted By leodesouzafaiz
Words 2787
Pages 12
“Try to identify 2 ways in which globalisation has positively impacted IR and 2 ways in which its impact has been negative. Please be as specific as possible about the cause and effect relationship you are describing.”

The global economy as a worldwide economic system began ca. 1500 with the rise and spread of commercialism and has evolved into an expanding system of industrial capitalism. The primary driver of globalization is rapid technological change in core countries and their ability to dominate production of consumer goods to the rest of the world. It involves the increasing interdependence of national economies, financial markets, trade, corporations, production, distribution, and consumer marketing. By its very nature, globalization draws attention to the economic and technological aspects of life, and to change at the level of culture or identity.
Globalization draws attention to the role of transnational corporations in creating a global market and system of production; to capital markets in creating an integrated financial system; and to bodies such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in disseminating a particular view of the state's role within the international economy. The idea of globalization is the object of controversy. Some of the more dramatic and simplistic versions of the globalization thesis have been challenged by scholars and journalists who are skeptical about the actual extent of transnationalized economic activity.
The hyperglobalist perspective contends that history and economics have come together to create a new order of relations in which states are either converging economically and politically, or are being made irrelevant by the activities of transnational business. Economic policies are determined more by markets than by governments and, in the economically developed portions of the world, the telecommunications media

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