...* Remove grains from the diet ( Breads) , also whole grain doesn't make it much better because most of the fiber has still been taken out. * You generally want to stick with slow digesting foods (Low GI foods) during every part of the day except around strenuous activity like a workout, where you should have a fast digesting carb (High GI food) mainly after and during a workout. * Low GI Foods - most dairy products, most fruits and vegetables, whole unrefined grains and sprouted grains, sweet potatoes, barley, beans, and most other higher fiber carbohydrate sources. * High GI Foods - white rice, white bread, white potatoes, low fiber cereals such as corn flakes and crispy rice cereals, sugars (except fructose), ice cream, bananas, cooked carrots, candy, cakes and other baked goods, and any other refined carbohydrates where the fiber has been removed. * After workout have a shake with whey protein isolate & some frozen fruit as your carb source, or if you don't have time a dextrose blend. * Adding a higher GI food with healthy fats and protein sources will slow down the speed at which that sugar is broken down, as opposed to if it was eaten on its own. * The more fiber that the food contains, the slower it will digest. * You want to eat products that contain at least 2 grams or more of fiber per each 10 grams of total carbohydrates. * Eliminate pasta & rice from your diet and instead eat a protein source with a fibrous vegetable source. ...
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