...Your health is one of the most important aspects in your life. What if the food you buy from stores threatened that? Genetically Modified Organisms, also known as GMOs, might be putting your health in jeopardy. As early as 1953, scientists have been trying to find ways to genetically change the DNA of food. Making the food more durable and longer lasting is apparently much more important than creating a healthy and safe environment for the people. Our very own government is allowing GMOs to be created and distributed among the people. The real question here is, what is a GMO? Genetically engineered food is produced from crops whose genetic makeup has been changed unnaturally to create a specific trait among the produce. This is possible by a method called gene splicing, in witch a gene that creates a specific trait in an organism is identified, then taken out from the rest of the genetic material of the produce. Scottish doctor Árpád Pusztai conducted a study on the effects of genetically modified foods in 1998. During a ten day period, he fed genetically engineered potatoes to one group of rats, natural potatoes to another group, and finally a third group was fed potatoes that were laced with insecticide. After the ten days he discovered that the rats who ate the genetically engineered potatoes were very sick. They had precancerous cells in their digestive organs, noticeably smaller brains, livers and testicles, and damage to their immune system. The other two groups were declared...
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...Modified Organisms or GMO for short. I am actually going to take it a step further and do Genetically Modified Organisms in food. This topic seems to be getting a lot of attention in the news lately. GMO Foods are those that have been genetically altered to be pesticide and disease resistant and altered to be able to be produced quicker and in more abundance for faster sales. Many people believe that Genetically Modified Organisms in food are a good idea. We can produce mass amounts of foods that are of good quality and can stay fresh longer. Some other benefits with GMO foods are higher nutritional values in the foods that we are consuming. Another benefit is that farmers can reduce the amounts of pesiticides and herbicides that they use on their crops which is a plus for the environment. Future benefits are already in the works. They are currentally working on making carrots that have a higher antioxidant count. Banannas that have ediable vaccines in them are also in the works. Another big project being worked on is modifying strawberries with the genes from cold water sea fish to help the strawberries withstand the winter frosts. I am against using GMO in foods. There have not been enough studies on the future effects on human or animal consumption. When you alter any species genes there are bound to be some ill effects somewhere down the line. Until we know what those affects are I feel that we should not be putting them into our body. Food distributors should give...
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...Genetically altered food (GMOs) is modified organisms such as plant, animals or microorganisms that have been altered with to make the organisms appear weird. “Scientists take the gene for a desired trait in one plant or animal, and they insert that gene into a cell of another plant or animal” according to medlineplus. The mixing of genes from different species that have never shared genes in the past is what makes GMOs and crops so unique. There are many things in GMOs that could have a big Global impact. By 2050 scientist predict that there will be approximately 9.5 billion people living on Earth. This is where GMOs could come in handy. GMOs make the organism almost double in size, so out of one plant or animal it is double the...
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...GMOs should be viewed with the light of what has come before. Mankind has been manipulating the genetics of plants and animals for over 10,000 years. Many people forget that wheat, one of the world’s largest crops, is a hybrid of several different species. And while it did occur naturally, it has been artificially maintained over the centuries. As such, I believe that GMOs should be approached cautiously, but with an open mind to the benefits it can impart on the world. GMO crops can have significant advantages over regular crops, and can benefit people in a significant way. One advantage that GMOs have is that they can be made more resistant to stress, such has extremes in temperatures and droughts. They can also be made highly resistant...
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...known as Genetically Modified Organisms, or GMOs. These crops are becoming more and more accepted in today’s agriculture business. This type of bioengineering is being used to yield more crops and curb the effects of herbicides. But the risks in using GMOs may far outweigh the benefits. GMO foods are becoming increasingly available and are a threat to our health and our agricultural system. Basically GMOs are organisms that have had their genes altered through bio-engineering. These plants and/or animals have their genetic makeup changed, usually in a lab, in order to add or remove certain characteristics. Genes from other animals, viruses, or bacteria are artificially inserted into organisms in order to create new organisms that would not occur naturally. Corn, for example, has been genetically modified to produce its own pesticide and resist herbicides. Nearly 70% of all the corn grown in the United States was modified in this way. (Smith) And if you look at the ingredient list of almost any packaged food, you’ll see that there is corn in almost all of it. Corn is also the main ingredient in much of the feed given to farm animals, such as pigs and cows. So no matter what you eat, it is almost certain to contain some amount GM (Genetically Modified) corn. These new types of crops have some people to refer to them as “frankenfoods” a play on the fact that these foods are essentially created a lab by scientists. This new food technology helps farmers yield more crops than...
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...GMOs are genetically modified organisms that are made in purpose to help or improve a plant, animal, etc. In almost all modifications of organisms, genes from other species of life are inserted into the desired organism they want to improve or change. Most chickens today have been selectively bred to produce x10 more eggs per year than a wild chicken would on its own. Due to this process, chickens lay more eggs and produce more food for the rapidly growing world we live in. Genetically modifying organisms is ethical and can lead to the benefit of not only our species future, but in plants and animals as well. Through varied modifications in many plants, we are able to improve their traits and efficiency through inserting different traits...
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...Jodi Burton argument critique is on Cameron English article, GMO Foods: Why We Shouldn’t Label (Or Worry About) Genetically Modified Products. She did an overall good job on it, however, there were something’s that she wrote that committed some of the same issues that the piece she critique did. Let drive in to her critique. Burton opens with the thesis of English and does a great job at summarizing it, but if I were to nitpick one thing it would be her commit, “Many people believe GMO’s are harmful, and that they should be labeled…” I think this statement is leading into the bandwagon fallacy. She then moves on addressing his credentials and gives us what he says about them, “he is a ‘public health and nutrition science education writer’.”...
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...Watch out! GMO potatoes are taking over the market`s shelves GMOs are taking over the world. One sentence which provoked horror everywhere. Many people are unfamiliar with this abbreviation, but others are leading a cold war against it. What does GMO stand for? GMO or Genetically Modified Organism is applied to any food or meat which has been genetically modified through its growth or cultivation. In other words, vast industries are merging DNA from various species in order to increase production and decrease costs. Sure, it turned out just fine for the moneymakers, however this is on the cost of ordinary people who tremble upon the fact to go in the markets and examine and study every label which enters their shopping card. Every fruit, veggie...
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...First of all, in the fact that mankind doesn’t have tried to eat GMOs injected a gene from another species, GMOs will not be ensured food security unlike proven organic foods which has been eaten for human history. In despite of the dangerousness, the foods have still been on our table without verification. No one can guarantee that how GMOs’ side effects will be long-term and continuous and proving safety is beyond the capabilities of current technology. Supporters of genetic engineering argue that the application of biotechnology to improve the nutritional contents of various foods will help people who suffer many deficiency diseases. Also, they claim that GM foods can yields medical benefit by injecting a particular genes or vaccine. However, GMOs are only a temporary measure, not the fundamental solution for nutritional improvement of foods and medical benefits. Their own disadvantages far outweigh their own advantages. A study by the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAME) advised precaution because GM foods have not been tested for human consumption and because there is significant evidence of probable harm (AAME, 2009). The harmful effects that have raised up to now are that GMOs can cause food allergy reactions, indirect and non-traceble effects on cancer rate, unknown effects on human health and malfunction immune system. Several studies bear testimony to the dangerousness. For instance, according to the study conducted by Dr. Árpád Pusztai at the Rowett Research...
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...I've seen food prices go way up over the course of my 62 years. Right now, I spend about $150 a week on groceries. I can only imagine how difficult it could be for people to shoulder an even bigger grocery bill with the way that food prices have gone up. This burden is even greater for younger people, especially those with families. They don't really have the means or the ability to shoulder unexpected increases in their living costs. This is one of many reasons that I support the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2015 and I hope I can count on you to join me. This act would avoid unnecessary increases in food costs related to packaging to display food labels such as "GMO free" or "natural." Think about it: If labels weren't standardized,...
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...As Michael pollan points out in the book,The Omnivore's Dilemma The path our food takes from farm to table is a big impact to the environment. Because of this companies and big corporations have to be considerate of the environment.Since many systems have been in place to feed us,the environment is in more danger then it has been in many years throughout history,many of these systems hurt,like the industrial meal,but some benefit. Out of Michael Pollan's four food chain,Industrial organic would be the most beneficial for the environment.Because organic farming rules do not allow chemicals ,not toxic runoff into rivers and oceans.This is a huge benefit ,that's why organic food is more preferable for the environment,thanks to its superior...
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...SWOT Analysis Strengths: • Well-known in the food industry • Leading supplier in delivering food products and supplies to restaurants and grocery stores • Great benefits for employees o 401k, stock purchase plan, medical/dental/vision coverage • Worldwide growth annually Weaknesses: • Variety of competition • Demand for non GMO products, gluten free, and vegan options • Difficult to get some companies to use them • Food costs increasing • No control over food shortages such as the egg shortage due to bird flu o In a June 3 letter to customers, the company’s senior vice president, Scott Sonnemaker, warns them to brace for higher price tags on eggs and a plethora of egg-containing products such as mayonnaise, baking mixes, soups, dressings, desserts, and breaded foods. Noting the scope of harm to the industry, he wrote, “It appears that all of us — suppliers, product manufacturers, foodservice distributors, restaurants and food operators — will be negatively affected until the egg-laying hen population is replenished.” Sonnemaker stated that Sysco is not taking any new egg customers as a result of the shortage. (Terrell, 2015) Opportunities: • Having a higher variety of gluten free, vegan, and non GMO products • Moving into new territories world-wide • Using more local farmers • Merging with other food supply companies, similar to Sysco purchasing US Foods in 2013. o “This transaction will position us to significantly accelerate our progress in achieving...
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...Stafford 5 September 2014 Time-Traveling to a Healthy Diet It is peculiar to think about traveling back in time into the pre industrialized era when everything about the way you lived would be entirely different compared to now. Think about the food alone, and how crops were grown in season, and were stowed for the off season, and back when products did not have a shelf life of weeks, months, and sometimes years. In the reading “Escape from the Western Diet” by Michael Pollan, Pollan states that the way we eat now is much less healthy then the way our ancestors ate. Within this essay I reflect on how I use to be addicted to sugar, how it made me feel, and how that is exactly what the food industry had planned. I also talk about how the new supposed “healthier options” may just be new ideas for a new product line. To conclude, I will discuss how GMOs are put in almost everything we eat just to make it cheaper for the producer, despite the fact that GMOs are horrible for the human body. After reading this article, one will be aware of the proper way to eat, and the benefits of throwing away the western diet. Most people are not aware that sugar can be more addicting than cigarettes, and it is that reason that sugar is put in many foods we eat today. Growing up I was lucky enough to have been passed down my mother’s sweet tooth. Along with that sweet tooth came 3 cavities before I turned 12. It did not take long after that when I was faced with the obvious problem; I was...
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...Over the years there has been a major controversy about how safe the United States food supply. For the past decade, many Americans have being diagnosed with terminal diseases such as cancer. In 2012, The American Cancer Society estimated 1,638,910 Americans were diagnosed and 577,190 died. Not only does cancer effect the American population but also foodborne illnesses, diabetes, heart disease, strokes, and obesity. Each year about 48 million people get sick from it, 130,000 are hospitalized and about 3,000 die. The big question is how are so many people in today’s world becoming sick with deadly diseases such as cancer and foodborne illnesses. Many believe that it is being put into our food. The Food and Drug Administration also known as the FDA is a federal agency of the United States Department of Health and Services that is responsible for controlling and regulating the country’s food safety, medicine, tobacco products and more. The U.S. government is killing Americans by allowing the FDA to approve dangerous drugs being put into our food supply....
Words: 584 - Pages: 3
...Zunta protein bars are a great place to start if you’re unsure which bar may be best for you. (Screenshot: Zunta) It’s nearly impossible for most folks to eat all their meals at home. Between work, errands, taking kids to practices and other obligations, hunger will inevitably hit at some point while you are on the road and away from your kitchen. If you’re trying to be healthier, lose weight or avoid processed foods, options for easing the hunger pains can be slim to nil when it comes to the bright lights of drive-thrus or gas stations. This is why I always recommend that you carry a box of protein bars in your car, purse, backpack or diaper bag at all times. Protein bars are a clean snack and/or meal replacement, which we all need at some point in the busy world we operate in. Besides the health aspects, they are more economical and time-saving than seeking out a healthy option anywhere else on the road....
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