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Go Fish Observation Paper

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While I was observing the class in Twelfth Baptist Preschool, I noticed Emerson who is 3 years old playing in the puzzle and manipulative center. The game is called "Go Fish," the teacher said the rules and explained the game as if you order a letter and you cannot find it with your peers they will till you go fish and you have to withdraw a card, and if you have to card having the same letter you have to put them out. Emerson was having two card having letter A when the teacher said to him put them out Emerson, he laughed and takes them back with his cards. He did not understand that by putting the cards out, he will win. He wants to have more cards. The other observation was Kealsy a 5.5 years old girl. She was coloring in the art center and the teacher asked them to draw on the shirt paper any animal that they like, but she draw a flower then I asked her is this an animal she said no it is a flower then I asked her what did the teacher asked to draw she said anything that we like. She skipped the animal as she was concentrating on the thing that she liked. The last observation was in the …show more content…
What is happening?" he said Nolle hated me on my head. I checked his head, it was fine then I told him ok go and I will talk to Nolle. I asked Nolle why she did that, she did not reply then I told her when we make mistakes, what should we do? She said did not reply. I aid what is your feeling if Jackson hit you on your head, she said I will cry and I will be sad. I said what should you do now? She said I should say sorry to him, I told her that is good go and do that. She went to Jackson in the center time and she pats on his shoulder and said sorry to him, then she smiled that she did a good thing. I was watching her and I smiled to her and give her a thumb up. I think in that satiation Nolle felt comforted by understanding her mistake and being happy that she corrected

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