...Associate Level Material Appendix A Communication Styles Worksheet You spent the past few days exploring the resources available to students at University of Phoenix, and you want to share what you learned with a friend who is interested in enrolling. Write a 150- to 200-word e-mail to your friend summarizing the resources available to students. Hey Dina, So as you know I have been in school online and I am really enjoying it. I really want to encourage you to do it as well. It is so easy and completely fools proof! Oh my gosh seriously you need to try it too. Right from my home page I can access the library where I can get research done or check my papers for potential plagiarism or errors. I can access different tutorials and labs ranging from ways to avoid plagiarism to java programming. I can even get assistance in math. There is a media library as well as so many other resources like a normal library. I don’t have to worry about getting in the car and going to the school to fight for a computer in their library. It is all just right here. The best part is I can do this online at home. Or when I am at work on break I can get on it from my phone. Easy stuff! Anyhow just let me know what you think. I would love to hear you are also going back to school as well. You asked your facilitator to review your e-mail draft. She liked what you wrote and asked you to write a summary to post in the class forum for the other students to read. Write a 150- to 200-word...
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...Associate Level Material Appendix D Goal Evaluation Matrix Choose five of the scenarios in Appendix C and evaluate the goals according to the SMART criteria. Provide support for your evaluation. | |S |M |A |R |T | |Goal setter and goal |Is the goal specific? |Is the goal measurable? |Is the goal attainable? |Is the goal realistic? |Is the goal timely? | | | | | | | | |Kat |Yes |Yes |Yes |Yes |Yes | | | | | | | | |Wants to improve her fitness |She wants to compete in a 5k |The easier the 1k runs get the |There is nothing standing in |People run these races everyday|12 weeks is a good amount of | | |race. |better she is becoming. |her way. ...
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...Associate Level Material Appendix D Goal Evaluation Matrix Choose five of the scenarios in Appendix C and evaluate the goals according to the SMART criteria. Provide support for your evaluation. Goal setter and goal S Is the goal specific? M Is the goal measurable? A Is the goal attainable? R Is the goal realistic? T Is the goal timely? Example: Nikki: She hopes to obtain a different position in her company in 1 to 2 months. Yes She would like to find another job in her company. Yes She will know if she meets her milestones of applying for jobs and preparing for interviews. Yes She already works for the company, so it is possible she can move to a new position. Yes Moving to a new job in a company is easier than finding a job with a new company. No 1 to 2 months is not much time to find another job. Goal: Omar feels he has neglected his health and is ready to make changes in his life. He wants to start by losing 20 pounds. Yes Lose 20 pounds through a doctor-monitored weight-loss program. Yes He will weigh himself weekly just to make sure he is on track.. Yes His company is promoting healthy weight loss in a big campaign. Yes With the support of his family and his job it will make it easier for him to 20 pounds No 12 weeks is plenty of time for him to loose 20 pounds Melissa and her husband have a stable financial situation, but she wants to win the state lottery to make life easier for the family. Yes She will...
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...opportunities? a. b. c. d. e. SO WO SW ST WT 4. How many cells are in a SWOT Matrix? a. b. c. d. e. Two Four Six Eight Nine 5. What are two external dimensions of the SPACE Matrix? a. b. c. d. e. Environmental stability and industry strength Environmental stability and competitive advantage Industry strength and competitive advantage Competitive advantage and financial strength Financial strength and industry strength 6. In the SPACE analysis, what does a (+6, +3) strategy profile portray? a. b. c. d. e. A strong industry An unstable environment A stable environment A weak industry A weak financial position 7. Selling all of a company’s assets in parts for their tangible worth is called a. Joint venture. b. Divestiture. c. Concentric diversification. d. Liquidation. e. Unrelated integration 8. Which stage of the strategy-formulation framework involves the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix? a. b. Stage 1 Stage 2 c. d. e. Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 9. 10. Which strategy should be implemented when a division is responsible for an organization’s overall poor performance? a. Backward integration b. c. b. c. Divestiture Forward integration Cost leadership Related diversification 11. What analytical tool has four quadrants based on two dimensions: competitive position and market growth? a. b. c. d. e. Competitive Profile Matrix Internal-External Matrix SPACE Matrix Grand Strategy Matrix QSPM. 12. Which of the following is not true about objectives? a....
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...Business Strategy Nestle Strategic Evaluation and Implementation LO3: Understand approaches to strategy evaluation and selection 3.1. Analyse possible alternative strategies relating to substantive growth, limited growth or retrenchment Nestle’s Vision: To be a leading, competitive, Nutrition, Health and Wellness Company delivering improved shareholder value by being a preferred corporate citizen, preferred employer, preferred supplier selling preferred products (Nestle, n.d.) 3.1. 5-year objectives 5-year objectives (2015-2019) (fulfilled SMART and linked with vision): + Objective 1: Increase market share to 30% in Vietnam by the end of 2019 + Objective 2: Improve the quality of products to satisfy Vietnamese customers’ needs + Objective 3: Keep the complaint rate from customers averagely < 4% 3.1. Stages for 5 years Objectives Stage for 5 years Stage 1 (2015-2017) Stage 2 (2018-2019) Objective Achieve market share Increase market share 1 20% from 20% to 30% Objective Improve the quality of products to satisfy 2 Vietnamese customers’ needs Objective Keep the complaint rate Keep the complaint rate 3 from customers < 7% from customers < 4% 3.1. Alternatives for Nestlé's strategies (archive 5 year objectives) Alternatives Option 1 Strategy Joint venture Option 2 Option 3 Market penetration Diversification + Market development + Build up new business 3.1. Key activities for each alternative Alternatives Option 1: Joint venture Option 2: Market penetration...
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...Lecturer/s: Dr. Ivan Ninov Lecturer’s email address Rationale: As a discipline and as a business practice strategic management is playing a vital role within the modern hospitality industry. Strategy is concerned with the long term direction and aspirations of the organization and is based upon solid market and business research and an understanding of the organizations capabilities and potential. Strategic planning is however of little organizational use without the effective management of the achievement of the strategic intent. This module provides managers with the skill sets to engage with the strategic planning process and then to manage and monitor the achievement of these goals. Directed Learning: Exam: 2 Tel Ext: 5149 ivan.ninov@emiratesacademy.edu Teaching Philosophy During this course my main goal as a teacher will be to stimulate students’ learning, thinking, and inquisitiveness. Students’ critical thinking, analytical and problem-solving skills will be further developed through challenging tasks and projects. Students will not only learn the knowledge and the theories behind strategic management, but will be able to apply them and use them in real life business situations. In order to incorporate this application the course will include several experiential exercises. All students will be treated equally, with fairness and respect. They will benefit from the time spent in class and will be able to use the acquired knowledge in their future careers Course Aims and...
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...and evaluation controls to establish Chiropractic business for the client. The plan submitted is poor in nature and has some specific problems and improvements in the designated marketing strategy areas. Lot of sections mismatched or misplaced and there are many problems in the case analysis. We have identified seven areas and recommendations provided that will improve the case analysis drastically. Those areas include Executive Summary, Situation Analysis, SWOT Analysis, Marketing Goals and Objectives, Marketing Strategy, Marketing Implementation, Evaluation and Control. Executive summary is a summarized version of overall marketing plan and should contain an effective paragraph about goals/objectives, strategy elements, implementation issues and expected outcomes. The current executive summary has only background of the firm and an Introduction. Even if the marketing plan is excellent, without a proper and concise executive summary the plan will fail to catch the attention of target executive audience. First recommendation is to rewrite the whole executive summary section. Situation Analysis is the analysis of three components Internal environment, External environment and Customer environment. This 3 prong analysis will explain about the firm's goals, strategies, objectives and how these are going to be achieved keeping in mind about the external forces such as legal, political, technological and economic enhancements. In the current market analysis, market goals and...
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...PORTFOLIO ANALYSIS: SEPARATING WINNERS FROM LOSERS IN THE ASSOCIATION WORK PLAN Once an association has adopted a strategic plan, the next step is to convert the goals and objectives in that plan to a work plan and budget. But how can this be done? Every association program or service has a constituency and a claim on resources. How then to weigh the allocation of scarce resources to ensure that the objectives of the plan are attained and member needs are served? Portfolio analysis has been devised to help associations bridge the gap between strategy formulation and strategy implementation. In other words, it helps you make the hard choices of where to put your money. It is the creation of Dr. Ian MacMillan of the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School and the basis for The Forbes Group’s model. What Portfolio Analysis Is Portfolio analysis is a systematic way to analyze the products and services that make up an association's business portfolio. All associations (except the simplest and the smallest) are involved in more than one business. Some of these include publishing, meetings and conventions, education and training, government representation, research, standards setting, public relations, etc. Each of these is one of the association's strategic business units (SBUs). Each business consists of a portfolio of products and services. For example, an association's publishing business might include a professional journal, a lay magazine, specialized...
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...PORTFOLIO ANALYSIS: SEPARATING WINNERS FROM LOSERS IN THE ASSOCIATION WORK PLAN Once an association has adopted a strategic plan, the next step is to convert the goals and objectives in that plan to a work plan and budget. But how can this be done? Every association program or service has a constituency and a claim on resources. How then to weigh the allocation of scarce resources to ensure that the objectives of the plan are attained and member needs are served? Portfolio analysis has been devised to help associations bridge the gap between strategy formulation and strategy implementation. In other words, it helps you make the hard choices of where to put your money. It is the creation of Dr. Ian MacMillan of the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School and the basis for The Forbes Group’s model. What Portfolio Analysis Is Portfolio analysis is a systematic way to analyze the products and services that make up an association's business portfolio. All associations (except the simplest and the smallest) are involved in more than one business. Some of these include publishing, meetings and conventions, education and training, government representation, research, standards setting, public relations, etc. Each of these is one of the association's strategic business units (SBUs). Each business consists of a portfolio of products and services. For example, an association's publishing business might include a professional journal, a lay magazine, specialized...
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...PORTFOLIO ANALYSIS: SEPARATING WINNERS FROM LOSERS IN THE ASSOCIATION WORK PLAN Once an association has adopted a strategic plan, the next step is to convert the goals and objectives in that plan to a work plan and budget. But how can this be done? Every association program or service has a constituency and a claim on resources. How then to weigh the allocation of scarce resources to ensure that the objectives of the plan are attained and member needs are served? Portfolio analysis has been devised to help associations bridge the gap between strategy formulation and strategy implementation. In other words, it helps you make the hard choices of where to put your money. It is the creation of Dr. Ian MacMillan of the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School and the basis for The Forbes Group’s model. What Portfolio Analysis Is Portfolio analysis is a systematic way to analyze the products and services that make up an association's business portfolio. All associations (except the simplest and the smallest) are involved in more than one business. Some of these include publishing, meetings and conventions, education and training, government representation, research, standards setting, public relations, etc. Each of these is one of the association's strategic business units (SBUs). Each business consists of a portfolio of products and services. For example, an association's publishing business might include a professional journal, a lay magazine, specialized newsletters...
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...Strategies for Information Systems Evaluation- Six Generic Types Stefan Cronholm and Göran Goldkuhl Linköping University, Sweden scr@ida.liu.se ggo@ida.liu.se Abstract: The aim of this paper is to contribute to the decision of how to perform evaluation depending on the evaluation context. Three general strategies of how to perform evaluation are identified: Goal-free evaluation, goal-based and criteria-based evaluation. Two general strategies of what to evaluate are identified: IT-system as such and IT-system in use. From the three “how-strategies” and the two “what-strategies” we derive a matrix consisting of six generic types of evaluation. Each one of the six types are categorised on a ideal typical level. For each type there is suggested evaluation process model. Keywords: IS Evaluation, IS Assessment, Information Systems, Goal-based evaluation, Goal-free evaluation, Criteria-based evaluation 1. Introduction All over the world there is a huge amount of money spent on IT (e.g. Seddon, 2001). It is therefore important to evaluate the outcome. Evaluation is never an easy task and consequently there are a lot of suggestions for how to evaluate IT-system. Much of the literature on evaluation takes a formal-rational view and sees evaluation as a largely quantitative process of calculating the likely cost/benefit on the basis of defined criteria (Walsham, 1993). There are also interpretative approaches (e.g. Remenyi, 1999; Walsham, 1993). The interpretative perspective views...
Words: 6083 - Pages: 25
...Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction of Shangri-La Hotel 3 2.0 Shangri -la Hotel existing Vision, Mission, Goals and Objective 4 2.1 Proposed new Vision and Mission 5 2.1.1 Vision 5 2.1.2 Mission 5 3.0 Shangri-La Hotel Internal and External Environment 7 3.1 Internal Assessment: Strength 7 3.2 Internal Assessment: Weaknesses 9 3.3 External Assessment: Opportunities 10 Growing Airline Industry 10 3.4 External Assessment: Threats 12 Increasing in Competitors 12 4.0 IFE, EFE and CPM Matrix 15 4.1 IFE Matrix 15 4.2 EFE Matrix 16 4.3 Company Profile Matrix (CPM) 17 5.0 SWOT Matrix, IE Matrix, and QSPM 18 5.1 SWOT Matrix 18 5.2 IE Matrix 19 5.3 QSPM 20 6.0 Recommendation on Specific Strategies 21 7.0 Shangri-La Hotel Financial Position (EPS-EBIT Analysis) 22 7.1 Common Stock Financing 23 7.2 Debt Financing 23 7.3 60% common stock - 40% debt financing 24 7.4 40% common stock - 60% debt financing 24 8.0 Strategy Evaluation 27 9.0 Conclusion 30 10.0 References 31 1.0 Introduction of Shangri-La Hotel Shangri-La Hotels (M) Berhad is an investment holding company and also a public limited company. This company was incorporated on June 29, 1971 and currently having a total of 2364 employees. Its headquarters is located at the Batu Ferringhi Beach, Penang. This company is engaged with the operations of services such as hotels and beach resorts, golf course and clubhouse, property management and investment and commercial laundry....
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..."Built for the road ahead." Company’s background Ford Motor Company was founded in 1903 by Henry Ford in Detroit, USA with 12 investors owning a total of 1000 shares. Henry Ford was 40 years old when he founded the Ford Motor Company, which would go on to become one of the largest and most profitable companies in the world, as well as being one of the few to survive the Great Depression. The first retail Ford dealership was opened in St. Cloud, Michigan by Stephen Tenvoorde in 1903. The world headquarters of the Ford Motor Company are located in Detroit, Michigan, which is also commonly known as the automobile capital of the world. Not only did Ford revolutionize the development of the automobile as a product, he is also the visionary behind the idea of mass production. Ford's ability to make automobiles affordable for the masses is cited as a driving force behind both the automobile industry and the creation of a middle class in America. The largest family-controlled company in the world, the Ford Motor Company has been in continuous family control for over 100 years. As a top company in the automotive industry, Ford Motor specialize in Mainstream/Performance vehicles and Automotive parts providing services including Automotive finance, Vehicle leasing and Vehicle service. It manufactures and distributes automobiles in 200 markets across six continents. The company’s automotive vehicle brands include Aston Martin, Ford, Jaguar, Land Rover, Lincoln, Mazda, Mercury and...
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...Thinking Critically Simulation Several problem evaluation tools and techniques were encountered in the simulation. As each team member completed the simulation, each was able to understand the differences of the tools and techniques that were used, and how they were applied. Discussed here are how these techniques assisted with the evaluations of decision-making processes and outcomes. Further, each team member was able to understand the outcomes that were reached from the simulations, and how the changes of those decision-making techniques offer better results. Many problem evaluation tools and techniques are applied to the Critical Thinking Simulation. The simulation provides a variety of information gathered from both market research and employee interviews. In addition, the founder of Credenhill Industries, Linda James, provides advice and recommendations to assist in the decision-making process. Another problem evaluation tool found within the simulation is the Urgency-Criticality Matrix. An Urgency-Criticality (UC) Matrix is a tool that helps in the decision-making process to sort or sift through current issues and problems. The UC Matrix assists in prioritizing and sorting possible solutions according to the urgency and criticality of each situation. Urgent problems require immediate attention and critical problems are the activities necessary to achieve the objective. The UC Matrix facilitates in classifying the present issues. Not all of...
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...Design Methods for decision-making Introduction The figure of designer is a hybrid between the artist, the mathematician an the scientist, but he can not be identify with nobody of this three figures (Jones, 1992). In fact the designer, to take decisions within a project, applies both creative and mathematical methods. The aim of this essay is to demonstrate if these two approaches to the design are more useful and utilized in the effective project or in commercial environment. Thus, to understand what is the reason for which they are used, it is decided to analyse two creative methods, brainstorming and mood board, and two mathematical, evaluation matrix and QFD. What is resulted from the analysis of these two approaches to the design it is that the creative methods are really used by the designer for the project, while the mathematical methods are more useful for commercial purposes and in business environment. Creative methods Brainstorming Brainstorming is a technique very utilized in the design environment, because it allows to maintain wide the project area and because it is a method which can be used in every step of the design process. The word itself can guess what is the function of this method: to produce many ideas quickly (Jones, 1992). Osborn, the inventor of this technique, has dictated very precise rules (Cross, 1994): - No criticism is allowed during the session - A large quantity of ideas is wanted - Seemingly crazy ideas are quite welcome ...
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