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民政部民间组织管理局 杨岳 许昀

2005年11月13日至25日,民政部民间组织管理局组织考察团对美国、加拿大非营利组织管理制度进行了考察。考察团以民政部民间组织管理局杨岳副局长为团长,包括部分省级民间组织登记管理机关的官员。考察团访问了美、加两国的有关政府机关、非营利组织和研究机构,就非营利组织的注册登记制度、监督管理体制、内部治理和社会监督等情况进行了广泛的交流。通过考察,我们了解了美、加两国非营利组织管理制度的一些基本情况,接触到了先进的管理经验,得到了一些启示,在此做简要总结。 一、美、加非营利组织管理制度的基本情况 (一)法律背景 由于在法律制度上同属英美法系并且都采用联邦制政治体制,美、加两国在非营利组织管理制度上具有很多相同之处。 一方面,两国在非营利组织管理方面都没有专门、系统的法典,非营利组织管理制度主要是基于宪法、公司法和税法。在美国,联邦宪法明确了公民享有言论、结社、宗教等方面的自由,政府保证这些自由不受侵犯。加拿大宪法主要由各个不同历史时期的宪法性文件构成,其中包括1982年加拿大议会通过并由英国女王批准的《加拿大宪法法案》。作为《加拿大宪法法案》重要组成部分的《权利与自由宪章》将结社与和平集会的自由同言论自由、宗教信仰自由一起列为公民的基本自由。对非营利组织的登记和管理所依据的法律主要是公司法和税法,经有关部门注册的非营利组织可以取得法人资格,并有权向联邦税务部门申请免税资格,免税资格要件联邦税法有详细规定。 另一方面,由于采用联邦制体制,宪法在联邦与州(在加拿大为“省”)之间进行了权力划分。各州(或省)政府具有规范教育、医疗、地方基础建设等方面的权力,而税收权力属于联邦政府。因此,成立非营利组织可以根据各州(或省)法律注册登记,但是申请免税资格需经由联邦税务机关审查批准。 (二)注册登记 美、加两国关于非营利组织注册登记的规定大致相同,注册程序分为两步:第一步,在州(或省)有关部门注册为具有法人资格的非营利组织;第二步,向联邦税务机关申请为具有免税资格的非营利组织。 在美国,注册非营利组织是在公司法和税法等有关法律规定下进行的,具体方法各州不尽相同。非营利组织可以自由选择是否注册,不注册的不具有法人资格,不能享受免税待遇。注册由州务卿办公室批准,然后由州司法部进行注册登记,颁发法人证书。州务卿办公室对非营利组织的章程进行审定,要求章程载明:(1)所有经营服务收入全部用于宗旨相关的事业;(2)机构终止时将全部剩余财产转交同类组织;(3)机构董事长、秘书长的产生方式,举行会议的时间、地点及方式。美国的非营利组织可以采取非营利公司、非公司社团以及信托组织三种形式。任何一种形式的非营利组织,只要宗旨合法,章程符合上述规定,一般都可以注册。 加拿大的非营利组织分为经营性慈善机构和慈善基金会两类。其中,经营性慈善机构又非公司社团、公司和信托组织三种形式;慈善基金会有信托组织和公司两种形式。非公司社团不需要具有法人身份,因此不需要注册,但必须有章程和细则。成立公司性质的非营利组织必须向政府有关部门提出申请,各省的负责部门不尽相同,通常由专门负责非营利公司成立事项的部门管理。注册时必须确认组织章程和细则达到了企业组织法中有关成员、董事和其它方面的最低规定。这一申请过程通常不需要太久,但是如果组织目标涉及到另一个部门的业务,则需在成立前征求该部门意见。注册为法人的非营利组织可以向联邦税务局申请免税资格,联邦税务局根据《所得税法案》进行审查。 (三)政府扶持 在美国和加拿大,非营利组织与政府之间保持一种相对独立的合作关系,政府对非营利组织的扶持主要体现在税收优惠和购买服务两个方面,此外也有少量资助。 税收优惠是非营利组织享有的基本特权,但并不是所有非营利组织都享有这项优惠。在美国,联邦法典中“国内税收法典”第501条款规定25类可以减免联邦所得税的机构,非营利组织完成注册登记后,可以向联邦税务机关申请免税登记,税务机关根据该条款审查通过后申请者即可享受相应的免税资格。享受免税资格的非营利组织有两种情况:一种是公益性组织,包括宗教、慈善、文化、科技、环保、保护儿童和动物等机构,组织自身可以享受一定的税收减免,向这类组织捐赠可免所得税;第二种是互益性组织,包括工会、农会、商会、娱乐俱乐部、联谊性社团、殡仪公司、信用合作社、退伍军人协会、农民食品合作社、房产协会等机构,只减免一部分税种,向这类组织捐赠不能免税。加拿大的情况大致相同,由《所得税法案》规定了“注册的慈善机构”可以申请享受免税资格,由联邦税务局负责审查。 政府扶持的另一种主要形式是向非营利组织购买服务。两国的社会公益事业主要不是由政府直接承担,而是采取政府公开招标的形式交由企业或非营利组织承担,一些公共服务项目也是如此。在这方面,非营利组织有着很大优势,由于其专业性、志愿性和公开性,它们在从事公益事业和提供公共服务方面具有成本、效率和公信力上的优势,这些项目经常由它们中标。每年政府会公布一系列项目,非营利组织选择合适的项目参与投标。项目确定后,政府要与非营利组织签订项目合作协议,并对其进行监控。项目结束后,非营利组织要进行总结,政府验收评估。 (四)监督管理 对非营利组织的监督管理主要体观在对非营利性的审查及对其财务活动的监督上,主要目的是防止以欺诈行为骗取免税资格或公众捐赠。 对非营利组织的监督管理首先是税务机关的职责,申请具有免税资格的非营利组织,需要接受税务机关的严格审查,免税审批部门每年还会对非营利组织的财务状况进行抽查,如经查实有营利行为,其免税资格就会被取消。免税非营利组织需要每年向联邦税务机关报送该组织的年度报告,内容主要是财务状况和经营活动。 其次,各州(省)检察长负责对非营利组织的财务状况进行监督,并对其违法行为提起诉讼,各级政府提供公共服务项目招标的部门也会对承担项目的非营利组织进行监督,防止非营利组织通过政府资助项目牟取私利。 捐赠者出于掌握资金赠与权利也有权对非营利组织进行监督,如果需要,他们可以要求查看捐赠资金使用情况以及受赠组织的财务情况,从而监督受赠组织是否按照捐赠要求使用捐款。 另外,非营利组织行业内部也自发地联合,组成各种全国性机构,例如“美国基金会理事会”(Foundation Council of America)和“国家基金募集协会”(The National Society of Fund-Raising Executives),交流情况,公开信息,增进组织的透明度,提高组织的服务能力。也有一些机构,例如美国“全国慈善信息局”(National CharitiesInformation Bureau)和“慈善导航”(Charity Navigator),专门对非营利组织特别是具有免税资格的组织进行评估,并免费向社会公众公布评估结果,帮助公众比较非营利组织的诚信度和工作绩效。 最后,司法系统坚守法律的防线,联邦税务机关和州检察长有权对非营利组织提起诉讼,由法院予以裁决。以上措施,有效地预防了欺诈与腐败行为的发生。 二、美、加非营利组织管理制度的主要特点 对上述美、加非营利组织管理制度的基本情况进行总结,可以看出,两国的制度具有一些共同特点,主要包括: (一)对准入门槛实行分类规定 两国对一般非营利组织的注册和免税非营利组织申请是分开规定的,注册一家非营利组织的条件并不高,程序也很简单,但是申请成为免税的非营利组织有严格的条件,审查时间也较长。 在美国或加拿大,任何人只要向州(省)政府有关部门提交注册文件,组织有一定的宗旨,利润不在所有者和董事之间分配,组织机构达到成立公司的最低标准,一般都可以注册,负责注册的政府机关不能因为不喜欢组织的宗旨或组织本身而拒绝注册。 但是另一方面,要成为免税的非营利组织则必须向联邦税务机关申请,联邦税务机关会对申请者进行严格的审查。在加拿大,一般需要一年左右时间方可完成审查。 (二)以充分竞争作为管理的基础 与经济领域的市场主义取向一致,美、加两国在非营利组织管理制度上也贯彻了以市场竞争为基础的原则。 这首先表现在其发展非营利组织的指导思想上。与欧洲主要国家遵循的法团主义思想不同,美国和加拿大在非营利组织发展上遵循的是多元主义思想。法团主义强调集体利益或社群利益超越个人利益,主张社团组织数量上的有限性和结构上的非竞争性,主张社团要么由国家直接组建,要么获得国家认可而具有代表地位的垄断性。多元主义强调社团数量的非限制性和自由竞争的重要性。在这种思想指导下,美国的非营利组织管理制度采取一种过程管理而非事前管理的取向,即基本的准入门槛较低,较少事前审查,不限制相同相类似的组织注册,从而非营利组织数量众多,同类组织间形成充分竞争的格局。 有利于非营利组织充分竞争的另一项措施是政府对非营利组织自主性的尊重。出于自由主义传统和宪法对公民自由的保护,美、加两国十分重视非营利组织的相对独立性,政府不能干涉非营利组织的内部事务与业务活动。 另外,政府对市场的监管为非营利组织间的充分竞争提供了保障。对欺诈行为的预防和惩罚是市场监管的首要方面,对公众知情权的保障和对非营利组织透明度的强调是另一个重要方面。 (三)重视基于完善的内部治理结构的组织自律 在美、加两国非营利组织管理制度的各环节中,组织自律是重要的一环,而这种自律的制度保证是法律对组织内部治理结构的要求,这一要求的实质是建立明确的责任体系。 按照规定,非营利组织与其它法人组织一样,需要有一套责任体系保证其能够承担因为其组织行为所产生的法律后果,这一责任体系以董事会为核心。法律规定董事会要对非营利组织的管理工作最终负责,当然,按照现代公司治理结构,董事会可以将管理权委托给其它个人或机构,从而形成经理层,由经理层代理董事会管理公司事务。但是,董事会必须最终对所有事务负责。这种责任当然要落实在每一名董事身上,如果非营利公司的慈善资产被不当使用或慈善信托没有遵守,州司法部长有权免除公司董事和官员的职务并对其进行追加罚款。此外,法律还就非营利公司的自我交易问题作了规定。涉及到董事个人物质利益的非营利机构交易被称为自我交易。一个非营利机构只有事先得到司法部长的许可,或遵循有关公开和批准的程序,才能进行自我交易。如果违反有关要求,受益董事将受到司法部长、公司本身或其他董事或官员的起诉,将被要求偿还交易中获得的利润。 加拿大有关非营利组织的法律在这方面也有类似的规定。所不同的是,加拿大还有一项有关董事会及其董事行为的保险,即非营利组织在注册时需对其董事会及董事的行为购买一定数额的保险,一旦因其行为产生民事赔偿责任,即由这份保险赔付。这样规定的目的是明确法人责任,确保该组织在需要其承担民事责任时有能力承担。 以上这些有关非营利组织责任体系的规定,约束其能够形成有效的组织自律。 (四)强调司法渠道的重要性 另一个重要特点是对司法渠道的重视。考察中我们了解到,美、加两国在非营利组织管理中很少使用行政手段。由于法治十分健全,整个社会和经济生活都置于法律监督之下,非营利组织活动也有完善的法律安排。 首先是一切活动都有法可依,虽然两国都没有专门的非营利组织法典,但是有关法律问题都散见于各类相关条款中。 其次是法律监督的职责明确,虽然两国都没有专门监管非营利组织的政府机关,但是监管职责有明确的责任人。各州(省)司法部长负责监督非营利组织是否有欺诈行为,负责对其进行审计;联邦税务机关负责监督免税非营利组织是否信守非营利的宗旨,是否履行了税法有关免税组织的义务。他们都有义务就任何人对任何非营利组织提出的举报进行审查。 最后,对非营利组织的违法行为的处罚通过司法渠道进行,并且法律给予被处罚的组织一定的救济渠道。州(省)司法部长的权力是对有违法行为的非营利组织提起诉讼,联邦税务机关有权依法取消非营利组织的免税资格,但是更进一步的处罚需要由法官决定。对于处罚,被起诉者有权通过司法渠道提出申诉。 (五)坚持政府监管的有限性 最后,两国非营利组织管理制度还有一个重要特点就是坚持政府监管的有限性,这一点其实从前几点中已经可以部分看出。 这首先表现在负责监管的行政机关数量很少。两国都有庞大的第三部门,负有监管职责的机关仅仅一两个而已。但是,这并没有妨碍监管的有效性,相反还避免了政出多门和相互推委。 其次,这种有限性表现为行政权力的有限性。以上第四个特点中已经提到,负责监管的行政机关权力有限,法律的制裁需要经由司法程序做出。 最后,这种有限性还表现在监管内容的有限。政府的监管主要是针对非营利组织行为的非欺诈性和非营利性,即公司法和税法的有关规定。政府不干涉非营利组织的内部事务和业务活动,诸如人事变动、内部机构增减、业务领域调整等事项,只要其行为符合有关法律规定。监管内容的有限性促进了监管的有效性。 实际上,在整个非营利组织管理制度中,政府监管只是一个重要方面而已,组织自律、行业互律、公众监督、市场竞争等也都是重要方面。 2006年1月

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...Power and Politics : Chapter 19 Power and politics are among the most important concepts in the study of organization behavior. Both power and politics are dynamic concepts and are a function of the interaction between different elements in organizations. Power has been defined as "the ability to influence and control anything that is of value to others." It is the ability to influence the behavior of other people in the organization and to get them to do what they otherwise would not have done. Although the terms power, authority and influence are often used synonymously, there is a difference between them. Power is the ability to effect a change in an individual or a group in some way. Power may or may not be legitimate. That is, power need not correspond with a person's organizational position. Authority, on the other hand, is legitimate. It is the power which is sanctioned by the organization and is often the 'source' of power. Influence is a much broader concept than both power and authority. French and Raven, social psychologists, identified five sources of power - coercive, reward, legitimate, expert and referent. Coercive power is based on fear and is the ability to influence another person through threats or fear of punishment. Reward power is a positive power which refers to the ability to get things done through others on the basis of one's power to grant rewards. Legitimate power depends on organizational position and authority. It refers to the power conferred by...

Words: 552 - Pages: 3

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Organazational Behaviour

...Decision making Individuals, in and out of an organization, have different attitudes towards many circumstances they face in life. With these attitudes towards an object or situation, whether positive or negative, the individual will have a set behavior for a certain circumstance, thus saying that behavior follows attitudes; which were assumed by researchers in the late 1960’s. But one researcher, Leon Festinger , argued that it is the other way around, that attitudes follow behavior and that people change what they say so it does not contradict what they do. Yet recent research, based on Festinger’s Moderating Variables, show how strong moderating variables tend to strengthen the link and prove that attitudes do in fact predict future behavior. Attitudes and behavior in this sense are intricately related. Managers must understand this complicated relationship in order to measure and determine job satisfaction and its relationship to employees’ job attitudes, involvement and satisfaction in order to optimum productivity. Attitudes are thoughts about a particular object in which then is reflected emotionally through an individual finally realizing a certain behavior. They reflect how we feel about something. Researchers have assumed that attitudes have three components which are; cognition component – the aspect of an attitude that is a description of or belief in the way of an attitude – affect component – is the emotional or...

Words: 645 - Pages: 3

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...Creating a Plan for Positive Influence Daniel E Fulgencio Mota University of Phoenix LDR/531 Organizational Leadership March 28, 2013 Prof. Miguel A Rodriguez, PhD Creating a Plan for Positive Influence Business model has change dramatically lately. These days are more common for the organizations to use team work or small subunits, also known as department or section formed specifically to perform specific task for achieving different goals in the company. This document proposes will cover several topics concerning to the design of an effective plan to increase team motivation, satisfaction and performance. How the different attitudes, emotions and, personalities may affect the good performance of group and the tools managers can use to alleviate this situations. Designing and effective Team Before defining a strategy to form and effective team it is important to know fundamentals aspects about team or groups. There are two types of groups formal and informal. This document focused on formal groups. Formal groups are those defined by organizations with the purpose of assigning task to the members of the team for achieving specifics goals. Other important aspect on forming and managing effective teams is the role a leader has for ensuring success of the team. Leaders may improve team performance by influencing and motivating each member of the group. Team performance is strongly related to the level of commitment and motivation members have to achieve...

Words: 1151 - Pages: 5

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Business and Life

...emphasized. It is said that any thing minus management amounts to nothing. There is no more important area of human activity than management since its task is that of getting things done through others. Some underestimate the importance of management in business but the latest researches have shown that it is certainly not the case. The input of the labor, capital and raw materials can never become production without the catalyst of management. Management is a dynamic life-giving element in an organization. In its absence, the resources of production remain underutilized and can never become production. In fact, without efficient management, no country can become a nation. Business is basically a group activity and management plays an important role in making it more effective. The group as a whole cannot realize its objectives unless and until there is mutual cooperation and coordination among the members of the groups. Management creates teamwork and team spirit in an organization by developing a sound organizational structure. It brings the human and material resources together and motivates the people for the achievement of goals. The available resources of production are put to use in such...

Words: 391 - Pages: 2

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Organizational Structure

...influence on the company renders the political and legal component of environment consisting of the legislation at federal and local levels, and also the general political climate. The economic component of environment (rates of inflation, a rate of unemployment and wages, a trend of economic growth, specificity of competitors, features of suppliers etc.) appears the important factor. The technological component covers specificity of technological process. The Welfare component means demographic shifts. The organizations functioning in the conditions of the changeable environment, require the structures adapted for acceptance of flexible decisions. Under the influence of changes in an environment the organization constantly develops. As a result, former elements and communications die off and new components are formed , corresponding to new conditions. Strategy states the plan according to which the organization intends to reach the purposes. I think the main purpose of this conglomerate can be the increase in sales volumes at the expense of fast and qualitative service of sellers and clients of the company that is one of the primary factors promoting achievement of strategy of reception and maximization of a corporate income in the short-term and long-term period. For achievement of the...

Words: 861 - Pages: 4

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Organizational Behavior

...Organizational studies encompass the study of organizations from multiple viewpoints, methods, and levels of analysis. For instance, one textbook[1] divides these multiple viewpoints into three perspectives: modern, symbolic, and postmodern. Another traditional distinction, present especially in American academia, is between the study of "micro" organizational behaviour — which refers to individual and group dynamics in an organizational setting — and "macro" strategic management and organizational theory which studies whole organizations and industries, how they adapt, and the strategies, structures and contingencies that guide them. To this distinction, some scholars have added an interest in "meso" scale structures - power, culture, and the networks of individuals and i.e. ronit units in organizations — and "field" level analysis which study how whole populations of organizations interact. Whenever people interact in organizations, many factors come into play. Modern organizational studies attempt to understand and model these factors. Like all modernist social sciences, organizational studies seek to control, predict, and explain. There is some controversy over the ethics of controlling workers' behavior, as well as the manner in which workers are treated (see Taylor's scientific management approach compared to the human relations movement of the 1940s). As such, organizational behaviour or OB (and its cousin, Industrial psychology) have at times been accused of being the...

Words: 290 - Pages: 2

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Strategic Quality Mgt & Customer Satisfaction

...and explain how Kaiser Permanente uses the terminology and concepts in our hospital. Organizational Culture Organizational culture is the shared beliefs and values that make a difference in the behavior of organizational members. Culture plays an important role in stability and safety in an organization. Organization culture defines an organization's leadership and in order to understand its leadership, it is a must to first understand its culture. “Although it is relatively easy to conclude that what works well in one culture may not work as well in another, it is far harder to specify exactly how cultural differences affect things like motivation, job satisfaction, and ethical behavior.” (Schermerhorn, Hunt, & Osborn, 2008). The organizational culture at Kaiser Permanente has started a program called “Live Well Be Well” for their employees. This program has really made a big difference at our facility. The employees have better understanding of their health, motivated to come to work everyday and work ethics have improved as well. . Employees rely on culture for the ability to respond to any circumstances, culture becomes hard core in many organizations, which put fear in employees when change takes place; therefore leaders must take on the role of creating and maintaining a healthy organizational culture. Organizational Behavior Organizational behavior is as an academic that is laid out to understand individual and group behavior, interpersonal...

Words: 733 - Pages: 3

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Mobile Technology

...strategic plan that focuses on what the users need to get their jobs done, the kinds of infrastructure that are already in place and can be leveraged, and how business needs will change over the next few years. This last component of a mobile strategy is particularly important because it will determine not only what gets implemented now but what degree of flexibility will be required to enhance and improve the applications over time. Failure to take into account the needs of the business in the long term will mean a mobile solution that is unable to change or grow with the business, representing a less-than-optimum investment strategy and potentially requiring rip-and-replace of the solution within a short time. Extending email Most organizations that have deployed even simple mobile applications can leverage those applications to encompass a broader reach of user and company needs. For instance, enterprises that have a...

Words: 2529 - Pages: 11

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Organizational Psychology Paper

...and highly competitive corporate environment. Paramount to this success is the application of organizational psychology which focuses on the human factor of business. Close examination of the root definition, roles of research and statistics, and utilization of organizational psychology within organizations will provide insight into just how the human factor contributes to the failure or success of an organization. The finely tuned sports team, that just achieved greatness, or the corporation that collapsed due to corruption contained one thing, people who had either a positive or negative impact on an organization. “Organizational psychology is field that utilizes scientific methodology to better understand the behavior of individuals working in organizational settings” (Jex & Britt, 2008, p.1). The simple explanation is to understand what makes people tick in an organizational environment such as a business. Once understood, the challenge to organizational psychology is to capitalize on dynamics of individual behaviors and build upon the success of the organization. The role of research and statistics in organizational psychology is crucial to understanding how an organization functions. Research is accomplished in numerous ways; archival data studies, survey studies, and observational studies gather information for researchers about employees in a business setting (Gantly, 2010). Information gathered through this type of research is utilized to determine data applicable...

Words: 776 - Pages: 4

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Explain the Levels of Conflict That May Be Present When Individuals Embrace the Attributes of the Diversity Competency but Those Attributes Are Not Shared by Coworkers. Provide Recommendations for Reducing Conflict.

...aware of the fact that these very issues could occur and must be ready to resolve any and all problems. Effective conflict resolution means being able to use differences in ways that strengths rather than divide. Develop clear purposes and goals, design and conduct effective meetings, ensure appropriate representation and understanding of roles. There must also be some education, and this is done through training. The training should equip the individuals with the right tools to educate as well as inspire everyone. Source:Hellriegel, D.,& Slocum, J.W.Jr.(2011) Organizational Behavior: 2011 Custom Edition(13th ed.). The key attributes of the diversity competency include the knowledge, skills and abilities of individuals, teams, and the organization to perform effective in doing the following: fostering; learning; embracing and developing; communicating and personally practicing; providing leadership and applying governmental laws and regulations as well as organizational policies and regulations concerning diversity. (Pg. 14-15)  The levels of conflict that may be present when individuals embrace the attributes of diversity competency are listed below. (Pg. 386) Intrapersonal Conflict occurs within an individual and usually involves some of goal cognitive, or affective conflict.    The...

Words: 609 - Pages: 3

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Effective Communications

...Effective Communications Paper Your Name Course # Date Instructor: Today’s growing businesses are often requiring employees to work in teams to meet project deadlines. Working in teams comes with many benefits, such as building employee relationships and knowledge sharing. Unfortunately, teamwork has its negative aspects, such as tension or anxiety, which almost always derives from poor communication. Effective communication within an organization often determines an organizations fate. This article gives an overview of effective communication through knowledge sharing, effective and ineffective techniques, using effective techniques in a health care environment, and technological impacts. Effective Knowledge Sharing Techniques Knowledge is often seen as a rich form of information. This differentiation, however, is not terribly helpful. A more useful definition of knowledge is that it is about know-how and know-why. A metaphor is that of a cake. An analysis of its molecular constituents is data – for most purposes not very useful – one may not even be able to tell it were a cake. A list of ingredients is information – more useful – an experienced cook could probably make the cake – the data has been given context. The recipe though would be knowledge – written knowledge - explicit knowledge – it tells how to make the cake. An inexperienced cook however, even with the recipe might not make a good cake. A person, though, with relevant knowledge, experience...

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