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God Is Real


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1. NAME: Professor Emmanuel Egwu Oti (MFS)

2. MAILING ADDRESS: Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture P.M.B.053, Abakaliki, Ebonyi State.
RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS: No 9 Umuoji Street Abakaliki, Ebonyi State.
3. E-Mail ADDRESS:
4. DATE OF BIRTH: 24th January 1962
5. LOCAL GOVT. AREA: Afikpo North
6. STATE OF ORIGIN: Ebonyi state
9. LIST OF DEPENDANTS: (i) Emmanuella Chinyere Oti (wife) (ii) Sandra Ijeoma Egwu-Oti(daughter) (iii) Juliet Chinenye Egwu-Oti (daughter) (iv) Genevieve Chiamaka Egwu-Oti (daughter) (v) Treasure Ifeoma Egwu-Oti (daughter) (vi) Bob-Manuel Chidiebere Egwu-Oti (son)
(i) Ngodo/Amachi Primary School Afikpo. 1970-1975 (ii) Government Secondary School Afikpo. 1975-1980
(iii) Alvan lkoku College of Education, Owerri. 1980-1983
(iv) University of Jos, Jos Nigeria. 1984-1987
(v) University of Jos, Jos. 1989-1990
(vi) Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Nigeria. 1993-1999

(12) ACADEMIC/ PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS i) Ph.D 1999 (Fish Toxicology, Applied Fisheries and Aquaculture, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka Nigeria. ii) M.Sc. 1990 (Hydrobiology and Fisheries) University of Jos, Jos Nigeria. iii) B.Sc. Hons. (Zoology), 1987 University of Jos, Jos. Nigeria iv) NCE Certificate (Biology/Chemistry) 1983, AICE, Owerri
(13) CURRENT RESEARCH INTEREST (i) Fish Breeding, Hatchery Management, Fry and Fingerling Production. (ii) Fish and aquatic toxicology (iii) Hydrobiology and Applied Fisheries (iv) Fish and Aquatic Resource Management (v) Environmental Impact Assessment, Evaluation and Remediation
(vi) Fish Physiology and Adaptation.
(14) MEMBERSHIP OF LEARNED SOCIETIES (i) Member Fisheries Society of Nigeria (FISON) (ii) Member Nigeria Association for Aquatic Sciences (NAAS)
(iii) Member New York Academy of Sciences (NAS)
(iv) Member Biotechnology Society of Nigeria (BSN)
(v) Member Agricultural Society of Nigeria (ASN)
(vi) Member Nigeria Society for Animal production (NSAP)
(vii) Member Nigeria Society for Biological Conservation (NSBC)
(viii) Member Nigerian Science Association of Nigeria (SAN)
(ix) Member Science Teachers Association of Nigeria (STAN)
(x) Member, Agricultural Practitioners Association of Nigeria
(xi) Member, Farm Management Association of Nigeria (FMAN)
(xii) Member, Cassava Cyanide Disease Network, the Australian National University (CCDN)
(xiii) Member International Centre for Living Aquatic Resources Management, Malaysia
15. PRESENT EMPLOYMENT Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture Ebonyi State University Abakaliki.
16. DETAILS OF TEACHING EXPERIENCE AT UNIVERSITY AD POLYTECHNIC LEVELS. A. Courses Taught at Polytechnic Level: • Research Methodology. • Biological Technique, i, ii, iii. • Hydrobiology and Fisheries. • Parasitology. • Animal Morphology and Taxonomy. • Vertebrate Anatomy and Physiology. • Entomology and Pest Control. • Seminar and Project Supervision of ND and HND students. B. Courses Taught at University Level: • Water Quality Management and Pollution Control. • Aquatic Pollution and Toxicology. • Oceanographic Techniques. • Applied Chemical Techniques in Aquatic Environment. • Oceanography. • Limnology. • Fish Ecology. • Aquatic Flora and Fauna (Hydrobiology). • Elementary Seamanship and Navigation. • Fishery Economics. • Fisheries Management and Population Dynamics. • Applied Fish Biometrics. • University General Course (100 – 400 Levels) • Introduction to Fisheries and Wildlife. • Seminar and Project Supervision of B.Sc students • IT supervision for undergraduates. C. Postgraduate Courses Taught (MSc) • Anatomy and Physiology. • Aquatic Ecology and Limnology. • Aquatic Pollution and Toxicology. • Fish Processing and Storage Technology. • Fish Management and Administration. • M.Sc. Project and Seminar supervision.

COURSES TAUGHT AT PhD • Fish Ecology and Limnology • Anatomy and Physiology • Fishing Gear and Craft Technology • Environmental Impact Assessment • Fish Farming Systems • Aquaculture Engineering. • PhD seminar and supervision.

COURSES TAUGHT AT PGD • Introduction to Advanced Industrial Safety • Introduction to Advance industrial Toxicology • Environmental Quality Control • Fish population and Dynamics. • Fish breeding and Genetics. • Statistics for Fisheries and Animal Scientists • Project/Seminar supervision.

17. SERVICES TO THE NATION A. External Examiner for Undergraduate final examinations in the Department of Zoology, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka from 2001 to 2006. As External Examiner, I • Moderated the second semester final examination question papers. • Remarked some portions of answer scripts. • Examined the students during oral examination/defense of their projects. • Participated in the determination of the final year results. • Finally, I submitted an independent report on the results and work of the department. B. Professorial assessor of Dr. (Mrs.) Nsofor for Appointment to the rank of Associate Professor, Nnamdi Azikiwe University (NAU) among others. C. Appointment as a resource person to Abia Agricultural Development Programme (ADP) from 1999 – 2002. ACHIEVEMENTS: • I prepared production package for different fisheries and aquaculture system. • Delivered production recommendation on selected aspect of fisheries. D. Appointment as a member of panel of judges during launching of 1995 cropping season (4th April, 1995). ACHIEVEMENTS: • Inspected and judged the exhibits of Fisheries and Aquaculture Projects. • Did the rating among Fish products from different Local Governments in Abia State. E. Member Review and planning of Fisheries Scientist on Nationally Coordinated Research Programme on Fresh water Fisheries at National Institute for Freshwater Fisheries NIFFR New Bussa 30th October – 3rd November 1996. • Member Review and planning of Fisheries Scientist on Nationally Coordinated Research Programme on Marine Fisheries (NCRP) of National Research Project (NARP) Dec. 5 – 6, 1996 and January 8 – 9, 1998 at Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research (NIOMR) Lagos, Nigeria. ACHIEVEMENTS: • Identification of task under the various themes especially on high and medium priority themes in fisheries and aquaculture. • Allocate task to various participating institutions and finalize collaborating arrangement where necessary. • Prepare work plan budget and determine local fund that each institution will require or contribute towards the activities. F. Appointment as a resource person to the Federal Ministry of Youths and Sport for the training of Youths in Agriculture (2007 at McGregor/NYSC permanent camp, Afikpo. ACTIVITIES PERFORMED • Taught the youths basic methods in fish, Grass cutter and snaillery production. • Practical methods of breeding fish. • Feed formulation. G. Resource person to Nigerian Prisons Service from 6th to 10th December, 2010 to date. ACTIVITIES PERFORMED • Taught Agricultural farm managers of different prisons in Nigeria on Fisheries and Aquaculture Business Management and entrepreneurship in Fisheries and Aquaculture management. 18. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PRESENT EMPLOYER: The Council Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Ebonyi State, Nigeria. 19. DATE OF PRESENT EMPLOYER: 27TH October, 2005 20. NAME AND ADDRESS OF FORMER EMPLOYER: Council Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria. 21. WORK PROGRESSION • 2006 – Date: Professor of Fisheries and Aquaculture, EBSU, Abakaliki, Ebonyi State. • 2000 – 2006: Senior Lecturer, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike. • 1997 – 2000: Lecturer I, Federal University of Agriculture, Umudike Nigeria. • 1994 – 1997: Lecturer II, Federal University of Agriculture, Umudike Nigeria. • 1992 – 1994: Lecturer III, Department of Science Laboratory Technology, Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnic, Unwana Afikpo, Ebonyi State.
i. Head of the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Ebonyi State University Abakaliki from 2007 to 2008. ii. HOD Dept of fisheries and Aquaculture, EBSU 2010-date iii. Chairman Faculty Postgraduate Committee, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environmental Management (FARM) from 2009-date

iv. Elected Senate representative, College of Nat. Res. and Environmental Management Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike from 2002 – 2004.
v. Elected Senate Representative of Congregation Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike from 30thJune to 2004-2005. vi. Member Committee on Central Registration of Students, Representative, College of Natural Resources and Environmental Management, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike (1995/1996). vii. Member Staff Salary Negotiation Team, Representative College of Natural Resources and Environmental Management MOUA Umudike (1996) viii. Member Benchmark Research Survey on Agricultural productivity in South-Eastern Nigeria, Representative College of Natural Resources and Environment Management, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike. ix. Chairman Postgraduate Committee, College of Natural Resources of Environmental Management, MOUAU.
x. Member Panel of Inquiry on Misconduct and poor attitude to work against Mr. Obisike Ibeabuchi. The driver attached to PG school 16th February (1998). xi. Member College and Postgraduate Board Committee, CNREM, MOUAU. xii. Chairman Local Organizing Committee (LOC) on the 16th Annual Conference/International Workshop of Nigeria Society for Aquatic Sscience 3rd – 6th October, 2001 organized by Department of Fisheries MOUAU. xi. Member Local Organizing Committee on Nigeria Society for Biological Conservation, MOUAU, 1997. xii. Publicity Secretary, FUAU-ISHRAELI workshop on Agriculture and Cage culture 1997. xiii. Member College Board Committee MOUAU. xiv. Member ASUU Committee on Library Development Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike Branch. xv. Member ASUU-MOUAU Ad hoc Committee on Blue-Print On Agriculture in Nigeria, 8th January 2003. xvi. Member ASUU-MOUAU Investigative Committee on Release of Results 23rd January 2003. xvii. Departmental IT (Industrial Training Coordinator) Ebonyi State University Abakaliki. xviii. Member Practical Handbook Committee for the Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Ebonyi State University Abakaliki. xix. Academic advisers to students at polytechnic, and universities I served.
A. Elected chairman Parent Teachers Association of Nigeria (PTAN) Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Staff School Umudike, Abia State from 2001- 2006.

(i.) I ensured that there was harmonious relationship between parents, teachers, board and the university of management.
(ii.) My team provided a conductive leaning environment for pupils and teachers. The PTA MOUAU branch under my leadership provided the following facilities in line with the objectives of the association. iii) Library furniture (iv) weather stations (v) beautification of the compound by planting flowers and economic trees (vi) staff school sign board and road warning signs (vii)facilitated the installation and maintenance of recreational facilities etc. other proposed project includes the construction of Bus park and pedestrian bridge among other things.
B. Elected chairman Parent Teachers Association Federal Government Girls College Ezzamgbo Ebonyi State from 2007- 2010.
(i) Restoration of JSS program in Federal Government Colleges
(ii) Restoration of peace between the school and the Community.
(iii) Facilitation of the Provision of facilities for Teaching and learning in the school.
(iv) Building of structures and provision of Laboratory facilities.
(v) Bought Coaster Bus to facilitate movement of students and Teachers to and as when necessary, among other things.
(C) General secretary, Amuda progressive Union (APU) Amachi Afikpo Ebonyi State (1996 to date)
(D) Assistant Secretary Amachi Development Union Afikpo, Ebonyi Etate Nigeria (2001-2002)
(E) Chairman Amuda water project, Amachi Afikpo (2001-2002)
(F) Secretary Umuariaga transformer/electricity supply fault finding committee 10th April 1999.
(G) Patron Catholic youth organization of Nigeria St. Joseph Parish Ikwano form 1999 to date
(H) Patron Ebonyi State students Association MOUAU - Branch 2000 to 2005.
24. AWARD RECEIVED (i) Research Participation Award for the Presentation of a Research Project of high standard and with relevance to national development. Presented by the National Universities Commission (NUC) during the first Nigeria universities research and development: fair, November 25th 2004. (ii) Merit award as “Model Father Oboro/Ibere by catholic women organization, ikwuano, ikwuano LGA abia State Nigeria (2005) (iii) Award of Exellence for Integrity and Good behavior from Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) MOUAU Branch.
25. ACEDEMIC LEADERSHIP QUALITIES Successfully supervised the following students and currently supervising several others. 1. Abazie G. U. 2005 M. Sc 2. Okoro B. C. 2004 M. Sc 3. Chude L. A. 2008 Ph.D 4. Ebeniro L. A 2009 Ph.D 5. Ude E. F. 2010 Ph.D
(i) Editor-in chief proceeding of Aquatic Science-sustainable utilization of aquatic resources and environmental management October, 2001.
(ii) Associate Editor of journal of research in Bioscience
(iii) Reviewer for Nigerian society for biological conservation of the 5th annual conference 19th November, 1996-on conservation of aquatic resources: preliminary studies on the diurnal variations of plankton in largely lentic freshwater in Ibadan Nigeria.
(iv) Reviewer journal of sustainable Agriculture and environments (MOUAU) (2001)-morpho-meristic analysis and the identity of moonfish citharinus latus of lake Ogunta (2001)
(v) Reviewer journal of sustainable agriculture and environment (MOUAU) suitability of some seeds as baits for aquatic fungi (25/3/03)
(vi) Reviewer tropical science: an International journal of science, technology,economics, bioremediation, aquatic environment and degraded ecosystems 14/15 (200).
(vii) Reviewer: the African Academy of science: Discovery and Innovation. Hydro chemical analysis of spring water. A case study of llaro, south Western Nigeria, 20th October, 2003
(ix) Book reviewer fish farming: an aspect of agriculture written by Anderson N. Nwachukwu 12th October, 2001.
(x) Reviewer: International Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development (IJARD)-morpho-meristic characteristic of catharinus latus of lake Ogunta.
(xi) Reviewer African Academy of Science: Discovery and Innovation. Investigation of the river and its embedded Lobes in catfish – 2002.
1. E. O. Dada, C. M. Adeiyongo, J.C. Anosike, V.O. Zaccheaus S.N. Okoye and E.E. Oti (1993). Observation on the epidemiology of human taeniasis amongst the Gomeai Tribe of Northern Nigeria. Applied Parasitology, 34: 251-257.
2. E.E. Oti P. P. Ofojekwu (1996). Studies on the incorporation of spices of Zingiber Officinalis (Ginger Root) and Capsicum Frutecens (chillieies) in diet for the African Catfish-Clarias gariepinus Fingerlings. Jat, 4(1):41-47
3. Avoaja D. A. and E. E. Oti(1997). Effect of sublethal concentrations of some pesticides on the growth and survival of the fingerlings of the African freshwater catfish “Heteroclarias” (Hybrid) Nigeria, J. Biotech, 8(1): 40-45
4. Oti E. E. and Chude L. A. (1997). Acute Toxicity of inorganic fertilizer ot African Freshwater Catfish Heterbranches Bidorsalis (Geoffrey) Fingerling. Niger Delta Biologia 1(1): 60-62
5. Oti E. E. and Chude L. A. (1998). Acute Toxicity of metal Mixtures to the blood sucking leech. (Hirudo medicinalis). Niger Delta Biologia. 2(2): 71-74
6. Chude L. A and oti E. E. (1998) studies on the icthyofauna of Ehoma floodplain-Ancient flood plain in Afikpo, Ebonyi State, eastern Nigeria. Niger Delta Biologia 2(2): 75-85.
7. Oti E. E and Ukpabi, U. H. (1999). Acute toxicity of water ectracts of barks of Thevetia peruvian (Person) and Azadiractha indica (Lodd) to Hyperopisus bebe ocidentalis (gunther) Journal of Agric Biotech Environ 1(2): 18-22
8. Oti E. E and Chude L. A (2000). Effects of lead toxicosis in the African freshwater catfish fingerlings. African J. Agric. Teacher Educa. Ix(1&2) 105-111.
9. Oti E. E (2000). Acute toxicity of water extracts of bark thevania peruvina to the African Freshwater catfish, “Heteroclarias” hybrid fingerlings. Journal Fisheries Technology 2: 124-130.
10. Oti E.E and Ukpabi Q.U.H (2000) . Acute Toxicity of milk extract of thevelia peruviana (person) to African, freshwater catfish, Clarias, gariepinus (teeugals). African Journal of Sceience and Technology. 1(1): 132-138.
11. Oti E.E (2000). Influence of Taromeal (Colocasia esculentia) on the growth and flesh quality of the African catfish specie “Heteroclarias” African Journal of Science and Technology, 1(1):156-162.
12. Oti E.E (2001). Sublethal effects of formalin on plasms glucose and erythrocyte counts of “Heteroclarias”. Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries 2: 29-32.
13. Oti E.E (2002). Effect of disinfectants on the mean weight grain of the African freshwater catfish “Heteroclarias” (hybrid). Scientia Africana. 1(1): 21-26
14. Oti E.E (2000). Acute toxicity of cassava mill effluent to the African freshwatrer catfish fingerlings, Journal of Aquatic Science, 17(1): 31-34.
15. Oti E.E (2003). Studies on freshwater insect communities of the Ohimiri reservoir (NRCRI) Dam and its contribution to water quality management, Africa Journal of Science and Technology vol. 4(1.2): 53 -63.
16. Oti E.E (2003). Comparative acute toxicity of four commonly used detergents to clarias gariepinus fingerling. Journal of biodiversity and biotechnology 1(1): 28 -31.
17. Oti E.E (2003). Acute toxicity of gammalin 20 to chrysichthys nigrodigitatus (Lacepede). Science forum journal of pure and applied science. Vol. 6 No. 219-225.
18. Oti E.E (2003). Influence of soyabeans meal based diets in fees for intensive culture of African catfish (hybrid fingerlings. International Journal of Gender and Health Studies 1(1): 22-27
19. Oti E.E (2003). Fish biodiversity local studies as basis for global interference: studies on the icthyofauna of Ehoma floodplain, Afikpo Eastern Nigeria, p. 123 -131, in Palomares M. L. D., Samb B, Diouf T. Vakily M. J., Pauly D. ACP-EU fisheries report No 14, ACP EU Fisheries Report Initiative, Brussels.
20. Oti E.E and U. H. Ukapbi (2004). Acute toxicity of water extracts of brks of mormyrids. Journals of Applied Aquaculture 16/3/4: 183-190.
21. Oti E.E (2005). Selenium toxicity on the early life stages of Clarias gariepinus. Pakistan Journal of Zoology Vol. 37(2), 127-132
22. Oti E.E and Aoaja, D. A. (2005). Hematological Assessment of freshwater catfish Clarias gariepinus. Pakistan Journal of oology vol. 37(2), 101 – 105.
23. Oti E.E and Ude E. F (2006). Effects of two Pesticides Gammalin 20 and Acetelic 25 E. C. on the Haematology of “Heteroclarias”. (Hybrid), Journal of Science of Agric Food Science and Technology (6): 20-25.
24. Oti E.E, Ude E. F. (2006). Haematological response of the African Fresh Water catfish “Heteroclarias” to malachite green. Journal of Applied and Natural Sciences Vol 1(1) pp21-28
25. Ude E. F., Nwani , C. D. Ugwu L. L. C. and Oti E.E (2006) prospects of biotechnology in fish production – A Review. Journal of Applied and Natural Sciences (JANS) Vol. 1(1) pp7-12
26. Ude E. F., Nwani C. D., Oti E.E and Ugwu L. L. C. (2006). Pontential role of Aquaculture in poverty reduction in a Developing Economy. Journal of Applied and Natural Sciences (JANS) Vol. 1 (1) pp 1-6
27. Oti E.E (2008). Construction of Ponds, Tanks, Aquaculture Enclosures and Management. A Review Published Ebonyi State university Fishery project Journal. Pp 8-42
28. Oti E.E and Nwani C. D. (2007). Impact of lambda cyhalothrin pyrethroid insecticides on the uptake of cations and anions by the gills of freshwater catfish hybrid juvenile. Animal research international 4(1): 591-596.
29. Comparative studies on the growth and survival of African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) juveniles reared in cages suspended in concrete tanks in earther ponds in Umudike, abia State. Bio-research, 5(1): 210-215.
30. Oti E.E (2007). Effect of nominal concentrations of crude oil on the carbotheydrate reserves of the African freshwater catfish clarias gariepinus (Burchell), Journal of Science of Agriculture, Food Technology, Environment vol. 7(1): 21-24.
31 C. D. nwani, Oti E.E, G. E. Odoh and H. M.G. Ezenwaji (2008). Endo-parasitic Helminthts of four Mormyrid species (Osteichthyes: Mornyridae) from West African Flood River System. Pakiston Journal of Biological Sciences 11(2:) 202-207.
32. E. F. Ude, Oti E.E, B O. Mgbenka and CD. Nwani (2009). Evaluation of cultivable and food fishes of Ebonyi River. Aquaculture. Vol. 10(1).91-96.

33. Oti E.E (2000). Acute toxicity of water extracts of the kernel of yellow Oleander (Thevetia peruviana) to the cichlid, Oreochromis niloicus. Book of Proceedings , 25th Annual NSAP Conference 19-23 March. Pages 319-322.
34. Ukapbi U. H. and Oti E.E (2000). Some toxic plants of tropical west African and their toxic effects on experimental animals: a review). Proceedings of Food and Fiber Production in Nigeria). Abia state University, Agriculture Umuahia Campus, 10-13th September 2000 pages 23-27
34. Oti E.E (2001). Acute Toxicity of Gamalain 20 to Chrysichthys Nigrodigitatus. Proceedings of the 16th Annual conference of the Fisheries Society of Nigeria (FISON) Maiduguri, 4th-9th November 2001.
35. Oti E.E (2001). Biodiversity status and measures for the conservation in Africa. Proceeding of Aquatic Sciences 3-6th October 2001, pages 94-97.
36. Oti E.E (2001). Trace metal concentration in fish and water from the Aba river, South Eastern Nigerian. Proceeding of Aquatic Sciences, 3-6th October 2001, Umudike pages 442-446. 37. Oti E.E (2001). Some recent observation on the fish fauna of ehoma floodplain in Afikpo Ebonyi State Nigeria. Proceeding 16th annual Conference of Aquatic Sciences. Pages 271-281.
38. Oti E.E and O. U. Ezeruonye (2001). Environmental conservation in a hypersaline environmental: a case study of Okposi salt lake, Ebonyi State Nigeria. Proceeding of Aquatic Science, pages 49-51.
39. Oti E.E and S. O. and Nwosu P. O. (2001). Organic matter and fish abundance in the Cross River Basin. S. E. Nigeria. Proceeding of Aquatic Sciences. Page 216-222.
40. Ano A. O., Oti E.E and Ohaeri O. C. (2001). Trace metal distribution in sediment and water from Aba River S. E. Nigeria. Proceeding of Aquatic Sciences. Pages 448-453.
41. Akachukwu A. E. and Oti E.E (2001). Parametric tests and Empiricism for effective environmental protection management service in Nigeria for the 21st century. Proceeding of Aquatic Sciences. Pages 163-171
42. Irole J.I., Oti E.E and Chude I. A. (2001). Review of heavy metals in the Africa Aquatic Environment. Proceeding of Aquatic Sciences. Pages 52-59
43. Oti E.E (2005). Water Quality Management and Monitoring in Catfish Farming. I. 62-66, 67-74. MONOGRAPHS
44. Oti E.E (1993). Fact about Fish and Man-Science Features. NAT. Amb. VOL. 2(44): 20.
45. Oti E.E (1994). Get Into Fish-Farming. Nat AMB. Vol3(3):16.
46. Oti E.E (1994). Improved protein source for Nigerian, The Task Ahead Nat. AMB vol. 3(42)
47. Oti E.E (1995). FSP and Agro-Pisciculture. NAT. AMB. Vol. 4 (18): 5 BOOKS
48. Asogwa M. O., Ugwu L. L. C. and Oti E.E (2006). Textbook on Introduction to Fisheries and Wildlife Life. ISBN 987-052-Nwamazi Printing and Publishing Co. Ltd, Ebonyi State Nigeria.
49. Oti E.E (2007). Principles of Wildlife, Game Conservation and Management. Publishers WillyRose & Appleseed Publicing Coy. No 7 Leach Road.Abakaliki ISBN 987-052-872.
50. Oti E.E (2001). Practical toxicity handbook. ISBN 978-052-871-1

28. CONFERENCES AND LEARNED SOCIETY ACTIVITIES, ATTENDANCE. • Nigerian Association for Aquatics Sciences (NAAS). • Fisheries Society of Nigeria (FISON). • Biotechnology Society of Nigeria (BSN). • Nigeria Society for Animal Production (NSAP). • Science Association of Nigeria (SAN). • Agricultural Society of Nigeria (ASN). • Nigeria Society for Biological Conservation (NSBC). • Farm Management of Association of Nigeria (FMAN). • Agricultural Practitioners Association of Nigeria (APAN). • 1st Scientific Conference on the Fish and Fisheries of South Eastern Nigeria. • 20th Anniversary Lecture at Abuja by Fisheries Society of Nigeria. • ISREALIFUAU workshop on Aquaculture and cage culture, Federal University of Agriculture – Umudike Nigeria. • First Nigerian Universities Trade Fair.

1. Oti E.E. and P.C. Ofojekwu (1992). Effect of Partial Substitution of Groundnut Cake with Frogbit (Hydrocharis morsus-ranae) in Formulated Feeds of Orechromis niloticus Linn). Bull Biotech. Soc, Nig. Vol. 8 ABSTR. 30 8th Annual Conference, Abia State University Uturu, Okigwe, Nigeria 2 – 5th Sept. 1992, 17pp. 2. E.E. Oti, P.O. Nwosu and D.I. Anadu (1995). The contribution of organic Matter in Relation to Fish Abundance in the Cross River Basin, Nigeria. A paper presented at the 9th /10th Annual conference of Nigeria Association for Aquatic Science, 30th Noveber -2nd December 1995 Abeokuta, Ogun State, 9 pp. 3. E.E. Oti, P.O. Nwosu and D.I. Anadu (1995). Trace Metal Distribution in Sediment and water from Aba River, South Eastern Nigeria . A paper presented at the 6th Annual Conference of the Aquatic Science Society of Nigeria , state Nigeria 3rd 6th October 2001, 6 pp 4. E.E. Oti (1995). Small Scale Poultry-Fish integration in Nigeria . A paper prenseted at the 21st Annual conference of Nigeria society for Animal production . university of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State 24th -28th March, 1996, 6 pp. 5. E.E. Oti and D.I. Anadu (1995). Effects of sublethal concentration of Brewery Effluent on the growth and food conversion efficiency of juvenile “Heteroclarias”. A paper presented at the 30th Annual conference of the science Association of Nigeria (SAN), 4th- 8th June, 1995, University of agriculture Abeokuta, 12 pp. 6. E.E. Oti and D.I Andu (1995). Influence of Taromeal (Colocasia esculaenta) on the growth and flesh quality of the Africa freshwater catfish species “Heteroclarias”. A paper presented at the 30th Annual conference of the Agriculture society of Nigeria 5th -8th November, Edo state university Ekpoma, 13 pp. 7. E.E. Oti, F.C. Okoye and C.E. Ilechukwu (1995). Studies on the incorporation of species of Zingiber officinale and Capsicum fruteseens in Diets for African catfish “Heteroclarians” fingerlings. A paper presented at that 1st scientific conference on the fish fishering of south Eastern Nigeria, 4th October, 1995, Uyo Akwa Ibom State Nigeria 12 pp. 8. E.E. Oti, and D.I Annadu (1995). Recent Observation on the fish fauna of Ehoma floodplain. Afikpo Eastern Nigeria. A paper presented at the 1st scientific conference of the fish and fisheries of south Easthern Nigeria, 4th October,1995 Uyo, Akwa Ibom state Nigeria, and 13 pp. 9. E.E. Oti. (1995), Fish Farming Design, Construction and Management of fishponds. A paper presented at the Agricultural Practitioners Association of Nigeria at the Agricultural workshop in Aba 29th August, 1996 4 pp. 10. E.E. Oti and Mbanasor (1996). Market orientation and Aquaculture Research in Nigeria . A paper presented at the 12th Annual Conference of Farm Management Association of Nigeria 12th- September 1996, kaduna state Nigeria, 3 pp . 11. E.E.Oti (1997) . Studies on the use of Water Hyacinth Culture for Removal of Lead and Mercury from Static Sewage Effluent. A paper presented at the International Workshop on Biotechnology, August 10th – 15th 1997. Federal University of Agriculture, Umudike Nigeria. 12. Oti E.E. and Anadu D.I. (1997) . Acute Toxicity of cassava mill Effluent on the growth and survival of “Heteroclarias” fingerlings. A paper presented at the 31st Annual conference of Agriculture society of Nigeria, (ASN), ABU Zaria, 9-12th February 1997 8 pp. 13. Oti E.E (1997). Local Government as a center place for Agriculture and Rural Development. A paper presented at the Nat. Agric. Conference Workshop on non-oil Export products in Nigeria at Awka Anambra state 8 pp . 14. Oti E.E. (1998) . Impact of Oil Pollution on Aquatic Environment in African-Review, A paper presented at the 11/13th Annual conference of the Nigeria Association for Aquatic science 15th – 18th July, At University of Jos Nigeria. 15. Oti E.E. and Ibe- Uro O.U. (1998). Saline land in Ebonyi State its Extent and Predicted Trends. A paper presented at the Nigeria Society for Biological conservation, River state University of science and Technology, Port-Harcourt, River State, Nigeria 1-5 December 1998, 8 pages. 16. Oti E.E. (1999). Acute toxicity of Inorganic Fertilizer to Africa Freshwater Catfish, H. bidorsalis. A paper presented at the 33rd Annual conference of Agricultural Society of Nigeria (ASN) at National Cereals Research Badeggi Niger State Nigeria, 18-22 October 1999. 17. Oti E.E. (1999). Acute Toxicity of Water Extract of Back of Thevetia Peruviana to Africa Freshwater Catfish. A paper presented at 22nd Annual conference of the Chemical society of Nigeria Jos Nigeria 11 pp. 18. Oti E.E and U.H.Ukpabi (1999). Some Toxic plants of tropical West Africa and their Effects on Experimental Animals. A paper presented at 33rd Annual conference of Agricultural Society of Nigeria (ASN) 18-22 October 1999 5 pp. 19. E.E . Oti (2001) .Biodiversity Status and Measure for the conservation in Africa. A paper presented at the 16th Annual Conference of Aquatic Science of Nigeria Michael Okpara University of Agric Umudike, Abia State, 3-6th October 2001 4 pp. 20. Hypersaline Environment: A Case Study of Okposi Salt Lake, Ohaozarah L.G.A. Nigeria . A paper presented at the 16th Annual conference of the Aquatic Science Society of Nigeria, October 3rd -6th 2001 Umudike, Nigeria . 21. Oti E.E (2001). Acute Toxicity of gammalin 20 to Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus. A paper presented at the fisheries society of Nigeria at Baga maiduguri,2001. 22. Oti E.E. (2001). Acute Toxicity of Water Extracts of the kernel of Yellow Olerander to the Cichilid, O.nioloticus. Nigeria Society for Animal production. Michael okpara University of Agriculture of Agric. Umudike, 19th -23rd March 2000. 23. Oti E.E (2003). Biochemical Effects of Nitrite concentration in three Tropical Fishes. A paper presented at the 18th Annual Conference of the Fisheries Society of Nigeria (FISON), 12th December 2003, Owerri, 8th -12th December, 2003. 24. Oti E.E. and Okpi, K (2003). Acute Toxicity of Lambda cyhalothrin pyrethyroid to Freshwater Catfish. Heterobranchus bidorsalis. A paper presented at the 37th Annual conference of the Agriculture society of Nigeria Calabar, 20th November 2003 at University of Calabar 17 pp. 25. Oti E.E. and Ndu B.E. (2005) . Impact of Karate ( Lambda Cyhalothrin) pyrethoid insecticide on the uptake of some major cations and anions in the grills of Freshwater catfish Fingerlings. A paper presented at the 20th Annual Conference of the Fisheries Society of Nigeria (FISON) 14th - 18th November 2005 16 pp at RSUST Port-Harcourt, Nigeria. 26. Oti E. E. and Iroegbu B. C. (2005). Comparative studies on the growth and survival of African Catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822) Fingerlings reared in cages Suspended in tanks and ponds. A paper presented at the 20th Annual Conference of the Fisheries Society of Nigeria. (FISON) 14th – 18th November 2005. 10 pp held at River State University Science and Technology, Port-Harcourt, River State Nigeria. 27. Oti E. E. (2005). Industrial and Domestic Waste: Method of Recycling. A paper presented at the 1st Abia State Environment Summit 7th – 9th December 2005, 9 pp. 28. Oti E. E. (2005). Water Quality Management and Monitoring in Catfish Farming. A paper presented at the Catfish Farming Multipurpose Society LTD held at National Root Crop Research Institute, Umudike, Abia State, 5th – 8th September 2005 19 pp . 29. Oti E. E. (2005) Toxicological Evaluation of the safety of Neem leaves. A indica used as Protectants against Stored Food Fish. Poster Presentation during 1st Nigerian Universities Trade Fair, 23rd – 25th November at International Conference Center, Abuja, 4 pp. 30. Oti E. E. (2006). Water Quality Management in Fish Farming. A paper presented at the 1st Niger Delta Aquaculture show 2006. 13th – 15th November 2006 at Port-Harcourt 34 pages. 31. Oti E. E. (2010). Fisheries and Aquaculture Business management and Entrepreneurship in Fishery and Aquaculture business. A paper presented at the 6th Biennial Agricultural Prison Officers Conference at Enugu. 6th – 10th Dec. 2010. 32. Udeh G. N. and OTI, E.E. (2012) Acute Toxicity of Delsate Herbicide (Glyphosate) on the Behaviour and some Biochemical Characteristics of African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus). A paper presented at the 26th/27th Annual Conference of Association of Aquatic Sciences of Nigeria (AASN). 30. HOBBIES/ EXTRA CURRICULUM ACTIVITIES: Lawn Tennis, Table Tennis, Badminton, Handball, Scrabble, Reading and Traveling. 31. RESEARCH IN PROGRESS Evaluation of the hatching success and Larval Viability in different species of Fresh water Catfishes and Bonny Fishes, reared in different water sources in Abakaliki Metropolis, South-Eastern Nigeria.

Prof. P. C. Ofojekwu
Dept. of Zoology
University of Jos, Jos Plateau State.

Prof. E. O. EkumaNkama
Dept of Food Science and Technology
Ebonyi State University Abakaliki.

Prof. Selina O. Oko
Dept. of Computer Science/Mathematics
University of Nigeria, Nsukka.

This is to certify that the information given by me in the above sections is true and correct.

,,,,,,,,,, ………………. Professor E. E. OTI KSM)

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