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Submitted By gusik10191
Words 845
Pages 4
------------------------------------------------- ssay Sample on Apple Marketing
Posted on May 28, 2014 by EssayShark
“Evaluate The Role Of Social Media Marketing In Regards To Apple’s Products
The story of social media marketing started a long time ago when the markets were conversations places for people. Almost everyone is aware of the importance of social media marketing, networking sites and blogs. Social media marketing techniques have been adopted by businesses and governments. All the major businesses and companies in the world use social media for marketing their products. Apple on the other hand has proved everyone wrong who thinks that success without social media marketing is not possible and is considered to be a type of company that does not directly play in the world of social media or market their products with the help of social media. Almost all the business leaders believe that companies need to be socially active in order to be successful in today’s world but Apple acts in a different way. Up till 2011, Apple remained absent from all social networking sites, but was still ranked as one of the most admired brands in the world. The company only maintained the twitter and the Facebook accounts for iTunes and App Store and these accounts were not used to engage customers (Mashable, 2012). This means that social media marketing directly did not play a great role in the success of Apple’s products but it is opposite.
But this also does not mean that social media marketing is not helping Apple or Apple is not getting benefited from social media. Other companies are advertising Apple’s products for them and they are doing social media marketing for Apple. What Apple has actually done is that it has outsourced its social media responsibility to other companies who promote Apple’s products by creating a buzz. Apple products are being marketed all over

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