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Going Out Research Paper

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Growing up my parents were very strict, even to this day they are still strict with me. They tend to be overprotective at times as well. I remember getting invited to go out by my friends and my parents saying that I couldn’t go. It was rare that my parents would let me go out with my friends. When I was younger I would obviously listen to them because after all they are my parents. Now that I am older and more independent, I still ask permission to go out, they have become more lenient but still do not let me go out to certain places with certain people. If I bring up the topic of going out with my friends, they want to know where I am going, and who I am going with, the questions never stop. The times I am able to go out, I am constantly receiving text messages asking what time I am going home, and what I am up to. …show more content…
She would always ask me to go there and visit her, one day I brought it up with my parents and their response was no. Their reason why was that they think it’s too far for me to go by myself. I thought their reasoning was ridiculous and I really wanted to go, so I made up a whole plan to go to Montclair without my parents finding out. I told my mom I was going to an event at school, but I ended up going to Montclair. Personally, I hate lying to my parents but if I never lied about where I was going or who I was with, I would have never been able to leave the house. My best friend went to Montclair with me, her parents are strict as well but not as strict as mine. While we were there my friend decided she wanted to stay the night but her parents did not know she was at Montclair, since she had lied to them as well. She made up a whole story about how she was going to sleep over at my house and how we were going to have a “girl’s night”. Her mom trusts me and knows that I would never do anything illegal or anything that would get us in trouble, so we used that to our

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