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Empirical Research Methods


Submitted By VibhashreeRao
Words 619
Pages 3
Empirical Research Methods

1. Introduction and statement of the research question.

2. Review of previous research and theory.

3. Description of data collection including sample characteristics and the reliability and validity of techniques employed.

4. Presentation of the results of data analysis including explicit reference to the implications the data have for the research question.

5. Conclusion which ties the loose ends of the analysis back to the research question.

6. End notes (if any).

7. References cited in the paper.

By me
Abstract: Here’s a one paragraph abstract summarizing my main argument and findings
This is my research question / puzzle. This is why my research paper is interesting and important, and why your life won’t be complete until you thoroughly read this paper. Here is a brief sketch of how the paper is structured.
Literature review
This is what other people have written about this topic, and about other topics that are relevant. I’m going to make sure that I treat these researchers with respect, and that I present their work in the fairest light that I can. But I’m also going to tell you where I think they got it wrong or missed something important. Certainly I’m going to say why they can’t answer the research question or puzzle that I posed at the start. If they really can answer the research question adequately, then my paper is a bit redundant.
There is some sort of problem with the existing literature. Maybe the scholars got something wrong; maybe they forgot to consider something important; maybe their theories have been overtaken by events. Here is my new theory that explains everything that their old theories could explain, and is also able to answer my research question.
I’m going to make sure that I outline my theory clearly and in a way that is empirically testable – that is, it

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