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Goldendoodle Research Paper

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Pages 3
Although it seems rather easy to choose a Goldendoodle, there are a few things you need to consider first.

In fact, many of the things you're about to read are not discussed often enough. Before you bring home your new Goldendoodle, consider this. . .

I want to stress the importance of not choosing a Goldendoodle puppy based on price. You want to buy your puppy from a credible and experienced breeder, and that usually comes with a heftier cost.

However, if you're looking for an allergy-friendly, top-quality Goldendoodle, the price should be at the bottom of your priority list.You know you've found a good breeder if their mission is to better the breed with healthy, well-tempered dogs. The best way you can do this is - research, research, and more research. …show more content…
It sure is with Goldendoodles, because there are so many backyard breeders claiming to be Doodle breeders. They're obviously in the business solely to make money and aren't concerned with the betterment of the breed.

Don't settle for this type of "breeder!" Also, steer far away from buying a puppy from a pet store. Yes, I know they look cute and needy in the window, and in your heart you may want to buy it, but a majority of these puppies were raised in puppy mills and they're most likely not allergy-friendly and very probably ill and/or genetically flawed.

Puppy mills typically consist of dozens of pups confined in crates contaminated with pests and feces. These dogs receive little if any veterinary care.

They don't get any exercise, playtime, or companionship. They often endure mistreatment and malnutrition. Then, these dogs reproduce with each other, resulting in severe genetic defects and health problems.If you purchase a puppy from a pet store, you're supporting this horrific practice.

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