...Good Governance 1. INTRODUCTION: Governance implies control, direction, and rule with authority or administers laws to govern a system to achieve certain objectives. Good Governance implies running administration according to the defined laws to achieve the objective of promoting the welfare of the people in a democratic oriented order. Bad governance means departing from the norms of laws and subjecting system of administration to whims, idiosyncrasies of the rulers to achieve certain ulterior motives at the cost of national interests. The hallmark of great nations is that they learn from their past experience to become wiser in conducting their current and future affairs. Another distinctive feature of such nations is that they try to understand the emerging long-term trends to identify new challenges, and plan for the future so as to take maximum advantage of the opportunities and avoid the pitfalls that may lie ahead. On the other hand, the nations on the trajectory of decay and ultimate oblivion neither learn from the past nor have the inclination to look ahead into the future to plan for their security, progress and welfare. All it lacks in the context of Pakistan; socially, economically and politically as well. In the words of Mahbbub-ul-Haq, ‘Crisis in Governance’, “Human Development Report in South Asia”: “Governance is the exercise of political, economic and administrative authority to manage the resources of a country. It is always based upon certain rules...
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...Recently the terms "governance" and "good governance" are being increasingly used in development literature. Bad governance is being increasingly regarded as one of the root causes of all evil within our societies. Major donors and international financial institutions are increasingly basing their aid and loans on the condition that reforms that ensure "good governance" are undertaken. The concept of "governance" is not new. It is as old as human civilization. Simply put "governance" means: the process of decision-making and the process by which decisions are implemented (or not implemented). Governance can be used in several contexts such as corporate governance, international governance, national governance and local governance. Since governance is the process of decision-making and the process by which decisions are implemented, an analysis of governance focuses on the formal and informal actors involved in decision-making and implementing the decisions made and the formal and informal structures that have been set in place to arrive at and implement the decision. Government is one of the actors in governance. Other actors involved in governance vary depending on the level of government that is under discussion. In rural areas, for example, other actors may include influential land lords, associations of peasant farmers, cooperatives, NGOs, research institutes, religious leaders, finance institutions political parties, the military etc. The situation in urban areas is much...
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...Good corporate governance Corporate governance is the set of processes, customs, policies, laws and institutions affecting the way in which a corporation is directed, administered or controlled. Corporate governance also includes the relationships among the many players involved (the stakeholders) and the goals for which the corporation is governed. The principal players are the shareholders, management and the board of directors. Other stakeholders include employees, suppliers, customers, banks and other lenders, regulators, the environment and the community at large. Corporate governance is a multi-faceted subject. An important theme of corporate governance deals with issues of accountability and fiduciary duty, essentially advocating the implementation of policies and mechanisms to ensure good behavior and protect shareholders. Another key focus is the economic efficiency view, through which the corporate governance system should aim to optimize economic results, with a strong emphasis on shareholders welfare. Board members and those with a responsibility for corporate governance are increasingly using the services of external providers to conduct anti-corruption, auditing, due diligence and training. corporate governance means two things • The processes by which all companies are directed and controlled. • A field in economics, which studies the many issues arising from the separation of ownership and control. ...
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...ROLE OF MEDIA IN PROMOTING GOOD GOVERNANCE Media are the storage and transmission channel or tool used to store and deliver information or data. Media are (mostly) non state actors who define themselves apart from the state and from all other societal actors (what Edmund Burke described as a “fourth estate”, distinct from government, church and electorate). While this notion of free and independent media acting on behalf of the citizen against both state and other interests is a widespread ideal, the reality of most media worldwide is complex, rapidly changing and extraordinarily diverse. Media can consist of everything from national newspapers to student magazines, global broadcasters to community radio, websites and blogs to social networks and virtual communities, citizen journalists to government mouthpieces. This briefing focuses principally on media – and to a lesser extent on linked information and technologies - at a national level within developing countries. The term media refers to several different forms of communication required to educate and make a socially aware nation. The communication forms can be radio, television, cinema, magazines, newspapers, and/or Internet-based web sites. These forms often play a varied and vital role in our society. GOVERNANCE Recently the terms "governance" and "good governance" are being increasingly used in development literature. Bad governance is being increasingly regarded as one of the root causes of all evil within our...
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...N Balasubramanian in his book "Corporate Governance and Stewardship: An Overview", raised and discussed few pertinent questions about Good governance and whether it matters to the corporations. He says it is required to be studied that whether good governance creates sustainable value to companies and shareholders, does it mitigate their vulnerability to business risk and whether investors and stakeholders do care to see that their corporate connections are well governed or not? To answer these questions he referred some of the prior studies and suggested that the academic evidence and opinion on the relationship of good governance and good performance are mixed. He identified three categories of research i.e., opinion based research, focus...
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...Discuss the reasons for motivating the increasing interest in corporate governance and the benefits of good corporate governance Corporate governance is defined by the OECD principles as the relationship between management of a company, its shareholders, its board and other stakeholders. It is a system which is used for the purpose of controlling and directing the companies. Corporate governance is not a new concept but it has got popularity in the last few decades due to various crises such as: East Asian crisis of the late 1990s and various other fraudulent activities in the corporate world. Amongst the major reasons for the increasing interest in corporate governance are the following needs; Need for Stability of Stock Prices Stability of stock prices is one of the important factors for the investors to predict the future performance of a company or organization. Corporate governance has great impact on the efficiency of stock markets. For example, in the Asian crisis in 1997, poor corporate governance influenced the stock markets efficiency to the large extent Sabri (2007). This stability is only possible with the help of good corporate governance. Investors are always attracted towards well governed companies because such companies adopt transparent governance policies and have better financial accountability and higher profit margins. There is a worldwide effort to improve the corporate governance and insure greater shareholder accountability and corporate transparency...
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...Good governance means an ideal governing system that is inevitable for political, economic, social and cultural development of a country. Ideal governing system means the ideal orientation of a state that works best to achieve self-reliance, sustainable development and social justice and the ideal functioning of government that operate most efficiently. The United Nations Development Program (UNDP- “Governance and Sustainable Human Development, 1977) has identified five basic principles of good governance, which are stated below: * Legitimacy and voice: All men and women should have a voice in decision-making either directly or through legitimate intermediate institutions that represent their intention. * Direction: Leaders and the public have a broad and long-term perspective on good governance and human development, along with a sense of what is needed for such development. * Performance: Institutions and processes try to serve all stakeholders and institutions produce results that meet needs while making the best use of resources. * Accountability: Decision makers in government, the private sector and civil society organizations are accountable to the public. * Fairness: All men and women have opportunities to improve and maintain their well-being and legal framework should be fair and enforced impartially, particularly the laws on human rights. Bangladesh constitution provides most of the essential elements for good governance though the country is...
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...Good Governance Final paper By: Laverne Lawrence Labor Management Relations (MGT 410) Dr. N. J Gittens, Ph.D., CHE. 5 May 2016 The University of St. Martin School of Continuing Education and Life Long Learning offered the course on Good Governance, Governing by the Laws from February 9, 2016 through April 14, 2016. It was strongly recommended that persons who were interested in becoming a political candidate, individuals who are applying for their Naturalization and need to learn more about the Constitution and Government, NGO's employees who want to understand the checks and balances of government and Civil Servants who want to expand his/her knowledge on how the government functions should attend said course. Good Governance was instructed by Mr. Hensley G.A Plantijn, who is currently the secretary general of the ministry of general affairs. Plantijn is also an international lawyer with special interest in Constitutional Laws. His career started in 1992 as a civil servant on the Island Territory of Curacao and is since 2011 continuing his career in St Maarten. During his more than 23 years as civil servant, he has functioned as legal advisor in the organization and to ministers in the Netherlands Antilles and St Maarten. During our first lecture Mr. Plantijn began by introducing the term Good Governance and what it entailed. He explained that the constitution is the legal basis of the good governing of a country, and that all other laws have to be in line...
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...Critics of negative screening charge that merely excluding companies for their socially repugnant practices has no net impact, because there is always someone out there that willing to buy their shares instead. They assert that screening offensive companies may make the investor feel better about where they are putting their money, but they are not helping encourage social change and environmental improvement. But negative screening still has an appropriate place in the quiver of tactics used by socially responsible investors, to be complemented by positive screening and shareholder activism, and will remain the most palatable starting point for many. It is also important to note that while one investor excluding their investment from a company because of a particular activity will not make that company mend its ways, its the cumulative effect that's important. This is analogous to voting in a national election, where individual votes collectively create a "voice." For example, the recent struggles of the tobacco industry illustrate the cumulative and emergent effects of investor and consumer advocacy over its health effects. Most people imagine that the majority of companies included by positive screening are smaller companies embarking on products that may contribute to the world's future economic and environmental sustainability. Alternative forms of energy that produce less pollution, such as solar power, wind power, and hydrogen fuel cells, constitute a rapidly growing...
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...* Trade Secrets * Highly confidential and important non-public information. 1. About company’s inner structure 2. Classified records 3. Systems 4. Future plans 5. Policies * If this will be knowned by competitors could place the company into a competitive disadvantage. Example: Formula in making San Miguel Beer Banking industry – marketing strategy, portfolio of big-time clients, salary level of its middle manager Jollibee’s main ingredient to its chicken joy Broadly speaking, any confidential business information which provides an enterprise a competitive edge may be considered a trade secret. The unauthorized use of such information by persons other than the holder is regarded as an unfair practice and a violation of the trade secret. * Difference of Trade Secrets from personal skills? * Skills and training that an employee acquired an developed from his work experience in the company are not trade secrets. * In other words, his technical skills which he personally developed through time cannot be considered property of the company. * Motives in pirating a “LOADED” employee/officer of competitor? (1) The company wants the experience and skills of employee. * By headcounting, the 2nd company will definitely benefit from the training, experience, and solid background the pirated individual has acquired from the 1st company. (2) Wants to acquire its competitor’s trade secret. * Not only experience...
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...THE PLACE OF DEEMED HOMELESS IN GOOD GOVERNANCE AND INCLUSIVE GROWTH OF INDIA TITLE: GOOD GOVERNANCE AND URBAN POVERTY PROGRAMS Author 1: Priyanka Bhattacharya, 1st Year, BBA.LLB(Hons) Author 2: Bharat Aseri, 2nd Year, BBA.LLB (Hons) ABOUT THE AUTHOR A girl from a metropolitan city of India, Priyanka Bhattacharya, was always in her way to be at the top. Doing her schooling from two famous schools of India, South Point High School and Gokhale Memorial Girls’ School, her capacity to write, think and dream increased and was ready to reach the top. Ups and Downs were a part and parcel of her life but hope and sincerity was her ultimate. After passing her first boards examination in class 10 her passion towards success increased because she knew in this world if one has success one is admired else are nailed to the cross of Jesus Christ. Working hard was not her part of the meal but the impulsive nature to get something and thirst of success which she always wanted to quench made her to this way. She passed her 10+2 examination with 88% of marks and being the state topper in accountancy in her WEST BENGAL BOARD OF HIGHER SECONDARY EXAMINATION, securing 98% marks out of 100. Awarded NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP by the Central Government she pursued corporate law for a better future and a better career and she is currently studying BBA.LLB in NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY, ORISSA. Deprivation from all the enjoyment and happiness of the poor and homeless people touched her...
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...LOGISTICS INFORMATION ACCESS Detailed Description of the Program Objectives 1. Migrate the existing Logistics Information Access from an .asp web application to a Microsoft SharePoint 2007 operating platform. 2. Shorten the process flow by eliminating repeating and irrelevant processes and information. 3. Synchronize the flow of information within the processes involved. 4. Provide alerts every time there is a new form created as well as whenever there are some changes with the information in the form. 5. Automatically generate reports. Process Flow [pic] [pic] Assumptions: • Logistics Information Access forms are initially created every time there is a new purchase order. • Request for Freight forms are initially created every time a buyer receives a quotation from the suppliers • Each purchase order may contain single or several job orders and work orders. • Normal shipments are those purchase orders which contain a single job order or work order. On the other hand, purchase orders which have several job orders or work orders are referred as consolidated shipments. • The number of work order is equal to the number of job order for a certain purchase order. • Work order numbers will be automatically generated for the request for freight form on the basis of the current month and year. • Duties and Taxes information can only be inputted to those purchase orders which have job orders. • Abridged Contract...
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...A Presentation on ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP 1 It’s Our Environment Lets Take Action 2 Introducing Environmental Stewardship Stewardship of the environment refers to protecting the environment through recycling, conservation, regeneration, and restoration. It means taking responsibility for our choices. The responsibility for environmental quality should be shared by all those whose actions affect the environment. 3 Defining Environmental Stewardship Organizations putting systems in place that will enable them to: Use resources efficiently Reduce waste and minimize on the negative impacts on the environment Translate reduced consumption and waste into financial savings Provide a healthy, more efficient and effective working environment 4 Defining Environmental Stewardship Embodies the concept of a Green Office, a Green School or Green Home which is conceptualized as smarter and better as it is: Ecological - using non-toxic, recycled, environmentally friendly products and supplies Efficient – using as little energy and other resources as possible and putting out the smallest amount of waste as possible Healthy – will generate as little visual, noise and physical pollution as possible 5 Environmental Stewardship Concepts and Definitions 3Rs 6Rs Conservation Eco-efficiency Environmentally Preferred Products and Services Environmental Steward 6 Environmental Stewardship Concepts and Definitions Green Building ...
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...Evaluasi Penerapan Good Corporate Governance pada PT KAI Commuter Jabodetabek I.Pendahuluan Persaingan bisnis global sekarang ini semakin ketat, untuk dapat memenangkan persaingan tersebut perusahaan melakukan segala cara, baik yang legal maupun tidak legal. GCG merupakan salah satu kunci sukse perusahaan untuk tumbuh dan memberikan keuntungan jangka panjang. Oleh karena penerapan GCG menjadi topik yang populer saat ini, termasuk di Indonesia. Perkembangan GCG di Indonesia Bermula dari usulan penyempurnaan peraturan pencatatan pada Bursa Efek Jakarta (sekarang Bursa Efek Indonesia) yang mengatur mengenai peraturan bagi emiten yang tercatat di BEJ yang mewajibkan untuk mengangkat komisaris independent dan membentuk komite audit pada tahun 1998, Corporate Governance (CG) mulai di kenalkan pada seluruh perusahaan public di Indonesia Pemerintah Indonesia mendirikan satu lembaga khusus yang bernama Komite Nasional mengenai Kebijakan Corporate Governance (KNKCG) melalui Keputusan Menteri Negara Koordinator Bidang Ekonomi, Keuangan dan Industri Nomor: KEP-31/M.EKUIN/06/2000. Tugas pokok KNKCG merumuskan dan menyusun rekomendasi kebijakan nasional mengenai GCG, serta memprakarsai dan memantau perbaikan di bidang corporate governance di Indonesia. Melalui KNKCG muncul pertama kali pedoman Umum GCG di tahun 2001, pedoman CG bidang Perbankan tahun 2004 dan Pedoman Komisaris Independen dan Pedoman Pembentukan Komite Audit yang Efektif. Pada tahun 2004 Pemerintah Indonesia memperluas tugas...
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...“Good corporate Governance as a vital constituent of Corporate Social Responsibility” with reference to Indian MNCs Type: Literature review Name of Research Scholar: Santosh Basavaraj, Research Scholar, Anna University of Technology, Coimbatore. Research Supervisor: Dr.B.Rajasekaran, Principal, RKKR School of Management Studies Ettimanickampatty, Coimbatore Road, SALEM – 637 504 Contact Number & Email ID:997209785,santosh_bs2001@yahoo.com Purpose: This research paper aims at gaining an insight into the concepts of Corporate Governance and CSR which enables this researcher to generate new ideas on concepts under study. The central purpose of this research paper is to determine how companies Corporate Social Responsibility practices blended in Corporate Governance and to study integration of CSR with CG which enable future researchers to study how companies are able to sustain its Competitive edge with good CSR activities by considering some good practices followed in industry and their critical evaluations in recent events. This research sets the foundation for future study and refers literature to develop a new hypothesis in the concept of CSR. An additional objective of this research paper is to review the Literature on Corporate governance and studying the Juxtaposition of CG and ethical issues for better corporate social responsibility. Design/methodology/approach This is an exploratory research design and it is used to seek insight in general nature...
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