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Good People Research Paper

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We would all like to believe we are good people. Some of us tell ourselves rhat very thing to justify our mistakes, or somehow make them lesser than those the people around us make. If you look around you, it is not difficult to see how many people will call themselves good, despite the fact that they are just the opposite. From those who only do good for the sake of their reputation to the hypocritical high-and-mighty of the world, there are plenty of examples of bad people in the world. They harm others. In varying degrees and in different ways, but they harm people, all the same. But good people?

Good people do good to others. Not in the way that they will occasionally do a minor favor for a friend, or help someone else because of their own self-interest. They do good to others by treating all people, no matter their political, religious, or personal differences, with respect, kindness, and understanding. Of course, there are endless qualities pertaining to goodness, and good people demonstrate quite a few of them on a regular basis. Although no one is perfect, and we are all guilty of something, genuinely good people are often people we recognize with more …show more content…
This is not because we are born knowing the difference between good and bad, because even infants demonstrate qualities such as impatience, but we are taught the difference as children. Then, as we age, we make the choices that determine whether we are good people. Although the circumstances in our life may have an impact on our decision-making tendencies, ultimately, it is our choice to be good or bad people. By no means is being a good person easy, either. Sometimes doing the right thing in daily life is ridiculously difficult, and making poorer decisions would save us quite a bit of trouble in a short-term perspective, but that simply makes it all the more noticeable when someone still chooses to be

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