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Imperfect Declaration Of Love

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I walk a fine line (while composing this imperfect declaration of love) between a fruitless attempt at expressing my boundless gratitude and deep affection, while also maintaining the image of that delightfully eloquent man with whom you have come to expect nothing but literary flawlessness. While cynical the beginning of this letter may be, I remain resolute in producing a masterpiece of expression to all but the author's eyes. Furthermore I shall attempt to continually outdo myself by consequently showing you that these pages of insufficient ramblings are not the climax of my proclamations of love to you; but another step and attempt at expressing my true feelings. I certainly hope that you do not take my tone of difficulty in writing this …show more content…
However this demoralizing separation has caused me to become painfully aware of how much of my life is blissfully occupied by you. The sudden removal of you from my life has torn my soul apart more violently than the dispersal of sanity suffered by poets the likes of Yeats and Neruda. As if the strength of Separation wasn't enough in our case it is also deceptive. Deceptive in the sense that it is not the distance that tears us apart. Reality is unfortunately more ironic than that. Our suffering eminates from our closeness, our mutual fanaticism in this phenomenon we call "us". Our failure to be without the other continues to manifest itself as the issues we see our relationship …show more content…
Certainly anyone can see the poetic beauty in the quote, but as the quote itself foretells, a minority of people can truly appreciate the profound understanding of life. I see the most recent proof of our understanding in the incredible developments which our relationship has experienced. The actualization of the future we naively conceptualized years ago, should be more than enough proof of our pure understanding of this world. I am aware that I speak as I have always spoken, as an optimist that is, but how can I not in light of such magnificent victories. I talk about our marriage, our life together, our realistic and legitimate path to Athena. These examples are proof to me that our satisfied love demystifies the nebulous reality of what we want from

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