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Google Glass


Submitted By kittu4ever
Words 2911
Pages 12
A Seminar report submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirements of IEEE format 2013.

k.syndy k.kittu





A sleek technology designed for the human face, Google Glass delivers a killer augmented reality experience that will undoubtedly have profound implications on how we interact with the world around us.
Google Glass is a research and development program by Google to develop an augmented reality Head-Mounted Display (HMD). The intended purpose of Project Glass products would be the hands-free displaying of information. Google Glass is as futuristic a gadget we’ve seen in recent times. A useful technology for all kinds of people including handicapped/disabled. It is a project glass.


Google is currently in the phase of testing their new augmented-reality head-mounted display, known as Google Glass. Essentially, its a pair of glasses, with a camera and single lens instead of optical lenses. It’s designed to give you a heads-up-display which you can interact with primarily through voice commands. The interface is seen through the lens over your right eye, which can allow you to Google search terms, destinations through Maps and most importantly, record video and pictures directly from your point of view.

Google Glass is a high-profile project from the increasingly ubiquitous search giant that aims to give wearable computing a boost. With the initial enthusiasm wearing off, however, industry observers are raising questions about the societal changes that this kind of technology will cause. Google Glass simply a logical outworking of technological development.
.Working of google glass:

According to string-theory advocates, our universe has at least 10 dimensions. But we humans can only directly perceive three spatial dimensions. We experience the passage of time, a fourth dimension.
The following technologies are used for the working of google glass, they are:
Technologies used:
Wearable Computing:
Wearable computers, also known as body-borne computers are miniature electronic devices that are worn by the bearer under, with or on top of clothing. This class of wearable technology has been developed for general or special purpose information technologies and media development. Wearable computers are especially useful for applications that require more complex computational support than just hardware coded logics.

One of the main features of a wearable computer is consistency. There is a constant interaction between the computer and user, i.e. there is no need to turn the device on or off. Another feature is the ability to multi-task. It is not necessary to stop what you are doing to use the device; it is augmented into all other actions. These devices can be incorporated by the user to act like a prosthetic. It can therefore be an extension of the user’s mind and/or body.
Ambient Intelligence:
Ambient Intelligence (AmI) refers to electronic environments that are sensitive and responsive to the presence of people. Ambient intelligence is a vision on the future of consumer electronics, telecommunications and computing.

In an ambient intelligence world, devices work in concert to support people in carrying out their everyday life activities, tasks and rituals in easy, natural way using information and intelligence that is hidden in the network connecting these devices.
As these devices grow smaller, more connected and more integrated into our environment, the technology disappears into our surroundings until only the user interface remains perceivable by users.
Smart Clothing:
Smart clothing is the next generation of apparel. It is a combination of new fabric technology and digital technology, which means that the clothing is made with new signal-transfer fabric technology installed with digital devices. Since this smart clothing is still under development, many problems have occurred due to the absence of the standardization of technology. Therefore, the efficiency of technology development can be strengthened through industrial standardization. This study consists of three phases. The first phase is selecting standardization factors to propose a standardization road map. The second phase is to research and collect related test evaluation methods of smart clothing. For this, we selected two categories, which are clothing and electricity/electron properties. The third phase is establishing a standardization road map for smart clothing. In this study, test evaluations have not yet been conducted and proved. However, this study shows how to approach standardization. We expect that it will be valuable for developing smart clothing technology and standardization in the future.
Eye Tap Technology:

An EyeTap is a device that is worn in front of the eye that acts as a camera to record the scene available to the eye as well as a display to superimpose a computer-generated imagery on the original scene available to the eye. This structure allows the user's eye to operate as both a monitor and a camera as the EyeTap intakes the world around it and augments the image the user sees allowing it to overlay computer-generated data over top of the normal world the user would perceive. The EyeTap is a hard technology to categorize under the three main headers for wearable computing (Constancy, Augmentation, Mediation) for while it is in theory a constancy technology in nature it also has the ability to augment and mediate the reality the user perceives.
Smart Grid Technology:
A smart grid is an electrical grid that uses information and communications technology to gather and act on information, such as information about the behaviors of suppliers and consumers, in an automated fashion to improve the efficiency, reliability, economics, and sustainability of the production and distribution of electricity.
4G Technology:
4G is the fourth generation of cell phone mobile communications standards. It is a successor of the third generation (3G) standards. A 4G system provides mobile ultra-broadband Internet access, for example to laptops with USB wireless modems, to smartphones, and to other mobile devices.
Android Operating System:

Android is a Linux-based operating system for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers, developed by Google in conjunction with the Open Handset Alliance.
An electronic device including a frame configured to be worn on the head of a user is disclosed. The frame can include a bridge configured to be supported on the nose of the user and a brow portion coupled to and extending away from the bridge and configured to be positioned over a side of a brow of the user. The frame can further include an arm coupled to the brow portion and extending to a free end. The first arm can be positioned over a temple of the user with the free end disposed near an ear of the user. The device can also include a transparent display affixed to the frame adjacent the brow portion and an input affixed to the frame and configured for receiving from the user an input associated with a function. Information related to the function can be presentable on the display.


HIMX LCOS (HIMAX liquid crystal on silicon) solution is used in Glass prototypes. Himax Technologies, Inc. (HIMX) is a fabulous semiconductor solution provider dedicated to display imaging processing technologies. Himax has retained its position as the leading display imaging processing semiconductor solution provider to consumer electronics brands worldwide.

Google Glass - an augmented reality based spectacles, that contains a camera to shoot photos and videos with voice commands, GPS for delivering the best navigation experience, Bluetooth 4.0 and WiFi connectivity in addition to 3G / LTE connectivity for making live video calls. You'll be notified for the emails you are going to receive, you can also share the photos and videos on Google+. Google glass runs on Google's own Android operating system.
Google Glass is location-aware thanks to its camera and GPS module, and you can scroll and click on information by tilting your head, something that is apparently quite easy to master. Google Glass will also use voice input and output. Google Glass has the ability to take photos and record 720p HD video. While video is recording, a recording light is displayed above the eye, which is unnoticeable to the wearer.

How is it operated?
Video Display:
Its features with the small video display that is used to display the pop up hands free information.

It also has the front facing video camera with which photos and videos can be taken in a glimpse.

Google glasses are designed to be hands free wearable device that can be used to make or receive calls too. So a speaker is also designed by the ear.

A single button on the side of the frame sophisticates the glasses to work with the physical touch input.

A microphone is also put in, that can take the voice commands of the wearer of user. This microphone is also used for having telephonic communication.

The overall design of Google glasses
The device will probably communicate with mobile phones through Wi-Fi and display contents on the video screen as well as respond to the voice commands of the user.Google put together a short video demonstrating the features and apps of Google glasses. It mainly concentrates on the social networking, navigation and communication.The video camera senses the environment and recognizes the objects and people around. The whole working of the Google glasses depends upon the user voice commands itself.
The generally transparent display can be a prism of a transparent material configured to make an image projected into a side of the prism visible at a surface of the prism that is at a nonzero angle to the side of the prism. The projected image can be viewable by a wearer of the device in conjunction with an external image viewable through the prism. The prism can be mounted to the housing adjacent the first arm. Such a housing can include an image source configured to project the image into the side of the prism. The prism can be mounted to the frame through attachment to the image source, and the image source can be rotatably secured within the housing. The brow portion of the frame can include a receiving portion configured to receive the housing to affix the housing to the frame.
The whole point behind Glass is that you’d be wearing it all the time. Walking down the street, riding a bike, driving a car, pretty much any time you could benefit from having both hands free. Glass works by projecting a tiny image on to a specially cut piece of glass so that your eye catches the reflection. The result is faint ghost like images that float just inside your field of vision, making your data available to you whenever you need it.
A translucent cover on the external face of Glass would allow users to comfortably use the headset even when the sun is right in front of them, as it would create enough shade for the light from the projector to hit the reflective cut in the glass without being diffused.
How google translates the human voice to other language?

Documents filed with American regulators show the hardware, due to be introduced in later this year in an experimental form, uses "bone conduction" to create sound instead of a traditional speaker.
The technology, which sends vibrations to the inner ear through the skull, is not new but has not been widely adopted. Panasonic introduced a prototype set of bone conduction headphones at this year's Consumer Electronics show, however.
A major advantage of bone conduction audio is that it allows the listeners to hear the noise in the environment too. For a Google Glass wearer crossing a busy street the technology could be a life saver.

The purpose of Glass is twofold i.e. to "allow people to connect to others with images and video" for "pictorial communications" and to "allow people to access information very, very quickly."




The functionality is a little bit different from Tobii because rather than tracking your eyes and correlating eye movement with a pressed button, Google Glass already knows where your eyes are looking because the glasses are pointed in that direction.

As per many reports, Google is expected to start selling eyeglasses that will project information, entertainment and, this being a Google product, advertisements onto the lenses. These glasses will have the combined features of virtual reality and augmented reality.
The Google Glasses can use a 4G cell connection to pull in information from Google’s mountain of data and display info about the real world in augmented reality on the lens in front of your eye. As you turn your head you’ll get information about your surroundings and nearby objects from Google Goggles, info on buildings and establishments from Google Maps, even your friends’ nearby check-ins from Latitude. The company has no plans to sell ads into your newly augmented view of the world, but will consider it if the product really catches on.

The glasses are not being designed to be worn constantly — although Google engineers expect some users will wear them a lot — but will be more like smartphones, used when needed, with the lenses serving as a kind of see-through computer monitor.
Google glasses are basically wearable computers that will use the same Android software that powers Android smartphones and tablets. Like smartphones and tablets, the glasses will be equipped with GPS and motion sensors. They will also contain a camera and audio inputs and outputs.
Several people who have seen the glasses, but who are not allowed to speak publicly about them, said that the location information was a major feature of the glasses. Through the built-in camera on the glasses, Google will be able to stream images to its rack computers and return augmented reality information to the person wearing them. For instance, a person looking at a landmark could see detailed historical information and comments about it left by friends. If facial recognition software becomes accurate enough, the glasses could remind a wearer of when and how he met the vaguely familiar person standing in front of him at a party. They might also be used for virtual reality games that use the real world as the playground.
Easy to wear and use.
It is sensitive and responsive to the presence of people and has Fast access of maps, documents, videos, chats and much more.A new trend for fashion lovers together being an innovative technology.
It is a hands free device and can even be used by physically handicapped people.


* Can be easily broken or damaged. Though Google wants these glasses to be as modest as achievable, they seem to be extremely breakable. Users will have a tough time taking care of it. * These glasses show the retrieved data in front of users eyes so it will be a tough experience for them since they will focus on that data and will eventually miss the surroundings that may lead to accidents while driving. Future Scope:
Google Glass is as futuristic a gadget we’ve seen in recent times. It’s limited in scope right now, but the future, Google believes, is bright and the device itself is “incredibly compelling”. Google is trying their hardest to push the Project Glass through the FCC this year. Reports show that Google is trying to get the approval by the FCC this year but there are already several hundred glasses made for testing internally.
Google glasses are basically wearable computers that use the evolving familiar technologies that brings the sophistication and ease of communication and information access even for the physically challenged class of people those literally could not use general way of palmtops and mobiles. Google Glass will definitely be a very exciting new development in the field of information technology, and will have a significant impact on the direction that the technology industry follows in the future.

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...1.With Google Glasses, the technology disappears from in front of you and you get data and applications in the context of what you’re doing or what you’re looking at. Want to know the weather right now? You won’t have to find the weather app and click on it to get a report. Weather apps for Google Glass will know when you’re looking up at the clouds and provide you with an instant weather report. If you’re unsure of what’s at a particular street address, look at the premises and Google Glass will tell you who’s inside, and possibly even show you the indoor plans along with a 360° panorama view if it’s a business. 2. Google Glass introduces absolutely new way of computing, with a simple, voice-driven user interface that makes a number of tasks much more intuitive. There are some examples of these: 3. To start using Google Glass, you tap the frame of the glasses and you’re taken to the home screen. You don’t see a bunch of icons like on smartphone home screen, just a simple real-life scene you’re looking at. To issue a command, you tap the frame and say “OK Glass”. 4. After you issue the order “OK Glass”, you can instruct the glasses to do something specific by saying something like “take a picture”. That’s it. There’s no fumbling around looking for the camera icon. 5. Same goes with video. With Google Glass, you can record what you see without moving a finger. 6. Now this is what calls serious sharing — actually sharing what you see with your friends . 7. Lost...

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...Harris treated the slaves like if they were prisoners in his jailhouse. The government gives a prisoner a new identity which is a number that they must go by while in jail so that it would be easier to keep track of them. Joel Chandler Harris simply gave them new names, names that he would remember because of the persons trait or how dark their skin was. From the moment he gave them the name, that was their new identity as long as they were under his ownership. That is why Chandler Harris takes away the slaves' Identity when he creates Uncle Remus. Mrs. Cullinan sees herself superior to her employees, Margaret and Miss Glory. “There were goblets, sherbet glasses, ice-cream glasses, wine glasses, green glass coffee cups with matching saucers, and water glasses. I had a glass to drink from and it sat next to Miss Glory’s on a separate shelf from the others”(212). Mrs....

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