...www.ccsenet.org/ijbm International Journal of Business and Management Vol. 5, No. 7; July 2010 Competitive Advantages and Strategic Information Systems Mahmood Hemmatfar, Ph. D. Faculty Member of Islamic Azad University, Brojerd Branch, Iran Mahdi Salehi, Ph. D. (Corresponding author) Assistant Prof. Department of Accounting and Management Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran Tel: 98-912-1425-323 E-mail: Mahdi_salehi54@yahoo.com Marziyeh Bayat, Ph. D. Faculty Member of Islamic Azad University, Hamedan Branch, Iran Abstract Information edge and 3rd millennium predisposed so many of revolutions. Business organization with emphasize on information systems is try to gathering desirable information for decision making. Because of comprehensive change in business background and emerge of computers and internet, the business structure and needed information had change, the competitiveness as a major factor for life of organizations in information edge is preyed of information technology challenges. In this article we have reviewed in the literature of information systems and discussed the concepts of information system as a strategic tool. Keywords: Strategic information systems, Information technology, Information sciences, Decision support systems, Competitive advantages 1. Introduction The potential usefulness of different kinds of Information System (IS) for environmental management is well recognized (Díez et al, 2009). Perhaps we can say advances in information...
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...1. How does the changing environment for business affect Google’s ability to communicate in this situation? The changing environment for business affects Google’s ability to communicate because everything is available on the internet now. Google said themselves that they hope to “provide the greatest access of information to the greatest number of people” (Argenti, 2009, p.22). Anything and everything that Google does or says in any situation is available for anyone to see. The very product that they are providing can also help or hinder them. If people in the United States and Europe did not have access to Google’s business records online, then they would never know about Google censoring in China. If they did not know, then groups such as Reporters Without Borders would not be able to use them as a launching group for their issues. It is also important to mention that not only Google, but all organizations have a difficult time communicating because of the formation of the “Global Village” (Argenti, 2009, p.7). People no longer have to wait for the morning or evening news to find out what is going on in certain situations; all they have to do is log on to their computer and search for whatever topic they desire more information on. Everyone knows that you can read hundreds of articles and posts about the same topic and each one will have a different view point and different facts; which is why it is hard for Google to communicate their side of the story. 2. Where is the company...
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...Essay 1: “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” summary and response Summary: In the article of “Is Google Making Us Stupid?”, Nicholas Carr argues that the Internet is changing the way our mind works and has some negative effects on our lives. In the article of “Is Google Making Us Stupid?”, Nicholas Carr argues that the Internet is changing the way our mind works and has some negative effects on our lives. The article begins with that the Internet is the excellent resource where we can find whatever we want for everything, and we are becoming more and more dependent on it in the field of writing, reading and so on. Afterwards, Carr claims that it has a large distraction on our mind, and we even cannot concentrate on a long reading material. As he said, technology is becoming more important than people. In the end, he also tells us that Google is trying to invent an artificial brain to replace our "slow" brains that we already have. In the article of “Is Google Making Us Stupid?”, Nicholas Carr argues that the Internet is changing the way our mind works and has some negative effects on our lives. He views the idea that the Internet is an obstacle for individuals to think deeply, and it is rebuilding our mind and memory. As Carr said, nowadays, it is so difficult for him to focus on a long paper; instead, he always spends a lot of time on the Internet. In the past, the writers like him should stay in the library to study for several days, but now, because of the Internet, it just...
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...year 2006, there were 1,093 million internet users and according to 2014 statistics, this figure has grown to 3,035 million. Two things have marked its evolution; the social web and mobile technology (Miniwatt Marketing Group, 2015). Just to give you the sneak peek of what's internet is becoming now a days with the latest news from last two days. Facebook organized the developer conference "F8" on 26th March. It revealed an unmanned air craft (HARDY & GOEL, 2015) which will help connect the people by beaming down internet to the areas where internet was a problem in past. On the same day, Google also released its Google’s Cloud Platform (Lardinois, 2015) which will help developers to install 120 open source software in cloud. Hence, big companies like Google and Facebook are spending a lot of money on developers and making internet accessible. Now a days, Internet of Everything (IoE) is evolving in developed countries which connects everyday devices in order to give them special functions. Hence, development of such applications is also of interest. “Smart cars, smart appliances, smart watches and more all end up with the “smart” moniker in front of them when they become tied to the Internet and interconnect to ecosystems of devices, software and services. The company behind the Sleep Number beds even announced a smart bed that monitors sleep patterns with 500 sensors built into the mattress, sending the results to an app on your smartphone or tablet.” (Bajarim,...
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...but technology was invented by a human and humans make mistakes. Technology is used to help our development in life. In the Article “Is Google Making Us Stupid” by Nicholas Carr has opionins of technology changing the way of learning. You see it isn’t just google it could just be the amount of time we spend on the internet and the assurance of the information that is given. Not everything on the internet is true. Being on the web is a quicker way of learning. People are saying that the lost the interest in reading because they use the internet, but you may lose interest yet it is up to you to actually push yourself to read. Google isn’t making us smarter or dumber, but we do use it to help us with a bunch of things. It is technically helping us get information on unknown things we don’t know too much about or don’t know at all. Everything on google isn’t accurate, but can help you get the accurate information you need. Google can help develop and stimulate our brain development of information. In reality there are pros and cons to the usage of the internet. Everything has its pros and cons. However, the way we use the internet can only benefit or tear us down. We need to be able to use the internet the way it should be use and not use it for the wrong things. I specifically don’t think there is anything wrong with out usage of google/internet, but it is the way we use and how we use it. Basically, the internet was built to make school, business, advertisement, and work...
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...settings to use Google Public DNS When you use Google Public DNS, you are changing your DNS "switchboard" operator from your ISP to Google Public DNS. In most cases, the IP addresses used by your ISP's domain name servers are automatically set by your ISP via the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). To use Google Public DNS, you need to explicitly change the DNS settings in your operating system or device to use the Google Public DNS IP addresses. The procedure for changing your DNS settings varies according to operating system and version (Windows, Mac or Linux) or the device (computer, phone, or router). We give general procedures here that might not apply for your OS or device; please consult your vendor documentation for authoritative information. Note: We recommend that only users who are proficient with configuring operating system settings make these changes. Important: Before you start Before you change your DNS settings to use Google Public DNS, be sure to write down the current server addresses or settings on a piece of paper. It is very important that you keep these numbers for backup purposes, in case you need to revert to them at any time. After changing your settings, if you encounter a problem and cannot connect to the Internet, please call our support numbers for troubleshooting instructions. We also recommend that you download this page and print it, in the event that you encounter a problem and need to refer to these instructions. Google Public DNS telephone...
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...1.) How does the changing environment for business affect Google’s ability to communicate in this situation? The changing environment for business affects Google’s ability to communicate because everything is available on the internet now. Google said themselves that they wish to “provide the greatest access to information to the greatest number of people.” Anything that Google does or says in any situation is available for anyone to see. The very product that they are providing can also help or hinder them. If people in the United States and Europe did not have access to Google’s business records online, then they would never know about Google censoring in China. If they did not know, then groups such as Reporters Without Borders would not be able to use them as a launching group for their issues. 2.) Where is the company most vulnerable, from a communications standpoint? 3.) What are the key problems Google faces in this situation? I think that the main problem Google faces in this situation is the Chinese government. I think another problem Google faces in this situation is being able to stay true to who they are and what they stand for. Google has said many times that their main goal is to provide the most information to the most people, so for them to agree to do business in a country that wants them to control what search results appear when something is searched seems extremely out of character for them; and even beyond that, it is extremely difficult for...
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...Morgan Willoughby Mr. Segars English Composition II 17 February 2014 Reaction to “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Nicholas Carr In “Is Google Making us Stupid?” Nicholas Carr suggests that Google and the ability to quickly access information is shrinking our attention span, and changing the way we view things. He starts off by saying the Internet is a resource we can use for almost anything. However, it is damaging our ability to focus. Carr describes how he has asked many of his friends and acquaintances if they are having similar problems when it comes to reading and not being able to focus, and many of them said that they are. He says Google takes us off topic with what we are reading, because we can now scan the text for information. This article also claims that technology is a huge distraction in our lives. We are becoming too accustomed to having the Internet right at our fingertips to do everything for us. He talks about how the Internet is, in a way, becoming a brain to replace our own. Although Nicholas Carr’s theory to a point is agreeable, his overall conclusion is not. Towards the beginning of Carr’s work, he states, “Now my concentration often starts to drift after two or three pages. I get fidgety, lose the thread, begin looking for something else to do.” Although he makes this statement, this is not true for everyone. If Internet is damaging the ability to read long, more complex passages then learn to manage time spent on the Internet. Carr sees only one side...
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...individual or group to seclude themselves or information, which therefore means that they get to select what information about themselves gets released to the public. Search engines and the internet cause the boundaries of what is considered private information to be blurred. Once private information gets released on the internet, it becomes very difficult to remove this information completely because it may have already been copied or archived. The internet and search engines have made people wonder what is actually considered private information. Since the line is very vague, it makes it very difficult to regulate and each problem that arises is unique because technology is changing at such a fast rate. The common question that seems come out of all of these privacy issues is how can technology companies like Google grow and remain competitive in the long run while remaining ethical and giving users their privacy? Privacy of personal information is a fundamental right of any person. No one wants his/her private details to be known to other people, especially ones who they are not familiar with. However, human society is based on cooperation between people. Society simply cannot function without this vital interaction between two human beings. No one is that capable or skillful enough to fulfill his/her daily requirements alone. The very fabric of society exists because a person has to depend on other people to get things done. Whenever one person talks to another, he/she unknowingly...
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...Google Case Memo 1. Culture at Google a. Diagnose the culture at Google. From the material provided, I believe that Google has a very unique culture that can be thought of as a very strong customer-responsive culture. Their company motto is “Don’t be Evil” which exemplifies their goal of developing products in the best interest of the customer. Although they deal with their customers in a virtual world, they have increased customer satisfaction through their innovations that are developed in order to improve the usefulness and efficiency of their products. Additionally, Google encourages innovation within its organization. Engineers are allowed to spend 20% of their time to work on “pet” projects, which has cultivated numerous projects. Some of the more successful projects include Google Earth, Gmail, and Google mobile which allows customers to get answers via text(Google gears down). Furthermore, this empowers the employees of Google to create and improve effective products that will increase the convenience and satisfaction customers will experience when using the internet. Google seeks to eliminate hierarchical structures by dividing employees into small teams that work on certain tasks. Also, Google offers employees with incredible perks that set them apart from other companies and increases job satisfaction and motivation within their employees. For example, there is free food, free fitness center, and a free doctor on site that the employees have access to. Google is...
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...into the way google evolved from an innovative search engine to a way of life. Google started initially with just Search, offering ways to find answers to user’s questions. This was during the period from 1998 to 2001. In 2001 google added tabs to offer users ways to search for other things online, including images. The tabs stayed on and “briefly crossed over Google’s Gmail and Calendar” to offer useful links atop those web apps. Starting with 2007, Google added a navigation bar atop Google.com, which included links to search items and Google apps. The navigation bar morphed into the Google menu in 2011, which offered a slicker, redesigned user interface ready to take users to their desired Google application and featuring a prominent placement for Google+. Starting with 2012, Google brought a major new element to search, the Google Now virtual assistant that debuted on Android and expanded on iOS and the desktop to deliver even more personal search results to users. Google has further refined Google.com in the following years, by offering a minimal navigation bar that doesn’t “steal” the user’s attention. The bar however still offers access to apps and Google’s Google+ social network. Google also added voice-based search support to Google.com, as well as quick access to favorite sites. Helping people get around online is still Google’s main product and everything else it does is somehow related to search – in fact, search-related ad revenue is how Google is actually able...
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...people that make Google the kind of company it is. We hire people who are smart and determined, and we favor ability over experience. Although Googlers share common goals and visions for the company, we hail from all walks of life and speak dozens of languages, reflecting the global audience that we serve. And when not at work, Googlers pursue interests ranging from cycling to beekeeping, from frisbee to foxtrot. We strive to maintain the open culture often associated with startups, in which everyone is a hands-on contributor and feels comfortable sharing ideas and opinions. In our weekly all-hands (“TGIF”) meetings—not to mention over email or in the cafe—Googlers ask questions directly to Larry, Sergey and other execs about any number of company issues. Our offices and cafes are designed to encourage interactions between Googlers within and across teams, and to spark conversation about work as well as play. It’s pretty well documented that Google has a unique culture. It’s not the typical corporate culture. In fact, just by looking at pictures inside the Googleplex, you can see that it looks more like an adult playground, not a place for work. But Google’s success can be attributed to this culture. Google has people who’s sole job is to keep employees happy and maintain productivity. It may sound too controlling to some, but it’s how this world-changing organization operates. So can Google’s culture teach us anything? Yes. Google bases nearly everything off data, and while...
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...Google Google is a massive corporation that deals with various internet services such as software, search engines, advertising, and much more. Google was founded in 1998. Google headquarters is located in Menlo Park, California. Over the years, Google continues to grow, become more successful, and battle there rivals; such as Yahoo! and Microsoft. There many reasons as to why Google is such a success and the following paragraphs will show just how successful Google really is. Google is not only a web browser but also sells various products and software. Also Google continues to expand to other countries. Google makes more than 50 percent of their profits from outside the US. Info from 2011 shows that Google made 4 billion dollars from just from finance and insurance alone. Google also owns some of the world’s largest companies such as Android, YouTube, Picasa, and Sparrow. In 2014, Google made a record setting 66 billion dollars’ of revenues. In 2013, Google made 59.8 billion dollars’ worth of revenue. This increase seems to be due to Google continuous changing their strategies. In 2014 Google purchased Nest Labs and Skybox. Skybox is a satellite imaging company and Nest Labs deals with home devices like smoke alarms. The addition of Skybox should help the accuracy of Google Earth and Google Maps. Google also bought the mapping service Waze so that the competition could not have it. Also with the purchase of Android, which is in fierce competition with the company Apple...
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...leaders shape the culture of their company to drive innovation. No one ever feels like they have time to spare. “People get so consumed with putting out fires and chasing short-term targets that most can’t even think about the future”. Giving up control when the pressure is greatest is the ultimate innovation paradox. That’s why iconic brands like 3M and Google give their employees about 10% "free time" to experiment with new ideas. The three companies that will be discussed are Google, Walmart and Amazon. In researching I found that these companies have a great innovation structure and are constantly improving and updating their strategies. Google has nine principles of innovation and they are as follows; innovation comes from anywhere, focus on the user, aim to be ten times better, bet on technical insights, ship and iterate, give employees 20 percent time, default to open processes, fail well, have a mission that matters. In March Google’s market capitalization reached a record high of $260 billion and its shares have surpassed 900% since 2004. This stems from its continuous innovation and management practices. Because google focuses on their employees and encourages ideas for new innovation in their everyday process, it has...
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...DO YOU GOOGLE OR NAH? Nicole Edison American InterContinental University Abstract This paper will intend to provide an in depth look at Google as a company and not just a search engine. This paper will deliver qualitative data from research prepared and analyzed. Introduction In the twenty first century the face or in this case the faces of fortune five hundred companies are becoming younger and younger better known as generation ‘X”. From Facebooks owner Mark Zuckerberg to the two fledgling faces of Google Larry Page and Sergey Brin, what use to look like a three piece suit and loafers now look like khakis, a polo style shirt and Sperry’s. The world is changing and so is the way we bank, date, shop and for the most part find answers to anything we need to know. From BackRub’s To Google Google has become a household name so much so that in two-thousand six, Oxford English Dictionary added the word “Google” as a verb and has become a chosen way of researching almost anything for some as results will show later on in this paper. In nineteen ninety-six two Stanford University college students formed a company called BackRub which was created to find the significance of certain webpages. This search engine was made available to the student body of Stanford University only; and within four months the search engine was receiving over ten thousand searches daily which was a clear indication that there was a great need for a service of this kind and...
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