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Gospel Of Jesus Research Paper

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Jesus can be seen in many different ways as portrayed by the Bible. Some may see him as a messiah. Some may see him as a wisdom teacher, and some may see him as a preacher of the coming apocalypse. However, I would argue that Jesus actually fits better into another category: a prophet. Prophet means either “to predict, proclaim in advance” or “to state publicly to proclaim aloud” (Brown 74-75). From previous knowledge from the Old Testament, we can expand on this to say that prophets are chosen people who communicate God’s word to his people, predict coming events, and in some cases, displays God’s glory through miracles or signs. Jesus can be considered a prophet because of his miracles, such as the healing of the blind man, his predictions of the future, such as the desolation of the temple, and his communication of God’s word to the people. …show more content…
One of these miracles, which is present in every gospel of the New Testament is the feeding of the five thousand. After witnessing this sign in John, the people actually say, “This is truly the prophet who is coming into the world” (Common English Bible, John 6:14). This is a reference to the prophecy of Moses of a coming prophet whom will speak the word of God. Another miracle that Jesus performed was when he healed the blind man. This miracle is very similar to a miracle performed by one of the New Testament prophets. In the Old Testament, Elisha heals a physical abnormality, leprosy. These two miracles and many others give Jesus a connection to the prophets of the Old Testament who also performed miracles. Another example of the miracles performed by an Old Testament prophet is Moses’ parting of the Red Sea. The miracles that Jesus performed throughout his time on earth allow us to say that Jesus was in fact a

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