...picked a pickled pepper. It was not a very good pepper but it got the job done. What job you may ask? I will leave that for you to decide. Peter piper picked a pickled pepper. It was not a very good pepper but it got the job done. What job you may ask? I will leave that for you to decide. Peter piper picked a pickled pepper. It was not a very good pepper but it got the job done. What job you may ask? I will leave that for you to decide. Peter piper picked a pickled pepper. It was not a very good pepper but it got the job done. What job you may ask? I will leave that for you to decide. Peter piper picked a pickled pepper. It was not a very good pepper but it got the job done. What job you may ask? I will leave that for you to decide. Peter piper picked a pickled pepper. It was not a very good pepper but it got the job done. What job you may ask? I will leave that for you to decide. Peter piper picked a pickled pepper. It was not a very good pepper but it got the job done. What job you may ask? I will leave that for you to decide. Peter piper picked a pickled pepper. It was not a very good pepper but it got the job done. What job you may ask? I will leave that for you to decide. Peter piper picked a pickled pepper. It was not a very good pepper but it got the job done. What job you may ask? I will leave that for you to decide. Peter piper picked a pickled pepper. It was not a very good pepper but it got the job done. What job you may ask? I will leave that for you to decide. Peter piper...
Words: 385 - Pages: 2
...ACKNOWLEDGMENT The researchers would like to extend their profound gratitude to the persons who have given their cherished support from the beginning until the end of this study. First and foremost the LORD God Almighty for the wisdom and the strength he bestowed on the researches to finish this undertaking and for the blessings they receive everyday of their lives. To the researchers family, for their unconditional love, support in terms of financial, moral and spiritual aspects. To the researchers’ friends, who also contributed in the success of this study. To the respondents, for their participations and willingly effort in answering the questionnaires for the fulfillment of this study. Professor Roel V. Avila, the researchers’ adviser for extending his immeasurable concern to the researchers and for imparted his ideas, knowledge concerning this study. To his suggestions for the improvement of the study. To Corina and Prodencio, Adelina and Nolasco, Lucila and Ruel, Ma. Dearly and Pablo, Florinda and Daniel, Liwayway and Rosauro, Ma. Sonia and Edwin, Betty and Mario. The researchers’ parents, for incessantly inspiring the researchers to pursue the study, for their persistent support, financially and morally, and for their conviction to permit the researchers to use the residence as dwellings during the completion of the study. To Mr. Reynald M. Cacho, the Master Researcher, Mrs. Lucila A. Calabia, the Master Statistician, Mrs.Rita E. Arche, the Master Grammarian...
Words: 2275 - Pages: 10
...looked into local job listings in the field, both office and home. Most of the at home listings wanted three years experience. The in office positions either required one year of experience, an associates degree, or both. I wanted to look into job availability, focusing on no experience with an associates degree. I started research using Google. I typed "medical billing, job availability, no experience, associates degree" in the search engine. I got 317,000 results. I went through the first two pages and found two useful hits. I looked for websites specifically ending in anything other than .com. The first website I found useful was www.medicalbillingandcoding.org/getting-first-mabc-job/. The page that loaded was a video on how to get a job without any experience, after...
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...My first jod was to trim the tree branches and I know that it is not the most exiting job but, it is mine. When I was in the middle of cutting a branch I had just relized the there was a honey bee hive. I relized that I had to tell my maneger. At first I was scard that they would try to sting me but they did not. After that one tree my maneger said'' that I would take my first gruop of people around for a tore of the place''. When he said that my face light up with eximent. ''Are you up for the challge?'' he said. Then I replied '' of corse I am up for the challege''. I got so exited I forgot to tell him about the bee hive. So I went beck to see if there...
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...temporary. At that time we actually got along and I taught him the ropes of the facilities since I was asked to. During that time he paid attention and did the job the way he was supposed to. So when he got placed back there permanently he started doing his job the way I taught him but after 6 months he started slacking off. This got to me because it made me look like I didn’t do my job and train him properly and we had are arguments and what not and I thought we got passed it. Well turns out he wasn’t doing his job and when talking about are argument he made up lies. That really got to me so then I started doing my job as the lead and tried to get him to do his job right the way he is putting it down on the log sheets. He still wasn’t listening to me so I let my supervisor know and he said he would talk to him but I still haven’t seen any changes in his work. I still tried to get him to do his job and then we had a big fight. It was getting bad that the supervisor and to talk to us both at the same time still nothing happened I felt like he was favoring the other guy for some reason even though I let him know what he was doing and even after that he wasn’t doing his job the way he was trained so I stopped caring and just did my job so I don’t lose it and let him be responsible for his actions I was done trying to help. Thing between us however did not change and it was getting so bad that I had to ask for a transfer which I was promised when I got hired but I never...
Words: 423 - Pages: 2
...Although this was a struggle she got through it with desire. Rosa went to court and people were handing out handbills that were talking about Rosa arrest and that they are going to be in court and people are invited to come and join them. March 19th was the date that Rosa went to the court house. Rosa and Claudette Colvin were the only ones out of 84 people who got arrested. When she was getting fingerprinted the picture was on the front of “The New York Times”. Rosa and her husband moved to Detroit in 1957. After Rosa moved to Detroit she moved around to make and appearance at all different places. In the 70’s Rosa’s mom.brother, and husband all became ill. Sadly in 1957 her husband died. Shortly after that her mother died in 1979 at the age of 91. In 2005 on October 24th Rosa died in Detroit, MIchigan at the age of 92. She died quietly in her apartment. The previous year she had been diagnosed with progressive dementia. Just like Rosa...
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...around he sees David the manager from the restraint yesterday sitting at the tree reading the newspaper and drinking his coffee and then bob thought to himself that he wishes he had a life like that being able to have a job and having money that he could buy food and a nice place to live instead of a cardboard box. Now bob is trying to be successful and get a job but he doesn’t know how to get one, he has started talking to people about giving him a job but they just rejected him because he has no nice cloths and he is very dirty. He has started to try really hard to find some nice clothes so he can find himself a job, so he can get some money and do something with his life. Couple of weeks after bob counted his money that he had got off people to get some new cloths but he only had $10 and that wasn’t enough to get him cloths so he spent that money on food and started thinking of a new way to get enough money to buy cloths. He had started to think of a way to do a robber on one on the shops and get some money from there to get his stuff that he needs to get a job. On the 25th of may bob had decide to rob the corner shop so he could get the money, he had a knife that he had found earlier on he was going to use that to hold up the casher while he got the money from...
Words: 642 - Pages: 3
...getting a job. I never had a job my whole life. I have tried working at grocery stores before, but that kind of job wasn’t for me. As all of this was going through my head I was nervous about my first job that I had just gotten. I got hired to be a chef at an indoor sports venue in Northborough called Teamwork’s. The drive to teamwork’s is only 5 minutes away from my house so I didn’t have much time to think about what I was getting myself into. I have never cooked anything before and of course they schedule my first night during the Celtics opening game of the season vs. the Miami Heat. Pulling into the parking lot I made sure I was early so that I would make a good first impression. After I clocked in I made my way into the kitchen where I heard loud rap music. There was no one in the French fry smelling kitchen when I first walked in. I was a little confused to why I was hearing Method man and Redman blasting out of the speakers because no one was around. I began to take off my jacket when one of the older employees came out of the freezer with a large box of pizza dough. He introduced himself as Gary and told me that he was going to be training me tonight. It was Six O’clock and the Celtics game started at seven. We had an Hour to pre make pizzas and store them in the freezer. Gary started to show me how to make the pizzas. The dough was the hardest part. I kept getting holes in the dough whenever I would try and knead it. I eventually somewhat got the hang of...
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...50_____________________60______________________70_______________________80_______________________90____________________ After constructing my three time lines, I noticed some similarities and some differences between my lifeline and my family members. I think that some of the differences are due to the era that we were each brought up in and what is considered to be the norm for that time frame. Most of the life events that we all three experienced are normative events, such as getting married, having a job, moving out of our parents’ house, and having children. In addition to the normative events, there are also some nonnormative events. These include divorce, going to college later in life, and not finishing high school. A difference between the three of us is the education level. My grandmother was expected to quit school so she was able to take care of her house and her children. My mother finished high school and then got a job right away. A lot jobs did not require a college education back then. Even though I did not start college until I was in my...
Words: 1303 - Pages: 6
...Sherrol white Conferences I attend the poverty simulation and I really enjoyed it. My role was a 19 year old girl who was and high school dropout and had and had one year old son. She got evicted because her boyfriend left her and she couldn’t afford to pay the bills on the trailer. My first job was to find affordable housing. That was frustrating because I got tired of waiting in those long lines. I also had a raggedy car so transportation was hard for me to get to the different places. I got so mixed up with trying to find housing that I forgot to feed my son and they took him away. I was glad I found housing because I only had to weeks to stay in the shelter. Once I found housing I got my son back. Looking for a job was also frustrating. I wanted to look for a job so that I would provide a better life for my son. Looking for a job was frustrating because every time I went there were no positions available. I enjoyed playing this role because I got to see how it would be if I was single mother raising a child with no help but a little money from the government. What I got out of the conference is it that it is very hard to make it day by day being poor. You get discouraged because you feel like you can’t do better and your always going to be poor. These were real people we were playing and they are struggling day by day. I also found that we need more resources to help the poor because there are not that many and depending on the government is...
Words: 294 - Pages: 2
...go-go years of the late-1990s are history. Like many of his generation, Bob is mired in debt. He owes $23,000 on his college loans and has run up more than $4,500 on his credit cards. He faces a world very different from the one his father found when he graduated college in the early 1960s. "The rules have changed. And we Generations Xers are getting hit hard. We had to go to college to get a decent job. But the majority of us graduated with high student debt. The good news was, when we graduated, the job market was great. I got a $5,000 hiring bonus on my first job! The competition by employers for good people drove salaries up. When I was 28, I was making more money than my dad, who had been with the same company for over 20 years. But my dad has job security. And he has a nice retirement plan that will pay him a guaranteed pension when he turns 58. Now look at me. I don't know if I'll ever make $80 thou again. If I do, it'll be in 20 or more years. I have no job security. I'm paying $350 a month on my college loans. I'm paying another $250 a month on my credit card account. I've got 30 more payments on my BMW. And my girlfriend says it's time for us to settle down and...
Words: 559 - Pages: 3
...Some of the semester challenges were to be able to take notes from the book To Kill MockingBird we got to take notes on. For the first semester that was my first book to take notes on. To understand which of the notes were the correct notes from the book to use for when we had test on the book. That was my one of some problems on the first semester. I had the problem on how to write specific notes which could help me if I needed them. My second problem was on presentations that we had. What I think on the way of if I did do a good job on assignments were not really bad. On the way that I passed this class with a good grade. By the way that my grade was based on what I did a good and hard working job to get the the grade that I got for the first quarter. I really tried my best to pass this class and to give my hard and best work to be able to do really good and to get my grade that I really wanted to pass this class with. Even though I was a bit scared and shy to go up in front of the class and the students to give my presentation I still did a really good job. The presentation that I had to go up and do what I had to do I did a really good job I passed the grade I wanted to achieve and did a great job....
Words: 552 - Pages: 3
...William was surfing the net when suddenly it was there. The dream job. He grabbed his phone and dialed the number, which was writing on the website. At first, no one answered, but suddenly a women’s voice replied “Hello, this is McDonalds’ manager, how can I help you?” William was not sure what to say. The women sounded so annoyed that William got frightened and was about to hang up. He finally manned up, and answered back with his kind and gentle voice “Hello, my name is William, and I stumbled over you website today, and saw you have a job offer” The women did not sound very enthusiastic, but she said that William could get an interview later this afternoon. William was speechless; he got so excited while trying to text his best friend Alex that he almost dropped his mobile. Eventually he got his nerves back on track, and texted Alex, saying that he had an interview later this afternoon. Few moments after William got a message back from Alex, saying he should go for it. William was thrilled and anxious at the same time while he was waiting. Finally the manager came out of his office, and asked William to step inside. The manager showed William around while he was asking William questions. The manager explained the daily routine of an employee at McDonald and how everything worked. They talked for quite a while, but eventually the manager asked his last question “Why do you think, you are qualified for this job?” “I have been working at our local co-op, and I love meeting new...
Words: 448 - Pages: 2
...just for fun and as I got old my fascination what them changed as I begin to become interested in the technology of a computer. As I got older I just got more interest in what goes in to building a computer. I would watch video on how to build computer and of them being take apart. After sometime I started to buy computer parts and build my own computers. The hardware was amazing to learn a about, but the I started to get into the software and programming aspect of it and become a beginner program. As I started my first part-time jobs in staples I thought to myself I would never want to have something like this be my full job for the rest of my life. That just drew my closer to a job in computers, because of how most a job in computers paid and how much the industry was grew I would always have I job and no money trouble hopefully. I was still on the fence on a job or a career in computer engineer because it was one of the biggest decisions in many live and I did not want to be hasty. After seeing the movie the Internship I got interested in the company google and I did some reach into the company and many other places I may work in the future. Job description The career I am pursuing is a software engineer. A software engineer is like a programmer, they create the code that runs the computer or sometimes that would not even need to code be plan out the software’s steps need or even application of it. Normal a job like this has many different jobs a software engineer...
Words: 417 - Pages: 2
...Andrew Carnegie A robber baron was an owner of business who put others down to gain fame and fortune, and i believe Andrew Carnegie was just like that. Andrew Carnegie was born in Scotland, 1835. In the beginning of his life, Carnegie was far from being rich. He grew up poor with an average working family. His father was a skilled worker who worked in a weaving industry, also part of the Chartist group. Carnegie didn’t start working until the age of 12 when he got a job as a bobbin boy. Carnegie worked extremely hard but barely made any money. Carnegie got about $2.00 a week. Even though he didn’t make a lot of money at this time, he kept up a positive attitude. Carnegie was always filled with new ideas and longed to make something...
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