...Government and Gun Control Guns have been a controversial topic since the founding of the United States. Our forefathers decided that "a well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed". From the very beginning our government has controlled a citizen's rights in regards to firearms. In 1999, citizens are being limited just as our ancestors were only the government has taken the responsibility away from the individual and placed it on the manufacturer of the firearms. Media coverage and firearm-related deaths have caused the government to intervene on the manufacturing and banning of firearms. In order to discuss firearms we must understand its definition. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary a firearm is "a weapon from which a shot is discharged by gunpowder- usually used of small arms". The Oxford Dictionary simply states that a firearm is “a rifle, pistol, or other portable gun". These definitions are vague and somewhat confusing to those who are not very knowledgeable in the firearm subject. Many reporters and anti-firearm organizations also include assault weapons and semi-automatic weapons. So I will go ahead and speak of firearms to include all guns and rifles. Anti-firearm groups have been around since the Constitution was written. These organizations believe that gun ownership should be limited and very strict. Their quest is to reduce violence, ensure that the government...
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...| 3 | Gun Control: Pros (i) Disarm and Control Citizens (ii) Better Management (iii) Reduce Crime Rate and Death Rate | 3-4 | 4 | Gun Control: Cons (i) People’s Life Unsecured (ii) Women’s Safety Unguaranteed (iii) Spring Up of Black Markets (iv) Conflict with Democracy | 5-7 | 5 | Conclusion | 8 | 6 | References | 9 | Introduction: A gun is a normally tubular weapon or other device designed to discharge projectiles or other material (The Chambers Dictionary). The first devices identified as guns appeared in China around 1000AD, and by the 12th century the technology was spreading through the rest of Asia, and into Europe by the 13th century (Herbst). Gun control is a policy that the government limits the keeping and using of guns by citizens. According to Firearms and Federal Law: The Gun Control Act Of 1968, the Gun Control Act is designed to "provide support to Federal, State, and local law enforcement officials in their fight against crime and violence." (Journal of Legal Studies). Firearm is an epochal invention. But unfortunately, no matter in the past or now, guns and firearms are often misused. Therefore, gun control policy exists. In fact, the gun control policy leads both pros and cons. Policy of gun control is always a hot topic argued by gun control advocates and gun rights organizations. In this assignment, we will discuss about the pros and the cons that may causes by the gun control policy. Gun Control: Pros Since guns and firearms...
Words: 1986 - Pages: 8
...Student’s name Professor’s name Course number Date Gun Control: Stricter Gun Control Laws The United States has fallen victim of crimes that heavily involves firearms and ammunitions. As a result, firearm control in the United States of America has happened to be a disputable issue over recent years, particularly in light of the late occasions of the Sandy Hook Elementary school, Northern Arizona University, Texas Southern University, and other numerous shooting incidents in American institutions. Gun control policies consist of laws and regulations that prevent citizens from owning illegal firearms (Carroll, 86). Also, the policies and regulations presented in the Gun Control Laws spreads it effects to the American citizens that manufacture, transport, possess, modify, and use any firearm. Some of the laws have very strict boundaries and limits on gun usage and possession. Some oppositions debate that the gun control policies do not provide protection to innocent civilians or the public. The pervasive gun ownership only increases the number of gun-related incidents in the United States of America. Opponents of the gun control law maintain an argument that the policies and regulations present in the gun control laws do not reduce crimes such as murder, suicide, and injuries that are related to illegal ownership of guns and ammunitions. Additionally, other oppositions argue that the regulations and policies in the gun control laws have a tendency to violate rights of individuals...
Words: 1587 - Pages: 7
...many reasons why our justice system cannot always protect us, so people are looking for other ways to stay safe. A gun is still a weapon, most would want to possess a gun in order to feel safer, everyone is aware of accidents when innocent people get hurt unintentionally. More people support the idea for complicating the procedure for getting a gun. Some might say that it is not the gun that kills people, but the person themselves. People who hold the gun are in control of lives at stake. It is ultimately up to them what leads to a frightful action. For example, you are walking back to your car and someone comes up to you and points a gun to your face. You do not know whether it is loaded or not so you give them everything you have that they would want. We need to take larger measures to reduce the amount of guns that are possessed; otherwise it can lead to a greater number of tragedies. Legislators created gun control laws that were meant for criminals. It goes without saying that criminals do not follow the laws. Criminals are very up-to-date with the laws that they intentionally...
Words: 1600 - Pages: 7
...Gun Control Paper Gun Control has been an issue that has been brought to the public’s eyes in recent years. This main issue has been going on for many years, for example when John F. Kennedy was assassinated; it raised public awareness to the lack of control on sales and also possession of guns in America. Until 1968 guns were available over the counter in stores and through mail catalogs to just about any adult in America. This was an example of how loosely guns were regulated which bring us back to the issue of guns. The constitution tells us in the second amendment that we, as American Citizens, have the right to bear arms. But the government is trying to change that by regulating everything to do with owning a gun. My stance: Gun control is just another way for the government to get into our personal lives. Gun violence is a common thing in America and it needs to be stopped some say. For example, Susan Milligan says this, “Opponents of any kind of gun restrictions argue that they are meaningless, since criminals by definition don't follow the law, and therefore won't allow gun laws to hamstring their criminal behavior. That's true. But gun violence isn't only committed by classic criminals, as recent gun-related tragedies show.” Now she argues that all of gun violence, well the majority, is because of criminals which bring us to background checks. When a person buys a firearm they go through a process of steps to make sure that they are capable of buying a firearm...
Words: 766 - Pages: 4
...Imagine somebody breaks into your house with a gun and you can’t purchase one due to gun control laws being overly excessive. What are you going to do to protect yourself and your family? Are you going to try to escape or fight back? Are you going to hide? These are only a small amount of the questions you have to ask yourself before you support gun control. Gun control takes away from the rights of people like past felons and other people who have faced criminal charges but have been rehabilitated and taken from people who practice the sport of hunting.That is why we don't need as many gun control laws as we already do as it takes away the basic human right to defend yourself from tyrannical government and other threats. Gun control and gun...
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...Gun control has been around for as long as anyone can think of. It has been one of the biggest controversial issues that both people and courts argue about. Plus gun control has its reasons on why it has been around and still is not taken off. Gun control keeps neighborhoods safer and allows the government to know who owns a gun under their name. Having gun control around is only for the best of the people and not used in any way to harm others. Allowing gun control to continue is a way to let the government sell and know who owns or transfers guns. Gun control needs to continue to be around because without it communities would be too chaotic and unsafe for the government to even deal with. Many believe that having gun control does not make...
Words: 814 - Pages: 4
...America has the highest amount of gun related deaths each year in the world. “In Germany 381, in France 255, in Canada 165 in the United Kingdom 68, in Australia 65, in Japan 39 and in the United States, 11,127” (Moore Michael, 51:15-51:48). Since the United States has the highest number of deaths, it is important to have gun-control laws that restrict people from owning dangerous firearms like machine guns. Gun-control laws should support both sides of the debate. Of course, both sides will not be completely happy with the laws created, but America should have a balance. In 2008, a poll was taken stating: “Adult poll respondents’ views on the meaning of the Second Amendment; An individual’s right to bear arms: Republican 51% and Democrats 41%” (The History of the Right to Bear Arms). Today, the United States is more divided on gun-control than it has ever been. The Second Amendment states: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”(Milestones in Federal Gun Control Legislation). Unless the Second Amendment is changed, we cannot take the right from others to own guns. However, the government should regulate the types of gun Americans can own and who can own a gun because times have changed and American’s mental health system is broken. Decades ago, the United States was once a country where a gun was considered to survive and protect. “As Americans civilized the wilderness...
Words: 1374 - Pages: 6
...The Deadly Date The Deadly Debate Gun Control has been at the forefront of many debates due to the increase of deadly shootings. Over the past several years, there have been multiple mass casualty shootings, and as the number of shootings increased, United States citizens began the debate of whether tighter gun control laws would prevent these shootings. In this debate, we will address the reasons supporting gun control and the reasons opposing gun control. Americans have a choice and this choice will be debated below. America was founded on the principle of freedom and the rights of an individual to live in a nation built by the people, for the people. The government has begun to use tragedy, terrorism and civil unrest to force unjustified laws and federal controls into action that are a direct attack on our civil liberties. The NSA and other federal organizations have violated Americans rights and freedom in the name of national security far too many times. If we allow the government to take away our rights to bear arms it will be another tragedy in the long list of attacks on our American rights. Many gun control activists believe that reducing the number of private gun owners in America will reduce crime and suicide. This could not be further from the truth; strict gun laws will only take the guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens, criminals will be armed and normal citizens will have no means of immediate protection. A recent study conducted by Harvard...
Words: 1987 - Pages: 8
...Abstract This paper critically analyzes gun rights in the United States and the economics of gun centralization. The phrase, “gun rights” refers to the second amendment in which it states that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The term, “gun centralization” is what is most commonly referred to as “gun control,” which is refusing citizens the right to keep certain or all firearms and keeping them solely in the hands of government. There are many different points of view on the issue of gun rights, coming from all political and religious views. It is near impossible to find the truth on the issue while wading through an ocean of loud, boisterous opinions on the extent of gun rights and whether people need guns at all. This paper critically assesses the Republican and Democrat points of views on the two issues, and draws a conclusion to the legitimacy of gun centralization, better known as gun control. Ethical Dilemma Research Paper Gun Rights and the Legitimacy of Gun Centralization Gun control has been the highlight of the news lately. Politicians and caring people all across the United States have seen the tragic events, such as the Sandy Hook shooting, and are now demanding a government takeover of firearms. The dilemma occurs within the right-left political paradigm, two differing ideologies, where the labeled “left” are strongly for gun control, and the labeled “right” are strongly...
Words: 4345 - Pages: 18
...May 30, 2018 Socioeconomic Problems and Gun Related Deaths Carrying gun for personal use may be good for safety to some extent. People will be dying till socioeconomic problems such as unemployment, poverty alcohol consumption exist, but gun related death can be stopped up to some extent by controlling guns. For example, in India, many people are killed by a gun shot in weddings. A recent study says that guns are responsible behind the death of 32,000 people every year in The United States and that is why this topic became a matter of concern. My research question relates to the relationship between socioeconomic problems which mentioned before and its related homicide rates? I took the Mark Gius’s...
Words: 887 - Pages: 4
...Gun Control Guns versus crime is the hot topic in America. Government officials are looking at how much crime has happened with firearms instead of also looking at how the American people will be able to defend themselves when need be if guns are fully taken away. Government officials are trying to find a solution to eliminate the percentage of deaths per year. Guns are dangerous when used inappropriately, especially when they get into the wrong hands. There just isn't a problem with adults handling guns the wrong way, there is also children getting their hands on them and injuring and killing others as well. More gun control will not reduce crime because people will find other dangerous ways to injure and kill others, and also taking away guns totally will also take away Americans Second Amendment to bear arms away. Gun Control Many Americans have lost their lives by firearms. The majority of shooters had gotten their hands on guns illegally by stealing them, or purchasing them through a private owner. Whether or not people agree with tougher gun control laws, the American people need to think about how many lives can be saved from having stronger gun laws. Guns are being used on human life for many different reasons, here are some examples: mental health issues, drug deal gone wrong, act of terrorism, racial profiling, also lack of self-control of their behavior. Firearms are extremely dangerous just not...
Words: 731 - Pages: 3
...best when he said, “ To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms and be taught alike, how to use them.” Since the very beginning of our country, guns have been an important part of our lives. Our founding fathers understood the importance of the second amendment and like them, I firmly believe that the second amendment is key to upholding our freedom. Under no circumstances should the government have the right to disarm the American people. The second amendment was put into place to give us control of our own defense; it is meant to give us the opportunity...
Words: 897 - Pages: 4
...America has the highest amount of gun related deaths each year in the world. “In Germany 381, in France 255, in Canada 165 in the United Kingdom 68, in Australia 65, in Japan 39 and in the United States, 11,127” (Moore Michael, 51:15-51:48). Since the United States has the highest number of deaths, it is important to have gun-control laws that restrict people from owning dangerous firearms like machine guns. Gun-control laws should support both sides of the debate. Of course, both sides will not be completely happy with the laws created, but America should have a balance. In 2008, a poll was taken stating: “Adult poll respondents’ views on the meaning of the Second Amendment; An individual’s right to bear arms: Republican 51% and Democrats 41%” (The History of the Right to Bear Arms). Today, the United States is more divided on gun-control than it has ever been. The Second Amendment states: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”(Milestones in Federal Gun Control Legislation). Unless the Second Amendment is changed, we cannot take the right from others to own guns. However, the government should regulate the types of gun Americans can own and who can own a gun because times have changed and American’s mental health system is broken. Decades ago, the United States was once a country where a gun was considered to survive and protect. “As Americans civilized the wilderness...
Words: 1459 - Pages: 6
...There have been 18 school shootings this past year. The issue here is whether we should have greater gun control. And how we can prevent less shootings in generally. My opinion on this issue is to have more gun control. Another opinion of mine is that we should have more gun control but it will not solve all gun violence. How can we have a safer future? I know the government should become more involved. But its not only up to them the parents should become involved to. Parents can help by supervising their children's behavior and their actions. And should find out the reasons why there children have a gun. The government can help by creating new laws and by making it harder to obtain guns. The benefits of gun control are massive. One example...
Words: 342 - Pages: 2