...[pic] Direct Instruction Lesson Plan – November 10, 2010 |Lesson Planning Information | |Teacher Candidate Name: Brenda Baker-Mitchell |Date: Nov 10, 2010 | |Mentor Teacher Name: | |JIU Professor Name: Dr. Alana James |JIU Course Name and Session: EDU 500 | |Grade: 9-12 | |Content Area (e.g., reading, writing, math, science, social studies, arts, etc.): Social Studies/US History – “The Removal of the Cherokee Indians” | |(DIRECT INSTRUCTION) | |Group Size: 25 | |Pre-Lesson Planning | |ACEI | ...
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... 12, 2011 By: Kate Raatzs, Archana Selvaragan and Jennifer Joseph Table of Contents Task Page Design Plan Statement 1 Course Outline 2-5 Unit Overview 6 Unit Calendar 7-8 Enduring Understandings/Essential Questions 9-10 Lesson Summaries: a) Causes of Economic Troubles 11 b) Population Changes and Immigration 12-14 c) Technology of the 1930s 15 d) Life in the 1930s 16 e) On-To-Ottawa and Social Unrest 17 f) Social Assistance Programs 18 g) Then and Now Review Lesson 19-21 h) Then and Now Round Table Assignment 22-23 Appendix A: Round Table Discussion Handout 24 Rubric for Round Table Discussion and other Assessment ideas 25-28 Topic Organizer 29-31 Speech Planner 32 Design Process Statement Our group initially decided to work together because each of us was specifically interested in developing lessons for Grade 10 Canadian History – Academic. Some of us wanted to develop our understanding of the curriculum itself, while others wanted to focus on working with students of this age. After reviewing the curriculum of the course, we discussed how the course should be organized. For some aspects of the curriculum...
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...Introduction The urgency is that last years the imperative need of using a foreign language appears in all areas of a science, manufacture and culture. Importance and openness of the problem of effective teaching foreign languages have caused its topicality, and consequently the choice of a theme for the given course work. In present practice of teaching foreign languages there is a problem facing the teacher to address to experience of the colleagues, to innovative ideas, to a science, is that low authority of a subject because of shortages of a present technique of teaching. Aim to investigate the role of contemporary methods in teaching foreign languages, to distinguish the most rational techniques of teaching a foreign language which can be used in school. In this work it is necessary to solve the following primarytasks: 1. To investigate the bases of teaching a foreign language 2. To study effective ways and techniques of teaching a foreign language 3. To observe ways of teaching English language in contemporary methods 4. To work out exercises for using innovation technologies of teaching English language in contemporary methods The subject of this course paper is variety of methods and ways and their effectiveness of using in teaching a foreign language. The object of research is the process of teaching and pupils who are the subjects of this teaching process. Theoretical value of this course paper is in its results, having received which it will...
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...Knowledge Management Tools and Techniques Practitioners and Experts Evaluate KM Solutions This page intentionally left blank Knowledge Management Tools and Techniques Practitioners and Experts Evaluate KM Solutions Edited by Madanmohan Rao AMSTERDAM • BOSTON • HEIDELBERG • LONDON NEW YORK • OXFORD • PARIS • SAN DIEGO SAN FRANCISCO • SINGAPORE • SYDNEY • TOKYO Butterworth-Heinemann is an imprint of Elsevier Elsevier Butterworth–Heinemann 200 Wheeler Road, Burlington, MA 01803, USA Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP, UK Copyright © 2005, Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Permissions may be sought directly from Elsevier’s Science & Technology Rights Department in Oxford, UK: phone: (+44) 1865 843830, fax: (+44) 1865 853333, e-mail: permissions@elsevier.com.uk. You may also complete your request on-line via the Elsevier homepage (http://elsevier.com), by selecting “Customer Support” and then “Obtaining Permissions.” Recognizing the importance of preserving what has been written, Elsevier prints its books on acid-free paper whenever possible. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Rao, Madanmohan. KM tools and techniques : practitioners and experts evaluate KM solutions / Madanmohan Rao. p. cm. Includes...
Words: 182966 - Pages: 732
...Kelly (theatre director and founder of Metal) Contents Foreword 2 1 Introduction 4 2 Why drama in schools? 6 3 Recognising good drama 9 3.1 What does good drama look like at the Foundation Stage? 9 3.2 What does good drama look like at Key Stages 1 and 2? 12 3.3 What does good drama look like at Key Stage 3? 18 3.4 What does good drama look like at Key Stage 4? 22 3.5 What does good drama look like at post-16? 24 3.6 What does good drama look like in special schools? 26 3.7 What does a good drama enrichment programme look like? 27 4 Structuring drama in schools 32 4.1 Level descriptions for drama 33 5 Policy, facilities, resources 41 5.1 Useful points for schools managers and subject leaders to consider 41 5.2 What does a good school policy for drama look like? 42 5.3 What do good facilities and resources in drama look like? 44 6 Conclusion 46 Appendix 1 Drama and the early learning goals within 48 the Foundation Stage Appendix 2 The National Curriculum for England – English 50 Appendix 3 Drama within the Primary Strategy 54 Appendix 4 Drama and the Key Stage 3 National Strategy 58 Appendix 5 Inclusive education 60 Appendix 6 Ofsted’s guidance on inspecting drama 11–16 62 Appendix 7 Ofsted’s guidance on inspecting post-16 drama 65 and theatre studies Appendix 8 National initiatives...
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...responsibility and accountability of project resources. The structure created involves appointing a project manager who carries vital responsibility on the initializing, implementing and management of the project in Cassdav Resources Limited which is in the Information Technology sector to attain its goals. The PMM is a requirement for project planning, including risk assessment, cost estimation, forecasting and economic evaluation. It can fit in any project type, designed and implemented to regulate project management processes in order to keep a focus on other critical performance matters. Therefore, PMMs are significant (Hany, 2012). This report examines the effectiveness, limitations of Project Management Methodology (PMM), taking considerations key roles played by the Project Manager in the effective implementation and management of the organization project using PMM. 2.0 AIMS AND...
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...Lesson: Learning at Ashworth CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Welcome! Learning Objectives Accessing the Student Portal Ashworth College Student Handbook The Ashworth Website The Structure of Programs Your Technology Choices 1 1 4 4 5 11 14 22 STUDY SKILLS Introduction The Importance of Time Management A Place to Study An Approach to Your Studies All about Learning Styles The Art of Taking Notes 26 26 26 30 32 33 44 EXAMINATIONS AND OTHER ASSESSMENTS Introduction Saving Your Written Work Types of Assessments Prepare for Online Exams Take Online Exams Deal with Test-Taking Anxiety Strategies for Multiple-Choice Exams Strategies for Essay Questions 49 49 49 50 52 53 53 54 55 TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY SKILLS Introduction Summary 59 59 62 CHECK YOUR LEARNING ANSWERS 67 LEARNING AT ASHWORTH iii INTRODUCTION Welcome! Welcome to Ashworth College! And welcome to your very first Ashworth lesson: Learning at Ashworth. Why are we starting you with this lesson? First—and most importantly—we want to make sure you have the foundation you need to be successful with your studies. The most basic foundation for success is knowledge of both what and how to study. Most people think “studying” involves reading pages from a textbook or lesson. That’s only partially true. The word study is a verb—that means it’s a process. Studying does involve reading. However, successful studying involves much more than that. It involves active engagement with the material...
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...A Charter School is a school established to provide students and parents with more choices in the types of educational opportunities and programs that are available within the public school system. The Matanuska-Susitna Borough School Board approves of community-based charter schools. All Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District (MSBSD) Charter School programs are open to student’s applications who reside within the school district. Starting a charter school is truly a community effort. However, the rewards we may find by creating a new educational option for children are well worth the effort. The first question we want to answer is why do we want to start a charter school? As a charter developer, we need to have a clear answer to this question. Matanuska-Susitna Valley residents desire a school that provides a rich and comprehensive educational program for students with talents and potential in dance, instrumental music, vocal music, theatre, and visual art or media arts. This school will provide students and parents with expanded choices in the types of educational opportunities that are available within the public school system to maximize each student’s special talents. Our graduates will increase the quality of their life, the lives of people who surround them, and the respective communities of the Valley. There are many people interested in helping to start our charter school waiting for recruitment. These founders will include parents, teachers, school principals...
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...Standard 1: A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community. The effective administrator: 1.1 Uses research about best professional practice. Cooperative Learning "Cooperative learning is the instructional use of small groups so that students work together to maximize their own and each other's learning." WHAT IS IT? Cooperative learning is a successful teaching strategy in which small teams, each with students of different levels of ability, use a variety of learning activities to improve their understanding of a subject. Each member of a team is responsible not only for learning what is taught but also for helping teammates learn, thus creating an atmosphere of achievement. WHY USE IT? Documented results include improved academic achievement, improved behavior and attendance, increased self-confidence and motivation, and increased liking of school and classmates. Cooperative learning is also relatively easy to implement and is inexpensive. HOW DOES IT WORK? Here are some typical strategies that can be used with any subject, in almost any grade, and without a special curriculum: Group Investigations are structured to emphasize higher-order thinking skills such as analysis and evaluation. Students work to produce a group project, which they may have a hand...
Words: 52057 - Pages: 209
...Coping with Continuous Change in the Business Environment CHANDOS KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT SERIES Series Editor: Melinda Taylor (email: melindataylor@chandospublishing.com) Chandos’ new series of books are aimed at all those individuals interested in knowledge management. They have been specially commissioned to provide the reader with an authoritative view of current thinking. If you would like a full listing of current and forthcoming titles, please visit our web site www.chandospublishing.com or contact Hannah Grace-Williams on email info@chandospublishing.com or telephone number +44 (0) 1993 848726. New authors: we are always pleased to receive ideas for new titles; if you would like to write a book for Chandos, please contact Dr Glyn Jones on email gjones@chandospublishing.com or telephone number +44 (0) 1993 848726. Bulk orders: some organisations buy a number of copies of our books. If you are interested in doing this, we would be pleased to discuss a discount. Please contact Hannah Grace-Williams on email info@chandospublishing.com or telephone number +44 (0) 1993 848726. Coping with Continuous Change in the Business Environment Knowledge management and knowledge management technology ANTONIE BOTHA DERRICK KOURIE AND RETHA SNYMAN Chandos Publishing Oxford · England Chandos Publishing (Oxford) Limited TBAC Business Centre Avenue 4 Station Lane Witney Oxford OX28 4BN UK Tel: +44 (0) 1993 848726 Fax: +44 (0) 1865 884448 Email:...
Words: 69553 - Pages: 279
...3-12 Reading Strategies 3-12 Reading Strategies __________________________________________________________________________________ VIRGINIA P. ROJAS Language Education Consultant (732) 940-1860 VPRojas@aol.com 3-12 Reading Strategies Anticipation Guides (Barton & Heidema, 2000) - Anticipation guides have two columns labeled ‘me’ and ‘text.’ Before reading the text, students place a check next to any statement with which they agree. After reading the text, students compare their opinions with information contained in the text. Examples: An example for a math anticipation guide on statistics might look like the following: Me ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Text ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 1. There are several kinds of averages for a set of data. 2. The mode is the middle number in a set of data. 3. Range tells how far apart numbers in a data set can be. 4. Outliers are always ignored. 5. Averages are always given as percentages. An example for a science anticipation guide on matter might look like the following: Me ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Text ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Matter is made up of elements. An element is made up of many different atoms. An element is the same thing as a compound. Most compounds are made up of molecules. Elements are represented by chemical symbols. Check Those Facts! (Stephens & Brown, 2005) - This strategy serves a dual purpose: to help students become better judges of internet information and to allow students to explore an area of interest related to...
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...# 2004 University of South Africa All rights reserved Printed and published by the University of South Africa Muckleneuk, Pretoria SDLANG-T/1/2005±2008 LADLAN-A/1/2005±2008 DLL301-Q/1/2005±2008 LLL301-E/1/2005±2008 97636509 3b2 SDLANG style CONTENTS FOREWORD xii STUDY UNIT 1 _______________________________________________________________________ OUTCOMES-BASED EDUCATION AND LANGUAGE TEACHING 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION 2 1.2 WHY DID SOUTH AFRICA'S EDUCATION SYSTEM NEED TO CHANGE? 3 1.3 WHAT IS OUTCOMES-BASED EDUCATION? 3 1.3.1 What are the characteristics of outcomes-based education? 3 1.3.2 The difference between the old and the new approach 4 1.4 OUTCOMES-BASED EDUCATION PRINCIPLES AND TERMINOLOGY 6 1.4.1 Learning area 6 1.4.2 Critical outcomes 7 1.4.3 Learning outcomes 8 1.4.4 Assessment standards 9 1.4.5 Assessment 9 1.4.6 Themes 9 1.5 PLANNING AN OUTCOMES-BASED EDUCATION LEARNING UNIT 11 1.6 OVERVIEW OF THE STUDY UNIT 11 1.7 CONCLUSION 12 STUDY UNIT 2 _______________________________________________________________________ TEACHING LANGUAGE IN A MULTICULTURAL CONTEXT 13 2.1 INTRODUCTION 14 2.2 MULTILINGUALISM 14 2.3 HOME LANGUAGE, FIRST AND SECOND ADDITIONAL LANGUAGES 15 2.4 SWITCHING AND MIXING CODES 16 2.5 LANGUAGE TEACHING IN A MULTICULTURAL CONTEXT 18 2.6 CULTURE...
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...Chapter 1: Student Characteristics Understand Characteristics of Students with Disabilities Some students with disabilities pass through typical developmental milestones and express skills within an average range for their age group. Others show delayed growth at certain developmental milestones, and many students with disabilities experience challenges as they navigate through the school curriculum. It is critical that special education teachers know how to differentiate between typical individual differences among children without disabilities and differences that may indicate a disability that requires interventions and/or specialized designed instruction. In addition, special education teachers need to know the most common types of disabilities that students may experience and how those disabilities affect their ability to learn and their behavior in the classroom. Competency 1 thus focuses on the characteristics of typical and atypical human growth and development and the characteristics of students with various disabilities that special education teachers are likely to encounter. The test includes a wide range of multiple-choice questions that address Competency 1. * Questions on typical and atypical behaviors and abilities for children and adolescents at particular ages. * Questions on the types and characteristics of various disabilities. * Questions on the similarities and differences among students with and without disabilities. This competency encompasses...
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...Health Information Technology (HIT) is becoming increasingly useful and implemented more frequently by health care providers throughout the United States. This technology may include Electronic Health Records (EHR) or Electronic Medical Records (EMR). The shift towards implementing Electronic Health Records has a significant influence on the quality of care provided by health care providers; however, some providers still stick to the basic paper documentation due to skepticism and disregard the benefits to adopting new technologies. Many questions arise when a health care provider is interested in adopting EHR’s, such as why adopt EHR’s? What are the benefits of EHR’s in relation to paper documentation? What steps need to be taken in order to adopt and implement EHR’s? What barriers will be encountered during the decision making process and how will these barriers be addressed? A health practice interested in adopting and implementing an EHR system must establish priorities, identify potential risks and how to avoid or overcome these risks, outweigh the pros and cons, set goals, and adhere to strict guidelines to ensure adopting a successful system. The terms Electronic Health Records (EHR) and Electronic Medical Records (EMR) are often used interchangeably by health care providers when in fact there is a subtle difference between EHRs and EMRs. Electronic Medical Records and Electronic Medical Records are both digital versions of a patient’s medical history and information;...
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...------------------------------------------------- Cumulating Project For RDG 543 April 18, 2015 Dan hartman Cuthbertson High School April 18, 2015 Dan hartman Cuthbertson High School Door Door PART ONE: PHYSICAL CLASSROOM SETTING 12 | Student workstations Student workstations 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | Objectives and Procedures in English and Spanish Objectives and Procedures in English and Spanish 11 | | Student Discussion And Reading Area Student Discussion And Reading Area | 19 | Student work stations Student work stations 10 | | | Student work stations Student work stations 20 | 9 | | | 21 | 8 | | | 22 | 7 | | | 23 | 6 | | | 24 | 5 | | | 25 | 4 | | | 26 | 3 | | | 27 | 2 | | | 28 | 1 | | Teacher Desk Teacher Desk | 29 | | | 30 | | Teacher Resource area Teacher Resource area DoorSmart Board Smart Board | | Classroom dimensions: approximately 27’ by 42’ Classroom consists of 30 desktop PC’s for individual student use. These PC’s are situated on a shelf that is built into the wall and not able to be moved. The PC’s are hard wired into the network for internet connections. PC’s are all configured with Microsoft Office 2013. In addition to individual student PC’s, there are 15 traditional student desks that are used for discussion areas and for students to use when not on the PC. Some students find it more convenient to use the traditional desks when...
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