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Submitted By stevendoug
Words 1072
Pages 5
Chapter 15
1, Exporting to a foreign market and manufacturing in a foreign market are the methods in which a firm can enter a foreign market. The relatively easier and more popular way of entering a foreign market is by way of direct and/or indirect exporting. Both deal with the export of a good to a foreign market but in indirect exporting involves no special expertise and no large cash presence. A commission in doing indirect exporting is often common in which a 3rd party is usually involved. Manufacturing is a much more extensive project in which a company sets up shop in a foreign market.
3. The differences are not that obvious. Strategic alliances often are made to speed up and concentrate on the need for further development of a product. The alliance helps fray down the entire cost of the project whereas joint venture focus more on a common interest in which doing business in a 3rd market is sought or a project is going underway. Both types often have management issues amongst each other.
4. A firm can be multi domestic in relation to each foreign market is different. In a multi domestic market, the need to be adaptive is high along with stressing the principle of trying to keep prices low. All markets differ and the ability to adapt and change to a certain market from a global standpoint will enable a firm to think globally along with being able to fundamentally carry on multi domestic operations within a specific market.
5. One important condition is that a host government may not permit wholly owned subsidiary’s. Another reason a joint venture may be more useful is because there may be tax advantages involved and that two operations take on the risks together.
6. Management contracts are often wanted because expertise is brought with it. A fee is often paid for the know how of delivering tacit-knowledge. In addition, poor nations may have a harder time

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