...Govt 2306 -63005 March 3, 2014 In 2010, Former Gubernatorial candidate, Debra Medina made Nullification a Major aspect of her campaign. Nullification can simply be defined as the failure of a U.S state to enforce a federal Law within its boundary. Debra Medina Claimed that Texas has the power to nullify federal acts deemed unconstitutional. She believes that Texas has the right to invalidate any federal Law the citizen view as unacceptable. In 1798, Thomas Jefferson started the first Nullification in history which was the Kentucky Resolution. He believed that Government does not have the right to Impose it will upon the people without their consent. If the people decide they do not give the government consent, then such will is nullified. Debra Medina based her claim on the 10th Amendment which states that “the powers not delegated to the united states by the constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states ,are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people”, and before the civil war. She argued that the overall power rested with the state of Texas, so base on the 10th amendment Texas state has the power to get representative in congress and pass a bill to nullify any Law passed by congress that is viewed as unconstitutional. In her claim of Nullification, it means that the state of Texas can do what the Supreme Court can do. Nullification is seen as the means of the State to check the power of the Federal government. Medina being a member of Tea...
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...According to Henry Aaron and Gary Burtless the Affordable Care Act was “sought to expand health insurance coverage, slow the growth of health care spending, and improve the quality of care”. The U.S News states that “Proponents of the healthcare law say that in the long-term, the Medicaid expansion will save both state and federal government’s money while extending healthcare coverage to millions of lower-income Americans. Opponents say it is just another example of government overreach and that it is up to the states to determine whether they can afford such an expansion.” But my question to you is do you actually believe this? Because I don’t. I have come across the best argumental FACTS to help you better understand the reason Rick Perry does not want to expand Medicaid. Researchers Laura Dague, Thomas DeLeire, and Lindsay Leininger argue in a National Bureau of Economic Research working paper that… “Noted in February that Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion would reduce incentives to work and have a modest effect on the overall supply of labor. While there is a debate in the academic literature about the effects of the Medicaid expansion on labor supply, that debate has tended to focus on parents who enroll in Medicaid, rather than adults without kids. Dague and her colleagues conclude that if the Medicaid expansion enrolls about 21 million additional adults, anywhere from 511,000 to 2.2 million fewer people will be employed. Furthermore, they argue that the Medicaid expansion...
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...POSC 387: AMERICAN POLITICAL THOUGHT Spring 2015 Dr. John Martin Office Hrs. T, 4-6pm, and by Appt. Email: jmartin@art-sci.udel.edu Course Description: This course is designed to explore in-depth the basic principles, concepts and traditions of American Political Thought. The course will proceed historically, covering material from the founding of the country to more recent controversies associated with the New Deal/The Great Society. Emphasis will be placed upon a variety of theoretical positions concerning such concepts as rights, representation, and the appropriate structure and scope of the government. Required Readings: Political Thought in America (2nd Edition), by M. Levy. 978-0-88133-688-7 (Paper) Student Responsibilities: You are responsible for attending class regularly. The lectures will not be devoted to simply repeating information presented in the text. You should come to class prepared to discuss, debate and directly engage the material presented in the assigned readings. Exams will assess your knowledge of both class lecture and reading material. Assignments are expected to be completed on time; deadlines/due dates are indicated in the syllabus. If you are unable to attend an exam, you must notify me prior to class and make arrangements to make-up the exam. Permission to make-up an exam will be granted only in the most serious of extenuating circumstances. Verifiable (medical) emergencies and other reasons for potential ‘excused’...
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...Critical Thinking Assignments Chapter 7 1. What If . . . Lobbying were abolished? (Page 220) If lobbying were abolished, then I believe that some people would be happy by this. Lobbying is not favorable to most people because they don’t seek out the best interest of all. Lobbyists tend to represent special interests more often than the interest of the average American. Lobbying being abolished would save a lot of money and would free up funds in corporate America. This would also force businesses to spend this money on advertising and media relations in order to get or persuade people to vote for the candidate they feel would most benefit them. Although some see lobbying as a bad thing, it could help out if all people were represented and not just the ones with the most cash. Chapter 8 1. What If . . . Parties Were Supported Solely by Public Funding? (Page 250) It would be hard to determine what level of funding would be appropriate because both major parties spend millions on campaigning and other activities to support the election. If the amount of funding was reduced then the campaigning might not be as effective. This would also help make the nonparty groups be more important. One of the main problems with this method is that the public funding will be provided by the taxpayers’ dollars. This could also make public funding available to all political parties and not just the major two. This could result in dozens of political parties which would make...
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...The following balance sheet was adapted from the financial statements of the Williamsburg Regional Sewage Treatment Authority (dates have been changed). Fund Types The transactions of the authority are accounted for in the following governmental fund types: • General fund—To account for all revenues and expenditures not required to be accounted for in other funds. • Capital projects fund—To account for and report financial resources that are restricted, committed, or assigned to expenditure for capital outlays. Such resources are derived principally from other municipal utility districts to which the Williams burg Regional Sewage Treatment Authority provides certain services. 1. Recast the balance sheets of the two funds into a single consolidated balance sheet (statement of net position). Show separately, however, the restricted and the unrestricted portions of the consolidated net position (not each individual asset and liability). Be sure to eliminate inter fund payables and receivables. 2. Which presentation, the unconsolidated or the consolidated, provides more complete information? Explain. Which presentation might be seen as misleading? Why? What, if any, advantages do you see in this presentation even though it might be less complete and more misleading? [pic] SOLUTION: Williamsburg Regional Sewage Treatment Authority Statement of Net Position October 31, 2014 1. Assets Cash $ 5,772 Time deposits 16,398 Due on insurance claim 9,499 Due from participants ...
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...GOVT 2305 Presidential Elections Project See the assignments file linked below for the state assigned to you. Research the politics of the state assigned to you in order to answer the questions below. The following information sources may prove helpful (you may need to copy and paste the links into your browser): State elected officials and members of Congress by state: http://www.commoncause.org/siteapps/advocacy/search.aspx?c=dkLNK1MQIwG&b=4860375 Presidential election outcomes by state: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_presidential_election_results_by_state Presidential election outcomes by state: http://www.historycentral.com/elections/states/List.html 2012 election outcome by state: http://www.politico.com/2012-election/map/#/President/2012/ Good Advice: · Do not wait until the day the assignment is due to begin work. That is a prescription for a very poor grade. · Don’t complete this project until you have studied up on presidential elections, especially the Electoral College. · Read the questions closely before answering them. Students frequently lose points for failing to fully answer each question. In particular, if the question asks you to write a paragraph, that means you need to write several sentences. A paragraph is not a single sentence. As you recall from your English class, paragraphs have topic sentences, several sentences in the body that develop the topic sentence, and a concluding sentence that ties the paragraph...
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...Chapter 1 questions 1 Both Locke and Hobbes believe that people need a system of government to live properly and to have a working society. However, Hobbes believes that without a form of government, specifically a monarchy, humans would act like animals in a "state of nature", while Locke believes that humanity is born "equal and with natural rights" and are governed only because of their contract of consent and have the power to change the government if it breaks the people's contract. Locke's theory had a more direct impact on the American system of government as one can see his work and ideas in not only the Declaration of Independence, "life, liberty, and property", but also in how the American government works as a whole. Although Hobbes' Leviathan does not play a key role in our government in the sense of an "all-powerful" government, his idea that people need a single ruler to govern to "guarantee the rights of the weak against the strong" was implemented in the creation of the executive branch of the American government system. 2 Locke's ideas and theory shows up all throughout the Declaration of Independence. Three examples of this are: "all men are created equal", "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness", and "Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed". These three quotes are directly related to the theory and...
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...Chapter 8: Test D The Cabinet system was established by Thomas Jefferson The Articles of Confederation Tradition John Adams Article II The only president to have served more than two terms is Franklin D. Roosevelt Crises has often triggered expansion of presidential power True The president has the power to appoint His cabinet Although governors have the power to pardon, the president does not. False The Twenty-Second Amendment to the constitution limits a president from serving in office for more than _____ years. Ten If the president dies in office and the vice presidency is vacant the next person in line of succession is the Speaker of the House The process of bringing charges against the president or vice president is called Impeachment A two-thirds majority vote in the Senate is required to remove the president after the. . . True Surge in presidential popularity due to intentional events are fairly long-lasting. False Vice presidential vacancies are filled by presidential nomination with confirmation of the house False Over the course of American history, the executive branch has assumed considerable. . . True Under the Articles of confederation, the executive branch was quite weak. False President may be removed from office by Impeachment in the House and trial in the senate. Presidents usually enjoy their highest popularity ratings at the start of their administration. True The constitutional qualifications...
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...backs all of its securities, guaranteeing full payment at maturity dates; therefore, the more the government sells securities today, the more its future obligation to pay off the holders. Some believe that the increased future liability of the US due to the sale of securities (again, known as public debt) can be detrimental to the economy as it puts ever increasing pressure on the future generations to make good on the payments. For example, if you buy a 30-year Treasury bond today, the obligation to pay you in 30 years will fall on the taxpayers or investors of that time, many of whom have not even been born yet. For now government securities are one of the most secure investments one can make. They are considered secure because the general belief is that the issuing government (in our case the US) will continue to have a prosperous economy way into the future therefore having virtually no risk of defaulting on payments. In fact, they are considered so safe that many foreign governments use such securities to back their economies. Recently an Australian bank replaced a large portion of its holdings in gold with bonds issued by the governments of the USA, Japan, and Germany. This confirms the genuine trust that has been placed on government securities and why they are such powerful instruments of the economy. Types Of Government Securities The US government issues several types of securities to raise money for its operations. Again, all of these securities are backed by the...
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...Bangladesh Governments: (1971-2009) Bangladesh’s first government took oath on April 10, 1971. The provisional government of the new nation of Bangladesh was formed in Dhaka with the president of the republic, justice Abu Sayed Choudhury and Taj Uddin as Prime Minister. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, 1972–75: The first parliamentary elections held under the 1972 constitution were in March 1973, with the Awami League winning a massive majority. No other political party in Bangladesh's early years was able to duplicate or challenge the League's broad-based appeal, membership, or organizational strength. Mujib and his cabinet having no experience in governance nor administration, relied heavily on experienced civil servants and political factions of the Awami League, the new Bangladesh Government focused on relief, rehabilitation, and reconstruction of the economy and society. Mujib nationalised the entire economy, banking and industrial sector. Economic conditions took a serious downturn. On top of that heavy corruption among his own party members, factions and senior leadership also added to the devastation and famine. The then U.S. Secretary of State termed Bangladesh a Bottomless Basket. In December 1974, Mujib decided that continuing economic deterioration and mounting civil disorder required strong measures. After proclaiming a state of emergency, Mujib used his parliamentary majority to win a constitutional amendment limiting the powers of the legislative and judicial branches...
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...CHAPTER 8: Business government relations Key learning objectives * Understanding why sometimes governments and business collaborate and other times work at arm’s length from each other * Defining public policy and the elements of the public policy process * Explaining the reasons for regulation * Knowing the major types of government regulation of business * Identifying the purpose of antitrust laws and the remedies that may be imposed * Comparing the costs and benefits of regulation for business and society * Examining the conditions that affect business in a global context Business-government relations * Government cooperates with businesses for mutually beneficial goals. * -Influenced by a nation’s values and customs differs in countries. * Their goals can range from one of cooperation to one of conflict, with various stages in between. It is constantly changing. * Companies operating globally may find governments whose legitimacy or right to be in power is questioned. * The ability of a government leader or a group of leaders to maintain political power can be influenced by businesses’ actions. (i.e boycotting economic relations with a country, or decide to withdraw operations from a country) Government’s public policy (PP) role * A plan of action undertaken by government officials to achieve some broad purpose affecting a substantial segment of a nation’s citizens. * PP inputs: External...
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...Role of local Government ministry In Bangladesh economy Submitted to Shahnawaz Mohammad Rafi Faculty of Economics American International University-Bangladesh Submitted by Islam Md. Ashraful 09-14107-2 Mow Farzana Sultana 09-18984-2 Dewanjee Tushar Kanti 09-13918-2 Md. Faisal Al Imran 09-13998-2 Imtiaz Ashfaq 09-13932-2 Islam Md. Rashedul 09-14203-2 Role of local Government ministry In Bangladesh economy Bangladesh is a poor country. Most of the people live below the poverty line. Our GDP depends on Agriculture and industry. As a newly independent (1971) country Bangladesh is struggling with huge population, low per capita income, mass poverty, unemployment and underemployment, illiteracy, child labor, malnutrition, corruption, and related social problems. The economy of the country is poor and based on the rural agricultural sector, but natural disasters - mainly floods, affects the economy annually which delays economic progress. Rural-urban disparity in terms of per capita income, consumption, education, health facilities, and physical infrastructure is an important developmental issue in Bangladesh. The Government of Bangladesh and a significant number of non-government organizations (NGOs) are working to improve the socioeconomic conditions of rural poor people of the country. To improve the economic development of the country the local Government ministry should work for it. Bangladesh economy depends on some several sectors...
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...Question 1: Since 2008, we can observe and note that the cash rate in Australia has seen a tremendous downturn till 2010, after which there was a positive turn for some time. But, soon in the year of 2012 we again saw a downward flow of cash rates recently touching all-time low of 2% in May 2015. The main reason for the drop of the cash rate was that the reserve bank of Australia still believes that the Australian currency is overvalued and to make it bring down to its actual value the rate cut was required. An overall assessment made for the current situation in Australia would be that the reduction in the cash rate would increase the export opportunities for the country and would act as fertilizers. The housing sector for the country has shown a good growth and this rate cut would also help in the easing of unemployment. The consecutive steps have been taken by Reserve Bank keeping in mind the fact that a lower exchange rate is needed for a balanced growth of the Australian Economy. Cash rate graph (source: www.global-rates.com) The Australian economy has constantly been altering cash rates as their monetary policy in the earlier years as inflation was never a big concern for the economy. We can further understand how the altering of cash rates will influence macroeconomic aggregates: Aggregate Demand and Aggregate supply curve From the shown diagram we can see that the demand AD1 is intersecting the supply AS1 in a flat area of aggregate supply. This situation is mostly...
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...American Federal Government V3 March 26, 2012 Internet Assignment 1. Find out who your Congressmen (including your Senators and your Representative) are in the United States Congress. Keep in mind that you have two Senators and one Representative. You should be discussing no more or less than 3 people in your paper. The Congressmen representing my area are” Senator Marco Rubio (Republican) Senator Bill Nelson Representative John Mica (Republican) (Democrat) and 2. How long have they been in office? What is their party? What does their biography look like? Do they have children? What is their religious affiliation, occupation, education, etc.? Include any other information that you find interesting or relevant. Senator Marco Rubio was elected into Senate on Nov. 2, 2010 and is a member of the Republican Party. Sen. Rubio was born in Miami, and his parents are immigrants from Cuba. He is married and has 4 children. From 2007 until 2009 he served as Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives. He attended a couple community colleges, before graduating from the University of Florida. After that he moved on to the University of Miami School of Law where he earned his Law Degree. Rubio follows the Catholic religion, and was confirmed and married in a Catholic Church. Senator Bill Nelson was elected into Senate in November 2000; prior to that he served 6 years as a member of the Florida Cabinet. Like Rubio, Nelson...
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...LAHORE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY SITUATIONS VACANT Applications are invited from suitable candidates for appointment, on contract basis, in LDA against following posts. Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. POST Deputy Director (Town Planning) Assistant Director (Town Planning) Assistant Director (General Cadre) Assistant Director (Law) Assistant Director (Electrical Engineering) Assistant Director (Mechanical Engineering) Assistant Director (Civil Engineering) BS 18 17 17 17 17 17 NO. OF POSTS 8 17 25 11 03 03 MINIMUM QUALIFICATION B.Sc. Town Planning with 5 years experience in the relevant field. B.Sc. Town Planning. M.A/M.Sc or “B.A and LL.B” (At least 16 years of education) B.A LL.B with 2 years experience as practicing lawyer. Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from recognized university. Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from recognized university. Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from recognized university. AGE LIMIT 26 to 40 21 to 25 21 to 25 26 to 40 21 to 25 21 to 25 7. 17 14 21 to 25 INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Preference shall be given to the candidates having higher qualification and ample experience in relevant field. 2. Upper age limit up to five (5) years will be relaxed according to Government Policy for all the candidates. No further age relaxation in upper limit will be admissible. 3. 15% of vacancies are reserved for women. However they will also be considered against open merit. 4. 2% quota is reserved for disabled. Only such disabled persons...
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