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Grading Template


Submitted By clauder1
Words 360
Pages 2
Dear Parent, guardian or student,
In this letter I wanted to inform you of my grading policy, late policy and a few other details that will pertain to you and other questions you may have about the upcoming school year. Each student will be graded in class based on individual effort, work completion, testing and compliance of the rules as well as their regular course work. This is a 9 week block class, so stay on track and do not get behind. Because the time will disappear quickly.
(Late work) I accept late work with contingencies. At the beginning of the year I will accept late work one day late with a 5% penalty or two days late with a 10% penalty, after two days late work will not be accepted. If late work becomes a habit, more than 3 late assignments. For that individual the penalty will increase the penalty to 25% and after 5 late assignments, late work will no longer be accepted.
(Test policy) Tests will be given after each unit studied and if a student is not able to attend the test and has a note from home with the reason they were absent they will be able to make-up the test, or an excused absence from the office. All makeup tests are on Tuesday, so be prepared.
-There will be 6 written tests, each worth 100 points. (Test points total= 600)
-There are 25 daily assignments, each worth 10-20 points. (Assignment points total=300)
-There will be 2 alternate assignments, each worth 50 points. (Alternate points total=100)
-1000 points – 60% testing, 30% daily assignments & 10% alternate work
Over the 9 week course, the student will have the opportunity to earn 1000 points. The letter grade system will be in place and to receive an A they must have a 90% and higher for their overall grades, a B is 80-89%, a C is 70-79%, a D is 60-69%, and an F is anything 50% or below.
Please do not hesitate to ask if there are any questions. I am available through email, phone or in school conference. Thank You

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