...COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is an introduction to the set of perspectives on human life that allows us to understand how our personal lives are affected by our place in society. It explores ways of looking at the world that allow us to understand how the events and experiences of our lives are part of group dynamics, of social institutions, and of cultural meanings. It allows us to see personal events and meanings as affected by historical forces and to see how historical events may be shaped by personal choices. Week 1 - Topic 1: Sociology and Social Groups Objectives Discuss the social construction of reality. Distinguish between sociological perspectives. Develop a sociological imagination. Identify components of social groups and organizations. Materials Readings for Week One EBOOK COLLECTION: Ch. 1 of Sociology: A Brief Introduction. EBOOK COLLECTION: Ch. 3 of Sociology: A Brief Introduction. EBOOK COLLECTION: Ch. 5 of Sociology: A Brief Introduction. EBOOK COLLECTION: Ch. 12 of Sociology: A Brief Introduction. ARTICLE: Week One Electronic Reserve Readings Assessment Individual Assignment: Social Group Worksheet Martix Resource: Social Group Worksheet Matrix Complete the Social Group Worksheet using your sociological imagination to identify and describe the relationship between yourself and the other members of any social group of your choice. Submit the Social Group Worksheet Matrix. Social Group Matrix Refer to your course syllabus for additional...
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...TRIP TO DERANGALA TEA FACTORY TRIP TO DERANGALA TEA FACTORY GROUP MEMBERS Roshan Madushantha - 3889 Dilshan Sandaruwan - 3871 Thivanka Vithanage 3730 Aisha Al- sheraim - 3729 Acknowledgement This report is based on the trip to Derangala tea estate which is situated in Akuressa. This report is made for Mr. Indrajith Aponsu who is our Microeconomics lecturer. In this report I and my group members have gone in death of the process that we learnt at the tea factory. The process that we learnt briefly and the main points, we have discussed it in detail during this report. Furthermore, we enjoyed the entire trip and I think we are really fortunate to learn about tea. To learn a subject like this is a once in a life time opportunity. This opportunity will not work to all the people. We drink tea in large scales, but we don’t realize how this is processed and graded for consumers. Though we don’t get a chance to taste the highest grade in Sri Lanka it is good that we saw how the tea is processed in a factory which is situated in the south. As we all know the highest grade is exported to all the European countries and other countries all around the world. Finally we take this opportunity to thank our instructor for taking us on this trip and also for joining with us to go on the trip. History of Sri Lankan Tea The Sri Lankan tea history goes back to 1824 where British brought the very first tea plant from China. This tea plant was planted in the Royal Botanical...
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...REPORT ON GREEN TEA IIFT 2012-14 VIKUL TYAGI (46) MBA (IB) IIFT KOLKATA ABOUT TEA Tea is an evergreen plant that grows mainly in tropical and subtropical climates. Tea plants are propagated from seed and by cutting; it takes about 4 to 12 years for a tea plant to bear seed, and about three years before a new plant is ready for harvesting Fig. 1 Leaves of a tea plant In addition to a zone 8 climate or warmer, tea plants require at least 127 cm (50 inches) of rainfall a year and prefer acidic soil. Many high-quality tea plants are cultivated at elevations of up to 1,500 m (4,900 ft) above sea level: at these heights, the plants grow more slowly and acquire a better flavor. Only the top 1-2 inches of the mature plant are picked. These buds and leaves are called "flushes". A plant will grow a new flush every seven to 15 days during the growing season, and leaves that are slow in development always produce better-flavored teas. A tea plant will grow into a tree of up to 16 m (52 ft) if left undisturbed, but cultivated plants are pruned to waist height for ease of plucking. Two principal varieties are used: the China plant, used for most Chinese, Formosan and Japanese teas and the clonal Assam tea plant, used in most Indian and other teas (but not Darjeeling). Within these botanical varieties, there are many strains and modern Indian clonal varieties. Leaf size is the chief criterion for the classification...
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...carrying tea, and unloaded the cargo in to Boston Harbor in protest of the unfair Taxation of the Colonies. This act was one of the sparks that lit a powder keg of American Revolution, and turned thirteen British Colonies in to these United States of America. Three centuries later, an unfair taxation of the American people is being perpetrated by its very own government, and the lessons learned by the Crown and Parliament have been so easily forgotten. It is time to remind our leaders of that lesson, and just like the tea floating in Boston Harbor changed the face of the Thirteen Colonies, the Tea Party Movement will change the face of the United States of America. The Tea Party Movement did not begin with the dumping of heavily taxed tea in to Boston harbor, but on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange on February 19, 2009. There was no plan for the Tea Party, it was born out of the resonance of an impromptu rant by CNBC commentator Rick Santilli; a rant against the government bail-out of banks, a rant against irresponsible borrowing policies and the fall of the subprime mortgage market. These government bail-outs were going to cost the tax payers. Just like that, the fuse had been lit, and in an explosion only possible in the information age via Twitter, Facebook and radio , this “New American Tea Party” began to invigorate an entirely new core of Conservative Republicans. Shortly after Rick Santilli’s rant on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Tea Party...
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...Social Group Worksheet using your sociological imagination to identify and describe the relationship between yourself and the other members of any social group of your choice. Submit the Social Group Worksheet Matrix. Social Group Matrix Refer to your course syllabus for additional instructions on individual and learning team assignments. WEEK 2 - TOPIC 1: SCIENCE OF SOCIOLOGY Objectives Apply the steps of the scientific method. Compare major research designs. Explain ethical issues in sociological research. Materials Readings for Week Two: EBOOK COLLECTION: Ch. 2 of Sociology: A Brief Introduction. ARTICLE: Week Two Electronic Reserve Readings Assessment Scientific Method Matrix WEB LINK: Video: Three Cups of Tea Video Transcript: Three Cups of Tea WEB LINK: Video: Northern Exposure Video Transcript: Northern Exposure WEB LINK: Video: Religion Unplugged Video Transcript: Religion Unplugged WEB LINK: Video: School Girl Attacks Video Transcript: School...
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...MBA PROGRAMME CLASS OF 2016, SECTION B Semester II Weekly Class Schedule FOR THE WEEK OF MARCH 30 TO April 03, 2015 Auditorium 104 DG Class 1 DG Class 2 DG Class 3 0830-0900 0905-1035 1105-1135 1140-1310 1435-1505 1510-1640 IE 1 ME 15 OM 16 MACS 15 * FMG 15 * FMG 16 BII 1 OM 17 BII 2 30-Mar Mon 31-Mar Tue 1-Apr Wed 2-Apr Thu 3-Apr Fri 4-Apr Sat ME 16 MACS 16 IE 2 * FMG-17 Joint 1. The soft copy of the weekly schedule is available on the main page of the LUMS website www.lums.edu.pk - Information For: Students\Schedules\MBA Schedule 2. Class timings may sometimes differ from the usual timetable. Please follow the timings given on the inner pages. 3. 4. * For course titles and instructors, please turn overleaf. FMG WAC is due on Sunday, April 05. Follow the timings given on the inner pages for FMG 15 & 16 and Friday, April 03. MBA CLASS OF 2016 SEMESTER II (S II) LIST OF COURSES BEING OFFERED Code Units Course Title Instructor BII FMG IE MACS ME OM 0.5 1 0.5 1 1 1 Business Integration and Innovation Financial Management Islamic Ethics Managerial Accounting and Control Systems Managerial Economics Operations Management Jamshed H Khan Syed Mubashir Ali Kamran Rashid Ayesha Bhatti / M Junaid Ashraf Tanveer Shehzad Hassan Rauf / Syed Zahoor Hassan SULEMAN DAWOOD SCHOOL OF BUSINESS MBA PROGRAMME CLASS OF 2016, SECTION B AUDITORIUM A-104 SEMESTER II 2014-2015 (SII) Assignments for the week of March 30 to April 03, 2015 ***************************************************************************...
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...Executive summary As a course requirement for course, Commercial Bank Management F-402 the report is on a “Analysis of Credit Risk Grading of Navana CNG Ltd.””, which is assigned to us by our honorable course instructor, Md. Sajib Hossain, Lecturer, Department of Finance, University of Dhaka. We were assigned by our honorable course instructor to collect data of our country’s foreign trade, export and import, top five imported goods, top five exported goods, top five import and export destination and trade of balance from the year 1990 to the year 2012, as per instruction we have collected the data from Bangladesh bank library. In this report we have included the yearly export and import which indicates the total amount of import and export of the country per year. And from those import and export payment receipts we have calculated the trade balance which is the result of the difference between the payment of import and export receipts. We have found out the major import and export goods to understand the foreign trade composition. Among them we have specifies the top five goods that are imported for the consumption and top five goods that are exported to other foreign nations to utilize the excess supply. We have also outlined the top five export destinations and top 5 import destinations to figure out the performance of foreign trade. From the analysis we have found out that our most preferred export countries are USA, Germany, UK, France and Japan. And preferred import...
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...asking for an explanation of all the acronyms, to which the principal responded positively and gave us the dubious distinction of preparing the document for the following year. One question turned a document generated by several hours of work by the principal into a team of two. Fifteen years later the team consists of sixteen individuals, including teachers, an administrator, a counselor, a district leader, and a parent. In addition, parents and community members are called to review the school plan with team members prior to its release to the public. The school improvement plan is required by several federal and state mandates such as Title One (ESEA, 1965), the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB, 2001), and the Texas Education Agency (TEA, 2011). These various mandates require that a school improvement plan is used by the school leadership in assuring the budgets from different federal and state agencies are properly planned out and accounted for. Since planning is necessary to ensure funding for school improvement, a Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Cycle (Bernhardt, 2004) is implemented to insure all necessary funding is received and utilized toward improving student achievement. The school improvement plan team starts planning at the beginning of each school year by making all staff members aware of the plan that will be in effect for the current school year. The essential...
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...The University of Illinois Executive MBA July 13, 2004 Tentative Syllabus Managerial Perspective on Financial Accounting Accountancy 401X; Fall 2004 Michael J. Sandretto, 225C David Kinley Hall (217) 244-6410 (office); (217) 352-4832 (home, before 10:30 p.m.) sandrett@uiuc.edu or michaeljsandretto@earthlink.net Texts: Antle, Rick, and Stanley J. Garstak, Financial Accounting, Southwestern (United States), second edition, 2004 (Antle). Palepu, Krishna G., Paul M. Healy, and Victor L. Bernard, Business Analysis and Valuation: Using Financial Statements, Text Only, Southwestern (United States), fourth edition, 2004 (Palepu). Background: Accounting is called the language of business for at least two reasons. First, accounting terms such as sales, revenues, profit, net income, costs, gross margin, expense, and capitalize are widely used in business. Any businessperson is expected to understand those terms. Second, managers rely on accounting to understand an organization’s economic condition at a point in time and its economic performance over a period of time. As a result, they use accounting information to communicate with others. Managerial Perspective on Financial Accounting will help you understand publicly available financial statements for publicly traded companies and financial statements prepared for internal use. It is also an introduction to financial statement analysis and valuation methods. The basic financial accounting methodology...
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...London School of Business & Management QCF level 4: BTEC Higher National Diploma Centre No Unit No & Unit Title Course Title Lecturer’s Name Assignment Title Assignment No Date Set Due Date Semester / Academic Year 79829 Unit 21: Human Resource Management HND Business Nooreen Jafferkhan Human Resource Management No: 1 02 October 2014 09 January 2015 September 2014 Unit Outcomes Covered: LO 1: Understand the difference between personnel management and human resource management LO 2: Understand how to recruit employees LO 3: Understand how to reward employees in order to motivate & retain them LO 4: Know the mechanisms for the cessation of employment GRADING OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE Outcomes/ Grade Descriptors P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 V Outcomes/ Grade Descriptors M1 V M2 V M3 V D1 V D2 V D3 V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V COMMENTS: Assessor Signature: ______________ IV COMMENTS: Date: ___/___/___ 1 Tutor Notes Key Points: Your assignment should be handed in by the deadline. The assignment must be your own work and original. All sources of reference must be included. You will be expected to check spelling mistakes and grammar. Your name, student no and unit no should be in the footer of every page. It should bear an appropriate report structure (such as a Table of Contents, Introduction, Discussion, Conclusion, References, and Appendix (if...
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...4 2.0. INTRODUCTION 6 3.0. TEA PRODUCTION IN BANGLADESH 9 3.0.1. BASIC FACTS OF BANGLADESH TEA INDUSTRY 12 3.0.2. CHARACTERISTICS OF BANGLADESH TEA 12 3.0.5. GRADES OF TEA 13 4.0. EXPORT OF TEA 17 5.0. MAJOR TEA IMPORTING COUNTRIES FROM BANGLADESH 28 6.0. PROSPECTS OF BANGLADESHI TEA IN THE INTERNATIONAL MARKET 28 7.0. MAJOR COMPETITORS IN TEA MARKET 31 7.0.1. INDIA: THE LARGEST TEA CONSUMER 34 7.0.2. STILL HEAVILY PROMOTED TO DEFEND FROM ALTERNATIVES 34 7.0.3. UNILEVER: THE CLEAR MARKET LEADER 35 7.0.4. TATA TEA: AMBITIONS IN INTERNATIONAL MARKETS 35 7.0.5. CHA BARS: PREMIUM TEA AS A LIFESTYLE CHOICE 36 8.0. PROBLEMS RELATING TO TEA EXPORT AND TEA MARKET EXPANSION 36 9.0. SUGGESTIONS 39 10.0. CONCLUSION 40 11.0. BIBLIOGRAPHY 42 1.0. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Today, tea is the second most consumable beverage in the world after water. A total of 3,200,000 tons of tea were produced worldwide in 2004. India, China, Sri Lanka and Kenya, in that order, are the major producers of tea leaves. The USSR, Poland, Egypt and Pakistan emerged as major markets for Bangladeshi Tea. These ‘captive’ markets ensured protection to the industry and whatever, irrespective of quality, found its way to these markets. The price received for Bangladeshi tea was higher than its actual value in the open international market. Hence we lost our position as a supplier to those markets e.g. the U.K. who found alternative sources of similar quality of tea to meet their demand. However...
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...London School of Business & Management BTEC Level 4- HND in Business Centre No Unit No & Unit Title Course Title Lecturer’s Name Assignment Title & Type Assignment No Date Set Due Date Semester / Academic Year 90665 Unit 4, Marketing Principles HND in Business Achila Amarasinghe Understanding marketing principles: Unilever PLC Case study 1 w/c 06-10-2015 09-01-2015 1/2014 Unit Outcomes Covered: 1. Understand the concept and process of marketing 2. Be able to use the concepts of segmentation, targeting and positioning 3. Understand the individual elements of the extended marketing mix 4. Be able to use the marketing mix in different contexts. GRADING OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE Outcomes/ Grade Descriptors P4.1 √ Outcomes/ Grade Descriptors P4.1 2 √ P4.2 √ P4. 13 √ P4.3 √ P4. 14 √ P4.4 √ P4. 15 √ P4.5 P4. 6 √ √ M2 √ M3 √ P4. 7 √ D1 √ P4. 8 √ D2 √ P.4. P4. 9 10 √ √ D3 √ P4. 11 √ M1 √ Assessor: Signature: ______________ Date: ___/___/___ 1|Page Tutor Notes Key Points: Your assignment should be handed in by the deadline. This assignment must be your own work and original. All sources of reference must be included. You will be expected to check spelling mistakes and grammar. Your name, student no and unit no should be in the footer of every page. It should bear an appropriate report structure (such as a Table of Contents,Abstract, Introduction, Discussion, Conclusion, Recommendations, References, and Appendix (if necessary). There should be clarity...
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...is the performance of activities that seek to accomplish an organization’s objectives by anticipating customer or client needs and directing a flow of need-satisfying goods and services from producer to customer or client” (p. 6). This definition is a more accurate view of what marketing is. Kotler and Kevin (2011) define marketing in much simpler terms, “meeting needs (those of human and social) profitably” (p. 5). Importance of Marketing Everything that an organization does revolves around customer satisfaction. This includes marketing. A higher rate of customer satisfaction usually means better profits for the organization. “The universal functions of marketing are buying, selling, transporting, storing, standardization and grading, financing, risk taking, and market information” (Perreault, Jr., Cannon, & McCarthy, 2011, p. 9). These functions contribute to the success of an...
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...Retail trade is one of the traditional businesses of Bangladesh. Its expansion is keeping pace with population growth and changes in consumption patterns, which are consistent with the growth of the economy. This expansion has not been structurally organized, because, until recently, retailing had never been perceived as an industry, but rather as an individual or family business entity with a very limited scope of organized expansion. Little to no market information is available on the retail sector, but secondary sources indicate that the size of the food retail sector in Bangladesh could be US$12-14 billion, and the number of retail grocery shops could be around 1 million. Retail is one of the biggest sources of employment (12 percent), and it contributed 13 percent (wholesale and retail trading) to Bangladesh’s GDP. Organized retail is booming and creating huge opportunity for enterprises. Retailers though sell other companies products work out their own marketing strategies fixing their own target market towards providing customer satisfaction separately. Retail stores irrespective of product line and relative prices emerge in all shape and sizes, such as Specialty stores, Department stores, Supermarkets, Superstore, Convenience stores, Discount stores and off- price stores. Current Market Scenario of Super Market: Superstores are set to boom in the country as the current market players are planning to open several hundred more outlets in the next few years...
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...A Comparison; The Ming and Tokugawa Period The Ming dynasty achievement in rebuilding the empire and restoring Chinese pride ushered in a period of unprecedented economic and cultural growth on Song foundations but going far beyond where the Song had left off. There was rapid commercialization of the economy as a whole, an accompanying rise in the number and size of cities, and perhaps a doubling of total trade. Tokugawa Ieyasu’s victory at Sekigahara in 1600 brought Japan the longest period of peace and stability in its history: it lasted until nearly the end of the shogunate I n1868. Rhodes Murphey discussed developments during the Tokugawa period saying, “A major result was economic and commercial growth. Such developments brought the country closer to the modern world.” (East Asia, A New History, pg. 264) Before the end of the Ming’s first century there was a growing turn to conservatism. This partially reflected the determination to reestablish the traditional Chinese way in all things after the Mongol humiliation, but it also stemmed from enhanced prosperity. An Italian missionary Matteo Ricci reported in the early seventeenth century on their conservatism saying, “Everything which the people need for their well-being and sustenance is abundantly produced within the borders of the kingdom.” (Rhodes Murphey, East Asia, A New Histoy, pg. 129) There was less incentive to seek change or be innovative at least in terms of official policy. Policy and administration was...
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