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Grant vs. Lee


Submitted By alweeber
Words 831
Pages 4
Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee are two of the most famous generals of the American Civil War. These generals grew up very differently, but turned out to be similar in their courage, leadership and their ability to turn war into peace (Catton 405). Lee represented family and tradition, where as Grant stood for change, and moving forward. Although, tradition is very important and something I admire, I believe that in circumstances such as the Civil War, Grant and his position on looking toward the future is what was important. Based on Catton’s essay, “Grant and Lee: A Study in Contrasts,” I admire Grant and what he stood for. Lee grew up in Virginia (Catton 405). His family was devoted to tradition, family and culture (Catton 405). Lee believed that their should be “pronounced inequality” among the people, this way the leaders would rise to the top (Catton 406). Grant was very different on the other hand. He was born on the Western frontier (Catton 406). Growing up this way taught Grant to be more self-reliant and to look toward the future instead of the past (Catton 406). Both Grant and Lee would fight with as much tenacity as the other, but Grant was fighting for society, where as Lee fought for tradition (Catton 407). Lee refused change. This is where I believe he went wrong, and why I support Grant. In my eyes, I view America as a place of freedom, independence, and equality. Lee believed that there was an advantage to having inequality among the society (Catton 406). “It would bring forth a class of men with a strong sense of obligation to the community; men who lived not to gain advantage for themselves, but to meet the solemn obligations which had been laid on them by the very fact that they were privileged” (Catton 406). Naturally, there is always inequality among people. There will always be the people who have better jobs and

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