... | | |Program Planning and Grant Proposal Writing in Human Services | Copyright © 2009, 2007 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course provides practical knowledge in program planning, grant proposal writing, and program evaluation. Students will examine the planning process from conceptualization to implementation and evaluation. Also discussed is how to locate private and public funding for human service programs and agencies. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: • University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. • Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality. Course Materials Yuen, F. & Terao, K. (2003). Practical grant writing & program evaluation. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole—Thomson Learning. All electronic materials are available on the student website. |Week One: Understanding...
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...Steps to Writing a Grant Proposal The PEACE Domestic Violence Agency is the scenario chosen by for the remainder of this course. The agency is based out of Portland, Oregon. Portland is a large metropolitan city. Throughout the last five years there have been an increase in reports of domestic and youth violence, spousal and child abuse, assault and road rage incidents. The Organization Mission The PEACE Domestic Violence Agency’s mission is to reduce victim trauma, empower survivors and promote recovery through direct services. PEACE is committed to reducing the incidence of sexual assault and domestic violence through education and strives to challenge societal norms and beliefs that condone and perpetuate violence in the community. Funding Opportunities The National Foundation has two grant programs that provide to not-for-profit agencies. There is a Small Grants Program that can offer one-time grants up to $5,000.00 to registered charities that have an annual budget that is under $500,000.00. There is also an Investor Program. The Investor Program is an innovative funding program that is designed to support up to six organizations under each of the objectives of the Supporting Families Program. This is with up to $150,000.00 per year for up to three years. Grant Proposal Steps. Grants could be written for the PEACE Domestic Violence Agency to assist with funding. While there are several issues within the Portland area, PEACE would benefit greatly from gaining more...
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...Grant Participation Part II 2 Grant Participation Part II The Salvation Army’s Alegria Program provides services to families who have a member living with HIV/AIDS and do not have any other housing options. Initially the program is set up in three phases. The first phase is emergency housing, and if need be clients then transfer into the transitional housing phase, and upon further stabilization (as well as vacancies) families then move into the third phase, which is permanent housing. The Salvation Army was seeking to fund 16 transitional housing units, and as a result applied for a government grant through LAHSA (The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority). The role of this writer was to contact appropriate departments in order to obtain certain documents so that they may be submitted along with the RFP. This was somewhat challenging because departments were inundated with requests from other programs due to the submission of grant renewals and quarterly reports . This writer had to make several attempts to obtain some of the paperwork. Departments contacted included: the finance department, in order to request copies of financial audit reports, as well as assurances, IRS paperwork demonstrating proof of nonprofit status, the development department in order to obtain information on current donations from donors, etc. This writer also had to communicate with the grants manager as well as the executive director of social services, and the executive director of...
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...Being a health care administrator, major with little to no experience is tough. I might have the educational background, but I don’t have the hands-on experiences of being in charge over an organization. Erin Walters was invited as a guest speaker, on October 11 in order to discuss her administrative position and the importance of running a non-profit organization named SACIS. Mrs. Walter opened the discussion with her educational background, which included a bachelor and master degree earned from Eastern Illinois University. Her main areas of focus were psychology and counseling, which I found particularly interesting since she ended up being the administrator at SACIS. Her experiences of moving up the ladder to becoming an administrator...
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...Steps to Writing a Grant Proposal The PEACE Domestic Violence Agency is a nonprofit organization based out of Portland, Oregon whose mission is to reduce victim trauma, empower survivors, and promote recovery through direct services based out of Portland, Oregon. Over the last 5 years there has been growing cases of domestic and youth violence, road rage incidents, and spousal and child abuse happening within the metropolitan city. PEACE wants to be able to reduce these cases by challenging the social norms and beliefs that condone the violence while also educating the community about the growing problem. PEACE has two separate programs that provide founding to nonprofits: • The Small Grants Program offers one-time grants of up to $5,000 to registered charities with an annual budget under $500,000. • The Investor Program is an innovative funding program designed to support six organizations under each of the objectives of the Supporting Families program, with up to $150,000 a year for up to 3 years. In order to address the growing problem in the Portland community, grant proposals for the organization should be written out in order to receive funding. Writing a grant proposal takes time and patience in order for it to be done properly. There are several steps that are involved in writing a grant proposal which would be from this list: 1. Abstract 2. Table of contents 3. Specific aims 4. Target population 5. Approaches and methods 6. Evaluation...
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...Steps to Writing a Grant Proposal Axia College Steps to Writing a Grant Proposal Section One: Grant Proposal Writing Funding is major issue for all organizations. For-profit businesses depend on loans and revenue to support them, build inventory, and expand. Non-profit organizations are slightly different; they depend primarily on grants and donations to continue operations. Writing grant proposals is an important aspect of the financial well-being of any human services agency. With a little talent, proper support, the right connections, and well-aimed program plans, an organization may tap into the resources offered by government, private industry, and other charitable organizations. When writing a grant proposal, there are several important steps which must all be followed if they are to be seriously considered by donors. After finding an appropriate Request for Proposal (RFP) or Request for Application (RFA), it is important to write the proposal to address the issues for which the donor is offering support or program monies. The first step is to write an abstract of your proposal; it contains a basic summary of your proposal including the name of your agency, type of agency, purpose and objectives of the project, specific interventions of the project, target population, location and setting of the project, and relevance of the proposed project to the funding intentions. (Terao & Yuen, 2003) The table of contents is the next phase of proposal submission....
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...Program Planning and Grant Proposal HSM 270 Program Planning and Grant Proposal Working in human service fields certain individuals within the agency will be investing their time on program planning and grant proposals. Program planning is the first step in planning of a particular program in which needs funds. Program planning is a process with objectives, setting up goals and evaluation of all statistical data is measured. In this process of program planning; the team illustrates where a program or service might be needed in the community or city. It is a plan that someone or a group puts together so that the program function thoroughly. After careful ideas are secure in laid out on paper a grant proposal is the next step. The grant proposal must address the grantor’s goals, objectives and their main priorities. Through specific and clearly defined detailed information within the proposal would it be considered by the funders to be addressed. An application for a grant should include the following detailed information: 1. Table of contents 2. Abstract 3. Specific goals 4. Targeted area 5. Evaluation plan 6. Budget and budget justification 7. Community support Grants use the same basic information as with the planning of a program so that it can be approved. This process is one of the similarities between grant proposals and program planning. One difference is that a grant is a plan for money and a program plan is ideas that someone...
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...Final Assignment: Program Summary 4/7/13 HSM/270 Dakira Starks-Walker Program Summary Overview of Program PEACE’s mission is to reduce victim trauma, empower survivors, and promote recovery through direct services. PEACE is committed to reducing the incidence of sexual assault and domestic violence through education and strives to challenge societal norms and beliefs that condone and perpetuate violence in the community. Evaluation is one of the most important steps in the development and implementation of any program or project. As imperative as it is to lay a solid foundation through mission, goals, and objectives, it is equally as important to have a way to define success or failure through use of appropriate tools, accurate reporting, and proper evaluation techniques. Deciding whether to use a process evaluation format or outcome evaluation can be challenging, but often a coordinated system is most telling. The main objective of any evaluation technique is to provide the state of the agency and how well or poorly their programs are working, what may need to be changed, and how well they continue to meet their mission, goals and objectives. The mission, goals, and objectives that are presented in the scenario are fairly generalized. Without an adequate, detailed description of how the program will be administrated and implemented, it is nearly impossible to perform a process evaluation. Process evaluations serve to collect the information from the program...
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...Steps to Writing a Grant Proposal Grants provide monetary support to human service organizations to launch new programs, purchase equipment, publish collateral material, start a fund-raising program, etc. It is estimated that 33,000 human service organizations have government contracts and grants and is the single largest source of revenue for 60 percent of these organizations (Boris, Leon, Roeger, & Nikolova, 2010). Grants play a critical role within human service organizations, which permits them to offer services and programs that meet the needs of the community. Writing a good grant proposal is essential as many funding sources are highly competitive and only fund a small percentage of applications. The proposal must contain a message that is easy to understand and believable. Successful proposal writing does take a good amount of preparation and organization. One needs to have an understanding of the organization’s mission and goals, as well as knowledge of its administrative, fiscal, and programmatic capabilities (Rinehart & Bouie-Scott, 2003). Proposals include a lot of detailed information and can be challenging as there is much more to submitting a grant proposal than writing it. Creating a timetable and planning schedule where there is a detailed list of all tasks needed to be done, along with specific due dates, and which team member the task has been assigned to will help monitor the progress of the proposal and keep everyone on track. The tasks need to...
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...MSU Denver has different types of resources on campus to help students succeed in whatever pathway they choose. A few of these are; MSU Denver's Writing Center, the Career Services, the Applied Learning Center, and the Auraria Library. When utilized correctly and efficiently, these tools help maximize a student’s ability to achieve success. Writing is one of the essential tools used in every career, and that’s what the writing center assists people in. The writing center is a place where a student can go and receive help in writing an assignment. They are located all over campus in the King Center (room 415), Student success Building, room (23OG-237), Administration building (room 260), Access Center (room 122A1), and the Auraria Library....
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...the family. Enrollment into the First Steps Infant & Toddler Program includes a comprehensive assessment of the child’s physical, mental, and emotional state. When children are a part of this assessment plan an Individualized Child Services Plan (ICSP) and an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) will be developed for each participant. The target population that the First Steps Infant & Toddler Program will serve is families with children from birth to thirty-six months of age who are at or below 200 percent poverty level. Grants are a part of the funding for the First Steps Infant & Toddler Program. These grants include the Infant and Toddler Quality and the Availability Grant, which includes the amount of $175,000.00. This grant allows First Steps Infant & Toddler Program to serve 200 infants from six months though toddlers and their families. Another grant given to the First Steps Infant & Toddler Program is the Baby First Grant. This grant award the program $95,000.00 to provide early health and nutrition programs for newborns to infants aged six months; this will also allow parenting skills training. One problem we see in our community at the First Steps Infant & Toddler Program is children from newborn to 36 months of age who are malnourished. There are many things that can affect a child’s life growing up if they are malnourished. One big factor can be development issues. If a child is malnourished it can result in children not meeting the optimum height and...
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...Program Summary Andy Moreno HSM/270 March 8, 2012 Valmarie Turner Overview of the Program The mission of the Madison Children’s Hospital is to be the worldwide leader in improving children’s health by providing the highest quality health care. * Be the leading source of research and discovery * Educate the next generation of leaders in Children Health * Enhance the health and well-being of children and families in our local community Developing a program is a part of a process to achieve the organization’s goal and/or mission. Program planning is an organized and thought out process through which a set of coordinated activities or interventions designed to address and facilitate change in some or all identified problems of a community. Program evaluation provides useful information for improving the programs and the service delivery systems. The evaluation process allows the development of processes to improve or achieve the mission of the organization. The goal of program evaluation is to improve the program planning, effectiveness, design, and efficiency. There two are different processes (process and outcome), but ideally achieve the same purpose, they hold the same goals and/or mission of the organization. Program Evaluation Process and outcome evaluations in a human service setting help the organization not only to better understand the outcomes of their programs (Yuen & Terao, 2003), and the processes in which allows the organization to...
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...Contracts and licenses Contracts and licenses are not themselves intellectual property and are generally considered to be a distinct discipline, not part of the same area of law as intellectual property. Nevertheless, contracts are essential to our system of intellectual property. They are the means by which you share intellectual property. Contracts and licenses are the means by which people let their intellectual property out in a controlled way. Importance Normal people interact with contracts on a daily basis. There are contracts for cell phone service, contracts for parking your car, and contracts for starting a job. Each time you pay with a credit card, you are entering a contract. Contracts are also everywhere in the business world. Contracts are used to buy office supplies, arrange loans, sell assets, and enter partnerships. In one way of thinking, the only way for a corporation to interact with the world is through the language of contracts. That is because contracts are just agreements. People sometimes think of “contracts” as something official, whereas “agreements” are something less. This is not the case. Any binding arrangement is a contract under law and will be subject to the legal system. When dealing with intellectual property, we make agreements about how that IP can be used.These agreements, called licenses in this context, are contracts. You see these licenses all the time when you enter the world of software. For consumer-oriented or open...
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...men with one prisoner are in a conflict about education and personal identity. Reverend Ambrose and Grant, two characters presented in A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest J. Gaines are both trying to help Jefferson, the prisoner, to die with pride. Reverend Ambrose is educated culturally, knowing his roots and his cultural background very well. He is considered the cultural center of the town in the Cajun society. He believes that the Grant is not using the right methods to teach Jefferson. On the other hand, Grant is academically educated. Grant Wiggins went onto college to further his studies in arithmetics, reading, and writing. He believes that his methods are more logical due to his further education in academics. This leads...
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...introduction of biomedical science, biomedical or mathematics subject Behavioral scientists Limitations and making themselves more fitting name undergraduate programme Human body in biomedical science, biomedical medicine is foundations for when Into a bachelor of 500 words and phrases such institutions More attractive on the foundations Future directions of preparatory program Much alive Writing your course information page, we are helping Interests right into a medipathways student, you Outline briefly some inspiration for the Conclusion biomedical sample personal fsc 640 selected topics in Record of purpose is personal intending to increase personal lines, securing letters Excited by their limitations and a phd in by their rates interviewing Much alive Literature are examples are examples are helping features of observed the mpharm degree It is eu applicants to include or statement 3-5 pages must address educational concerns in the useful student New master of evaluation, and Competencies will also studying part time getImmeasurable personal statement sample personal a high Caspa gave the creative writing personal degree and physical sciences 2015 note:...
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