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Gre Book Words


Submitted By manojraghav90
Words 46293
Pages 186
Download GRE Big Book Word List

GRE Big Book Word List abase v. To lower in position, estimation, or the like; degrade. abbess n. The lady superior of a nunnery. abbey n. The group of buildings which collectively form the dwelling-place of a society of monks or nuns. abbot n. The superior of a community of monks. abdicate v. To give up (royal power or the like). abdomen n. In mammals, the visceral cavity between the diaphragm and the pelvic floor; the belly. abdominal n. Of, pertaining to, or situated on the abdomen. abduction n. A carrying away of a person against his will, or illegally. abed adv. In bed; on a bed. aberration n. Deviation from a right, customary, or prescribed course. abet v. To aid, promote, or encourage the commission of (an offense). abeyance n. A state of suspension or temporary inaction. abhorrence n. The act of detesting extremely. abhorrent adj. Very repugnant; hateful. abidance n. An abiding. abject adj. Sunk to a low condition. abjure v. To recant, renounce, repudiate under oath. able-bodied adj. Competent for physical service. ablution n. A washing or cleansing, especially of the body. abnegate v. To renounce (a right or privilege). abnormal adj. Not conformed to the ordinary rule or standard. abominable adj. Very hateful. abominate v. To hate violently. abomination n. A very detestable act or practice. aboriginal adj. Primitive; unsophisticated. aborigines n. The original of earliest known inhabitants of a country. (1 of 173) [4/3/2005 2:33:02 AM]

Download GRE Big Book Word List

aboveboard adv. & adj. Without concealment, fraud, or trickery. abrade v. To wear away the surface or some part of by friction. abrasion n. That which is rubbed off. abridge v. To make shorter in words, keeping the essential features, leaning out minor particles. abridgment n. A condensed form as of a book

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...Download GRE Big Book Word List GRE Big Book Word List abase v. To lower in position, estimation, or the like; degrade. abbess n. The lady superior of a nunnery. abbey n. The group of buildings which collectively form the dwelling-place of a society of monks or nuns. abbot n. The superior of a community of monks. abdicate v. To give up (royal power or the like). abdomen n. In mammals, the visceral cavity between the diaphragm and the pelvic floor; the belly. abdominal n. Of, pertaining to, or situated on the abdomen. abduction n. A carrying away of a person against his will, or illegally. abed adv. In bed; on a bed. aberration n. Deviation from a right, customary, or prescribed course. abet v. To aid, promote, or encourage the commission of (an offense). abeyance n. A state of suspension or temporary inaction. abhorrence n. The act of detesting extremely. abhorrent adj. Very repugnant; hateful. abidance n. An abiding. abject adj. Sunk to a low condition. abjure v. To recant, renounce, repudiate under oath. able-bodied adj. Competent for physical service. ablution n. A washing or cleansing, especially of the body. abnegate v. To renounce (a right or privilege). abnormal adj. Not conformed to the ordinary rule or standard. abominable adj. Very hateful. abominate v. To hate violently. abomination n. A very detestable act or practice. aboriginal adj. Primitive; unsophisticated. aborigines n. The original of earliest known inhabitants of a country. http://www...

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...GRE vocabulary Flash review 7031_ GREVOC_ Flash Review[FIN].indd 1 5/10/11 2:55 PM Other Titles of Interest From LE ARNINGEXP RESS EMT Flash Review 7031_ GREVOC_ Flash Review[FIN].indd 2 5/10/11 2:55 PM GRE Vocabulary Flash review ® New York 7031_ GREVOC_ Flash Review[FIN].indd 3 5/10/11 2:55 PM Copyright © 2011 LearningExpress, LLC. All rights reserved under International and Pan American Copyright Conventions. Published in the United States by LearningExpress, LLC, New York. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data GRE Vocabulary flash review. — 1st ed. p. ; cm. ISBN- 978-1-57685-781-6 1. Vocabulary—Problems, exercises, etc. 2. Graduate Record Examination. I. LearningExpress (Organization) PE1449.G656 2011 428.1—dc22 2010053646 G RE V OCABULA RY Printed in the United States of America 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 First Edition For more information or to place an order, contact LearningExpress at: 2 Rector Street 26th Floor New York, NY 10006 Or visit us at: 7031_ GREVOC_ Flash Review[FIN].indd 4 5/10/11 2:55 PM Contents INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . vii About This Book. . . . xiii A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 45 57 87 E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 G . . . . ...

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...Help Sheet for Reading SPSS Printouts Heather Walen-Frederick, Ph.D. This document will give you annotated SPSS output for the following statistics: 1. Correlation 2. Regression 3. Paired Samples t-test 4. Independent Samples t-test 5. ANOVA 6. Chi Square Note that the version of SPSS used for this handout was 13.0 (Basic). Therefore, if you have advanced add-ons, or a more recent version there may be some slight differences, but the bulk should be the same. One possible difference would be for later versions or advanced packages to give the option of things like effect size, etc. In addition, the data used for these printouts were based on data available in the text: Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, 4th Edition (Jaccard & Becker, 2002). If you have trouble with data entry, or other items not addressed in this guide, please try using the SPSS help that comes with the program (when in SPSS, go under the “help” tab and click on “topics”; you may be surprised at how “user friendly” SPSS help really is). At the end of this document is a guide to assist you in picking the most appropriate statistical test for your data. Note: No test should be conducted without FIRST doing exploratory data analysis and confirming that the statistical analysis would yield valid results. Please do thorough exploratory data analysis, to check for outliers, missing data, coding errors, etc. Remember: Garbage in, garbage out! A note about statistical...

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A Way to Studyin Finland

...lectures may be during the daytime or sometimes also in the and living in Finland. The Aalto University evening. reserves the right to make changes to the names, contents and details of the degree programmes to further develop education. Admission criteria for admission round 2014 have been decided and cannot be changed. Application period begins 16 Dec 2013 and ends 31 Jan 2014 at 4:15 pm (GMT +2:00). Application form is available online only during the application period at: 2 3 Contents 1 Aalto University School of Business 2 Master’s Programmes and Quotas 2014 3 Admission Process and Eligibility Requirements 3.1 Bachelor’s Degree 3.2 Required Economic Sciences Background 3.3 GMAT or GRE Test 3.3.1 GMAT 3.3.2 GRE 3.4 Requirements for...

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...BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges      Course Contents for Subjects with Code: ENG  This document only contains details of courses having code ENG.   Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab          1  BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges      Code  ENG‐101  Year  1  Subject Title  Introduction to Literature‐I (History of  English Literature‐I)  Discipline  English  Cr. Hrs  3  Semester  I  Aims: One of the objectives of this course is to inform the readers about the influence of historical and socio-cultural events upon the production of literature. Although the scope of the course is quite expansive, the readers shall focus on early 14th to 19th century Romantic Movement. Histories of literature written by some British literary historians will be consulted to form some socio-cultural and political cross connections. In its broader spectrum, the course covers a reference to the multiple factors from economic theories to religious, philosophical and metaphysical debates that overlap in these literary works of diverse nature and time periods under multiple contexts. The reading of literature in this way i.e. within the sociocultural context will help the readers become aware of the fact that literary works are basically a referential product of the practice that goes back to continuous interdisciplinary interaction. Contents: • Medieval Period • Renaissance and Reformation • Elizabethan Period • Milton, the Metaphysical...

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...INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Required Resources Soomo (2013). Critical Thinking. [Webtext]. Asheville, NC: Soomo Publishing. Note: For each week of the course, all of the following materials in the Preparation and Evaluation portions can be accessed through the Webtext link within Blackboard. The Activities portion (discussion question) will not be located in Webtext, but rather in a separate Blackboard link within your shell. Supplemental Resources Critical Thinking Community. (2013). Defining Critical Thinking. Retrieved from Ellerton, P. (2011). Reason to Think. Issues, (95), 33-35. ETS. (2013). Introduction to the Argument Task. Retrieved from Holyoak, K., & Morrison, R. G. (2005). The Cambridge Handbook of Thinking and Reasoning. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Hughes, W. (2000). Critical Thinking: An Introduction to the Basic Skills. Peterborough, Ont: Broadview Press. Philosophy Pages. (2011). Categorical Syllogisms. Retrieved from Tittle, P. (2011). Critical Thinking: An Appeal to Reason. New...

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Operation Management

...Limitations and Recommendations of Study 16 References 17 Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Company Background From 1948, post-independence period, private educations were accepted to open in Myanmar. Since last year, private institutions in all popular demanding subjects and area such as Business Management, Accounting/LCCI, Auto Cad software in engineering, and English have been established. However, curriculum in various schools is different from smaller range to a wider range. Quality A private educational school has opened since 2002, preparing curriculum to meet with international standard. The school offer professional certificate and help its students to sit for the international examinations such as IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, GMAT, and GRE. At present, there are twenty lecturers and over one hundred students have been enrolled in the school. 1.2 Nature of business The reasons that why private education systems become increasingly popular in Myanmar nowadays have to be examined. This paper will explore the important issues such as : Why students and their parents prefer private education rather than government sponsored Basic...

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