Premium Essay

Great Men Need Not Be Good Men


Submitted By nishok17
Words 1139
Pages 5
Great men need not be good men. Greatness outweighs good qualities in an individual. It is defined as a state of superiority, a quality possessed by several individuals who stand out from the normal social construct. This quality places an individual under the admiration of the masses. It gives the individual a superior advantage over his fellow counterparts in a specific area of interest in which he has attained greatness. One is only regarded as a great when he has reached the pinnacle of success in his area of interest. On the other hand good is a quality possessed by a fairly larger amount of society in comparison to those who possess greatness. Good is a quality that requires an individual to uphold ethically sound qualities in relation to society’s norm. An individual who demonstrates characteristics such as integrity, honesty, humility and etc is classified as a good individual. There is a clear distinction between both the qualities. It is irrelevant that a man needs to be good in order to be considered a great. A great man may be a good person in his own terms, living a life within boundaries created by himself, like superman in Nietzsche’s words. On the contrary, another man may be deemed good by society living under the oppressive boundaries that society has set for him. Not living his life to its fullest but living a life to meet the terms of society’s goodness.
In the words of Nietzsche, “Great men, like great epochs, are like explosive material in whom tremendous energy has been accumulated.” (explain the quote) (potential to go array, possible backlash in terms of morality, ego mania ets) One such great icon would be world-renowned footballing hero Diego Maradona. Considered to be one of the greatest footballing legends of all time Maradona has got his fair share of ethically sound and unsound actions, which rank him amongst highly controversial

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