...When Greed Gives Way to Giving Emmie Hester Professor Lisa Hemphill English 090 December 2, 2012 The audience for this essay is the readers of a newspaper in Miami, Florida. The newspaper is called the Miami-Herald. The writer is a columnist for them. I know this because the introduction of the essay specifically mentions these facts. The main audience is the readers of the column, but in some cases such as this, the piece can reach further. This article made it into our textbook. One purpose of this essay was to tell people about the charitable works of one person in particular. The author then used this man’s generous gift to his employees to discuss charitable giving by people as a whole. The author’s main purpose for writing this story was to tell the readers about this special man, and to encourage all readers to reflect on charitable giving. I know this because I read the essay, and because the story starts by telling us of a man named Ben Thompson. The story then goes on to ask questions of the reader. The reader is asked in the next to last paragraph to consider their own charitable giving. The thesis statement is the last sentence of the first paragraph. “Instead, Thompson decided to share the wealth”. The author goes on to embellish this sentence by giving the details behind this statement. She tells the readers about this man’s amazing decision to give a huge portion of the money he received from the sale of his company back to his employees, including people...
Words: 518 - Pages: 3
...Kelly Dixon English 125- L Lisa Reason The story: When Greed Gives Way to Giving. 1. The author first tells the factual story of Bob Thompson’s windfall and then discusses its meaning. What does she believe is the point, or importance of his story? The importance of this story is to show, Mr. Thompson, to be a kind, giving person and have a big heart. Not all people are selfish and greedy. Some rich people can be selfish and cruel to others, because of their status of wealth and what they stand for. I think he feels that he need to change this perception, of being in control and looking down at those who is not rich or not wealthy, because he is. Mr. Thompson is changing the way he had been, to a person who cares about people around him. Giving is a good feeling you get, when you give something to a person who is less fortunate. 2. I think generosity is a rare quality in today’s society. Yes, It is true, because, I myself is a generous person, I give to those who is less fortunate than others, For example if there is a homeless person on the street, or a person who is need of help, yes I will try to comfort them. Giving brings you a good feeling, a feeling you cannot describe, it feel good, and you will receive blessing from God for being this way. People cannot help how they ended up in the world, living on the street or living in a dream house. Just to know that there are special people like Mr. Thompson live in our society that will give a helping hand...
Words: 364 - Pages: 2
...Wall Street Is greed a good or bad thing? People have different opinions about it. Some like it and some do not, some of them thinks that it is the right way to get rich and some thinks that it is the worst thing that can help you get rich. If you ask me, I would say that it is good but if you have limit in it. If you do not have limit, then it creates a problem. Wall Street is the movie which has a lot of impact on my opinion about greed and the way people use it in life. Today, in the United States the research from 2012 says that there is more distinction between rich and poor and that richer people are greedier. The highlight of the movie Wall Street is that the “Greed is good” speech by Gordon Gekko. Greed is not always good or bad. Greed is the excessive desire for more than is needed or deserved, not for the greater good but for one’s own selfish interest, and at the detriment of others and society at large. Throughout our short life, the idea of our mortality makes us question ourselves. Not only that, but it conflicts with our strong survival instincts, giving rise to anxiety about our purpose, meaning, and value. It happens that our culture or lack of it is in a state of flux and crisis; places a high value on materialism, and greed. Our culture’s emphasis on greed is such that people have become immune to satisfaction. Having acquired one thing, they are immediately ready to desire the next thing that might suggest itself. Today, the object of desire is no longer...
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...Theme Art Explanation One of the themes of the pearl is greed that corrupts the minds of people and makes them want more and greed is a corruptive influence. The doctor, the priest, and the people envy for the pearl’s wealth and want things from the wealth of the pearl. The pearl’s wealth changes the good people to become greedy for wanting money and wealth from the pearl. The picture shown shows the greediness of the doctor, the priest, Kino, and one of the townspeople and how the wealth of the pearl made them want to take it from Kino, become richer and have more wealth. Greed corrupted the minds of the people in La Paz, from them becoming envious of the pearl to trying to take the pearl from Kino. The theme of the pearl is the greediness...
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...that America is not like the stories, they found filth, death, and deception around every corner they turned. However, greed was their largest problem, some were able to make it, but when it came to Jurgis and his families...
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...true fully an egoist and is this a good thing or a bad thing? To start things off we must first understand what the word ego means and what an egoist is. The word ego in literal terms means I from the Latin language. Now the word egoist has a bit of a different meaning, this is a noun from egoism. An egoist is a person who thinks and or believes that oneself comes before all. Now it does not necessarily make it a bad thing by any means but as there are with most things it has pros and cons. So in terms of good things there is giving humans their personal freedom and upholding the human doctrine. However by giving the their personal freedom you also giving them the right to have deadly sins as some say, such as greed and when greed is involved things can get very ugly. You know things such as war can start. People having their individual ideals has lead to multiple wars. In the end I can not really say if it is good or bad. Too much of it can lead to greed and other horrible things like war but if there is none of it then we lose what makes us human. Now then for the main topic if Prometheus or Equality 7-2521 was an egoist or not. Now before we stay if he is or not we must evaluate the things he has done in the book and cross reference it to other texts. We'll start with when he declares ego or I to be holy. To start we have “Many words have been granted me, and some are wish and some are false, but only three are holy: I will it!” (Ayn Rand 95). Just with this line you can not...
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...very gory dystopian novel. This novel includes various dystopian features. One of them is greed which has been reflected by the behaviours and attitudes of the characters. Greed has been shown by Jack's obsession over killing the pig as once the pig escaped, getting it back and killing it was his only goal. He proclaimed that he was hunting for the group but his desperation to kill the pig said otherwise. This act showed his greed for pride as his ego got hurt when the pig escaped. Another way greed has been shown is by Ralph's desire to constantly be in charge and have control. This has been shown when Ralph first went with the hunter group he saw that the boys had started lazing about so in order to get control over them, he yelled at them to get back to work and light the fire. At denial, his ego got hurt and so he screamed at them until they agreed to do do. This reflects Jack's greed for authority and control over others. One other way in which greed has been shown is through Jack's intense and selfish desire for power. Jack's greed for authority and power has been shown by his ruthlessness with others as emphasized by the quote “Choir! Stand still!” Wearily obedient, the choir huddled into line and stood there swaying in the sun. None the less, some began to protest faintly. “But, Merridew. Please, Merridew. . . can’t we?”. Thus showing Jack's greed for controlling others without giving others a chance to even speak. At being out voted as a leader against...
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...English 1A Paper #1 3 June 2014 Understanding Virtues Virtues are important traits and morals for each person to learn. It means a behavior showing high moral standards. The essay by Kwame Anthony Appiah approaches the topic of ethical behavior with this sentence “Does the virtuous act make the agent virtuous or does the virtuous agent make the act virtuous?” He points out it is difficult to evaluate a situation and decide if it was the individual or the action that improved the circumstances. Humans are known for their flawed nature for a reason as Appiah points out “[the] Playful man. . . angry man. . . serious man. . . same fellow, different situations.” There are morals for each person, they can follow some and not the other but they are all important morals in the end. (Appiah 401) Humans will not always address situations of ethical dilemma with the same matter or approach. For example, external factors like hunger level, fatigue and stress will influence a person’s response to a certain or particular situation. Given a different day and time that same individual may react quite differently because of their feelings. Everybody can relate. I also notice many actions that I may do resulting in this matter without realizing it. It’s from our human tendencies to respond to different scenarios with a moral dilemma. Through our actions and experiences, a character is created. In the essay by Appiah, he explains the differences between situational ethics and...
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...Corporate greed, by definition, is when a company chooses to place significance on increasing profits in a way that harms employees, consumers and the environment. It occurs when making money becomes the only goal, and the other company’s social responsibility is ignored. There is some debate with companies over whether they are being greedy versus looking for the best business practice. How can one tell if a company’s practice is defined as corporate greed or if the company is just working to reduce costs in order to increase profit growth? How much social responsibility does a company have to society and the environment? An article written by Edmund Bradley, about the problem with corporate greed, gave a perspective on these questions stating that “However greedy or altruistic a business person happens to be, the institutions of the market channel his or her motivation to a social end. Business must serve society in order to thrive,” (Bradley, 2003). In order for a business to grow and expand, they need to make a positive impression on society. Especially in today’s market, with consumers focusing on what companies are doing to the environment and how to find ‘green’ products. Society want to know that the companies making millions of dollars are using their influence and power to do good things in the world around them. Another perspective, however, is that companies have to only focus on the growth and profit of the company. They should work to please shareholders...
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...Greed, the Opposite of Compassion Greed is shown as the opposite of compassion in both A Christmas Carol and Wuthering Heights. Ebenezer Scrooge and Jacob Marley are characters in A Christmas Carol that showcase the harm of greedy living without compassion. The rest of the characters, such as the Cratchits or Fred, contrast the miserly moneylenders. Heathcliff and Hindley Earnshaw are characters in Wuthering Heights who cause so much pain to others and themselves due to their obsession of ownership and revenge. Cathy serves as foil characters, showing how loyalty and compassion can lead to a happier existence. Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol has two main types of characters: the compassionate and the greedy. Ebenezer Scrooge has a lot of contrast between the people who are willing to feel pity towards him (his ex-fiancé, his nephew, his clerk) and those who coldly dismiss him as he does them (fellow business people, his servants, the pawn shop owner). The entire supernatural ordeal that Scrooge goes through is meant to show him the error of his greedy ways and teach him the importance of compassion. Scrooge starts in the story with a personality so cold, it freezes his features. His dispassionate nature forbids any kindness, whether it be giving it, like towards his clerk, or receiving it, such as his nephew’s invitation. Yet, Scrooge’s compassion almost suddenly appears when he sees his past (27). It is not like he never knew such things growing up; he was taught through...
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...The Buddha has numerous teachings on love. By reciting these beautiful verses from the Metta Sutta known as the Discourse of Love one can feel their energies move to a solid place of calmness, love and compassion. Our love energy is stronger and more sustainable when we continue to offer it to another. "May everyone be happy and safe, and may their hearts be filled with joy." "May all living beings live in security and peace, beings who are frail or strong, tall or short, big or small, visible or not visible, near or far away, already born or yet to be born. May all of them dwell in perfect tranquility." "Let no one do harm to anyone. Let no one put the life of anyone in danger. Let no one, out of anger or ill will, wish anyone any harm. " " Just as a mother loves and protects her only child at the risk of her own life, we should cultivate boundless love to offer to all living beings in the entire cosmos. Let our boundless love pervade the whole universe, above, below, and across. Only our love will know no obstacles, our heart will be absolutely free from hatred and enmity. Whether standing or walking, sitting or lying as long as we are awake, we should maintain this mindfulness of love in our The Buddha has numerous teachings on love. By reciting these beautiful verses from the Metta Sutta known as the Discourse of Love one can feel their energies move to a solid place of calmness, love and compassion. Our love energy is stronger and more sustainable...
Words: 1050 - Pages: 5
...Washington Irving uses imagery to convey his messages and themes. It gives a vivid experience, shows specific emotions, and suggests ideas. Through Irving’s use of imagery the nature of Tom Walker is revealed as greedy and dishonest. Tom has no morals, he intends to get what he wants from the devil after selling his soul without a care in the world. Irving also uses imagery to describe the lesson that is being taught in this story. “They lived in a forlorn-looking house that stood alone and had an air of starvation./ no smoke ever curled from its chimney; no traveler stopped at its door.” (Irving, 314) The author describes the un kept house of the Walkers as a miserable setting. This helps readers also characterize the property owners as unpleasant...
Words: 319 - Pages: 2
...Taylor Croft Fisher English Honors 4 24 September 2017 Gold and Gift-Giving During the Anglo-Saxon era, gold and gift-giving was something that was used as a motivation for people to make heroic moves. No one just walked around giving out gold to everyone, it was earned. Today, money is earned by Gold was important to Anglo-Saxons because it showed the success of heroes and their characteristics of a hero, and their character. “For this, this gold, these jewels, I thank our Father in heaven, ruler of Earth- for all of this, that his grace has given me, allowed me to bring to my people while breath still came to my lips. I sold l=my life for this treasure, and i sold it well” (CR lines 200-205). The Anglo-Saxon era is very similar to the world right now because money still rules the earth and everything is surrounded by money. Today, gifts are given out to everyone. They don’t have to do anything heroic, they could just be a friend or...
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...Just at the start of the story the Pardoner describes three drunken men that are upset over the fact that their friend has been slain by a mysterious figure named Death. An elderly man tells them Death's location, yet all they find is eight bushels of coins. "Ne lenger thanne after Deeth they soughte", they quicky forgot about their friend and began to plot to take the gold (Chaucer, 321). This quote is important because it offers the audience another example of irony, that is representative of the Pardoner's greed for money. Near the end of the story, these men end up killing each other because of their own greed for the gold. That must be why the Pardoner decided to name the coins "Death". This means that their friend could have also been killed by his own...
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...songs pertain to giving hope to people. An attempt is seen through its third most popular song titled, “Demons.” In this, the band portrays hope to society in the darkness and evil of this world clouded by sin and greed. The lyrics from verse one and two resonates this current battle our world is in against evil, in how it says when everything we see is cold, with failing dreams and out of luck (cards all fold). The message of these two first verses also speaks of “all the saints we see are all made of gold”. From these lines, the lyrics tell that society focuses too much on money and the temporary pleasures of this world, which is seen in how society views celebrities and wealthier class. In the world today, people think that what governs our lives is money and power, though this is not the truth. In verse three, the character in the story says, “I want to hide the truth… shelter you…” This verse is similar in appearance to the innocence of a child and a father who attempts to shield all evil from the child through their relationship. Being an identifiable theme of this song, it closely parallels how God views his relationship with us, his children. In Matthew 18:3, it is written: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” As the pre-chorus begins, it really shows the main ideas of the message intended for this song. It says, “No matter what we breed, we still are made of greed, this is my kingdom...
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