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Grief Support For Older Adults

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Over the course of their lives, most individuals are able to develop secure attachments; reason cognitively, socially and morally; and create families and find appropriate careers. Eventually, however, as people enter into their 60s and beyond, the aging process leads to faster changes in our physical, cognitive, and social capabilities and needs, and life begins to come to its natural conclusion, resulting in the final life stage, beginning in the 60s, known as late adulthood.
Coping with the death of a loved one can be difficult for anyone. But if the person in grief is a senior adult, the experience can be a greater struggle simply by the nature of his/her stage in life.
Health problems, loss of independence and other issues that accompany growing older can compound and heighten grief. Moreover, an emotional support system that used to exist may no longer be in place because peers have passed and adult children may be busy with their own lives. …show more content…
Anyone over the age of 65 generally is normally trying to accept their own mortality as well as that of their aging friends and family members. Seniors may also have to deal with physical conditions, a fixed income, the care of elderly parents, or other life stresses, and this combination may often cause bereavement that could seriously affect their entire life and potentially lead them to their deaths quicker. (Grief Support for Older Adults)
Although Bereavement is a natural event after a loss, the subsequent grief can have negative results in certain situations. Acute grief, also known as “normal grief” in the literature, is a period of grief that includes healthy reactions to the loss of the loved one. This process of grief described below includes but is not limited to the experience for older

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