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Airborne School Research Paper

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Airborne school is a three week long course. Soldiers will have to take an initial Army Physical Fitness Test to ensure soldiers meet the physical standards to become a paratrooper. After soldiers pass their physical fitness test week one begins. Week one consists of ground week where soldiers learn basic fundamentals of becoming a paratrooper. The next week is week two, week two is tower week. Week two uses all the fundamentals learned in week one but is now being put to use. The main purpose of week two is for soldiers to learn the basic concept of falling and jumping out of an aircraft. Finally week three is jump week. This is where soldiers will make five jumps out of a high performance aircraft at an altitude of twelve hundred …show more content…
Tower week continues to use everything learned from week one but is now being put to use. Week two consists of using a zip line to simulate how you make a proper PLF landing. Students also learn how to properly jump from the thirty four foot tower which simulates how you will exit the aircraft. They learn how to keep their feet and knees together while keeping their chin to their chest. Soldiers will learn and use the swing landing trainer that helps soldiers learn the proper way to use and pull the risers to get ready to make a proper PLF landing. Next the soldiers will use the suspended harness to help them learn how to slip while they are in mid air to get away from fellow soldiers or to avoid obstacles on the ground. Then the soldiers will learn how to exit an aircraft using the mock door to help them learn the commands in the aircraft and how to properly exit an aircraft. The final step in tower week training soldiers will fall from the two hundred and fifty foot tower to help them build confidence as well as use what they learned in the suspended harness training, swing landing training, and zip line training. Besides all the hands on and physical training soldiers still learn the types of parachutes, how to use their reserve parachute, what to do in the event your parachute fails to open, and what the three kinds of landing hazards are; such as tree, water and power line

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