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Cardio Machines

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Home workouts such as bodyweight cardio and cardio machines are very popular methods of working out at home. Home workouts are designed to provide you with more spare time and flexibility in your life. Bodyweight workouts are workouts that you can perform without weights while using your body as resistance. Bodyweight cardio is putting these bodyweight exercises together in circuits to provide you with a cardiovascular workout as well a strength workout. Cardio machines such as elliptical machines, treadmills and exercise bikes are popular forms of cardio that people usually resort to when they are overweight and want to burn fat in the comfort of their own home. Advantages that Bodyweight Cardio has over Cardio Machines:

* No equipment required …show more content…
You may invest in some push-up bars, pull-up bar, bands or exercise ball to get more out of your workout but they are not necessary. A cardio machine will cost at least a couple hundred up to a couple thousand dollars. You could be enjoying a nice vacation with that money or put it to good use.

* Workout can be done anywhere - Do your workouts outside, inside, on your vacation. It is up to you. You can not drag your cardio machine outside or take it on vacation with you.

* Workouts are shorter - Your doing more work in less time. Spend more time doing things you love.

* More focus on the exercises - You will get better results if you are focused on your workout. Watching TV while you are on a cardio machine does not give you any focus on the task at hand. You need to challenge yourself to get a true cardiovascular workout.

* Better Results - You'll be burning fat all day long after your bodyweight workout. Your whole body is getting a workout. Your body gets a better hormonal response when you are using more muscles therefore burning more fat and for a longer time. Treadmills and bikes will only give your legs a workout.

* Excitement - This is definitely more exciting then a boring cardio machine. It is hard to have fun running on a treadmill or riding a bike

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