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Incontinence Pads

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Top Tips for Wearer of Incontinence Pads for Adults

Incontinence pads for adults or simply referred to as adult diapers are recommended for people suffering from conditions such as dementia, mobility impairment, incontinence, and experience frequent loss of bladder or bowel control. Other than people with these conditions, some pregnant women may also require such diapers as the child in the womb may push the bladder leading to immediate discharge. Thus, while such diapers provide protection against leakage and enable one to feel free while going outside, they also require to be used properly to ensure their effectiveness.

Effective tips for the wearer of incontinence pads for adults

Here are some important tips and methods which one should consider while using an adult diaper:

1. …show more content…
Right Fit

Size of the diaper is a vital factor which many people tend to ignore. It is important that one uses the size that fits best, as a smaller or larger size may lead to discomfort, chaffing, gaping, and leakage. Thus, in order to increase the effectiveness of the undergarment, the wearer of incontinence pads for adults should choose an optimal size for themselves that is neither too small nor too large and is instead the perfect fit.

2. Skin Care

Before changing a diaper and wearing the new one, make sure that he skin near genital area is clean and completely dry. One can use a baby wipe, wet washcloth, or toilet-wipe made especially for adults. Such a cleanliness habit would ensure that the skin does not get any rashes or infections and is well-maintained for the wearer of incontinence pads for adults.

3. Increase its Efficiency

To prevent the diaper from leaking, you can use your thumb and finger to push the side ruffles a bit outwards. You can do this in any kind of diapers; pull-up styled or others as well. Furthermore, to activate the gel crystals in the diaper and enable them to absorb the sprayed urine, you may pull the diaper downwards a little.

4. Avoid

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