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Dodge Company History

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Dodge is now the number one American muscle brand, but it all started out by making a car which was just about as far from muscle as it gets the Ford Model T. The Dodge family arrived in North America in 1629 in the 1830s Ezekiel Dodge travelled from Massachusetts to Michigan, where he repaired boat engines. Ezekiel and his wife Anna had two daughters and eleven sons, including Daniel Rugg Dodge. Eventually Daniel took over the business, building and repairing marine engines. Daniel had two children by his first wife, and after she died, married Maria Duval Casto, and had three children: Della in 1863, John Francis in 1864, and Horace in 1868 Then Horace and John, according to Ellis Brasher, were two red-haired urchins, who spent many hours …show more content…
He finally approached the Dodge Brothers, who, in light of Ford’s past, drove a hard but fair (given the risks) bargain. The Dodge brothers gave up their other customers, borrowed $75,000 for tooling, and created the production drawings and all mechanical parts for Ford’s new company. According to Thomas McPherson (in The Dodge Story), the brothers also redesigned the car’s rear axle, engine, and other key parts, which may have made the difference between Ford’s past failures and his new success. Dodge Brothers gained a 10% stake in the new Ford Motor Company, and rights to all of Ford’s assets if Ford went bankrupt yet again [the stake and loan may have come later], in return for credit and a loan — $7,000 worth of automobile parts and $3,000 in cash. Ford had to pay for parts within five days, rather than thirty, due to his poor credit history. Overall, James Mays wrote that the Dodges invested $162,000 in Ford. Other sources claimed much smaller …show more content…
Money and fame may have affected the Dodges, too, though they continued their hard work. They wore identically tailored suits, according to James Mays, and would not read mail unless it was addressed to both of them; they also raced boats, and most sources say they partied hard, drinking and carousing in workingman’s bars. In 1910, the incredible Dodge Main plant in Hamtramck was started (June) and completed (November), with five thousand workers and $6 million in annual payroll; the unusual 24-acre multi-story plant had the assembly line moving from floor to floor, eventually becoming extremely complex. According to Greg Kowalski, one reason for choosing Hamtramck was because it was on two railroad lines, once of which went straight to Ford’s new

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