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Gross Illustrates The Benefits Of Playing With Water

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Gross (2012), discusses the benefits of playing with water at a young age. Introducing valuable play-time with water can create a child’s foundation for understanding certain science concepts. Various techniques and hands-on activities (that include water) are provided to help teachers engage students in meaningful science experiences as well as discussions. Lastly, he emphasizes the application of the inquiry method during science lessons or activities.
Central Points
This informative journal contains three central points. To begin with, Gross highlights the relationship between water play and a student’s growing knowledge of science concepts. As students explore the water, they investigate and theorize why certain situations occur. A foundation for the understanding of physics, chemistry, and biology is established through these investigations and self-constructed theories. Thus, water play should be encouraged in a classroom by adding water tables and other inexpensive tools, such as straws. Not engaging students in meaningful discussions before, during, or after the water play is also touched upon in this journal. Ultimately, this prevents students from asking question, …show more content…
Not only is water play inexpensive, but also captures students’ attention. “Young children can spend countless hours playing with water: pouring it back and forth, watching it spill over the edge of a container, making waves, and pouring some more” (Gross, 2012, p. 1). In my opinion, children learn best when they are placed in a safe environment (with the necessary resources) and partake in meaningful interactions with others. Thus, I conceded with Gross’ argument that teachers should interact with students throughout the water play. I believe teachers should use this time to answer students’ questions, listen to their theories, and provide information that will help strengthen their

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