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Gross Motor Coordination In Children

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Children usually learn important skill such as crawling, sitting up, walking, babbling and talking as they grow up. This important skill is known as developmental milestone and takes place in a predictable order according predictable ages. A child may be described having developmental delay if does not reached milestone in areas of developmental. These areas are:

Gross motor coordination
Gross motor coordination is involved in movement and coordination of the arms, legs and other body parts. Gross motor coordination can be further divide into subgroups of locomotors skills and object control skills. Gross motor coordination develops through practices and repetition task. Gross motor coordination develops over a relatively short period of time. Baby take weeks or month to be perfect and master in the …show more content…
Other possible causes include ataxia, cerebral palsy, cognitive delay, myopathy, spine bifida and problems with vision. Ataxia defines as a defect impairs muscle coordination while cerebral palsy is a condition caused brain damaged before birth. Example gross motor coordination aspect delay is by 3-4 month in infancy phase, baby does not reach, grasp or hold any object, does not support his or her head well, does not bring any object to mouth and does not push down with legs when the feet placed on a firm surface at age by 4 month. Other example by 7 month delay include unable sit up without help, reach one hand only or does not reach actively for object and has stiff or very floppy muscles. Other developmental delay by 1 year is does not crawl, cannot stand when supported and by 2 years children unable to walk , does not develop a heel-to-toe walking pattern and cannot push a wheeled toy. Toddlerhood phase usually children are active physically, as by the age 2 years they begun to develop a variety of gross motor

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