..................................Page 4 Overview of the VPN …................................................................Page 4 1 A Brief History of Virtual Private Networks...............................................Page 4 2 Components of a Virtual Private Network..................................................Page 5 Current Uses for VPNs..................................................................Page 6 1 Why Virtual Private Networks are Advantageous..................................................Page 6 2 Virtual Private Networks Within Businesses...........................................................Page 6 3 Virtual Private Network Bypass Methods...............................................................Page 7 4 Privacy Concerns Addressed by Virtual Private Networks....................................Page 8 The Future of VPNs.......................................................................Page 9 5 Growing Concerns of Virtual Private Network Use..............................................Page 9 6 Evolution of Virtual Cloud Networks....................................................................Page 9 7 Will Virtual Private Networks Persist?...................................................................Page 10 Conclusion...........................................................
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...Future Trends in Advertising Paper When it comes to advertising there are key factors that play a role in how the process can be affected. Within this paper there will be three key factors that will affect advertising in the years to come. The three key factors are: innovation, internet, and regulatory. Each of these key factors are continually changing and growing on a daily basis. Looking into how these factors play a role in advertising will give a better understanding of the changes are affecting or can affect advertising. Innovation will always be a factor to look at because of the fact the innovation is constantly growing and making products better (Sissors, 2012). Who could forget sitting there listening to a commercial and in the commercial the words new and innovated are involved. Innovation is basically taking a product and it growing to meet the standards of the consumer. The product is growing and changing. If one were to look at that product they would see that it may have a higher speed for browsing or in some other area be faster, the design may be sleeker than it previously was, or it may hold more capabilities. All the changes are coming more quickly and it can be difficult to keep up, especially with budgeting. A company only budgets so much money for advertising and if the products are rolling out more quickly yet the budget has not grown then there will be no way to advertise as much as needed. There will be times when innovation can help in advertising...
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...ASSIGNMENT: INTERNET ADOPTION 1. UNIT OF ANALYSIS AND GEOGRAPHICAL SCOPE Said that the unit of analysis is the person or household or company, in this case, we see that in this case the subject being analyzed is Internet. The geographical scope of the analysis is the whole world. 2. MARKET POTENTIAL AND CURRENT MARKET DEMAND If we consider the projections till 2017, the current market demand is around 50% of the total population of the world, that it means that is approximately 3,6 billions of people. In order to calculate the market potential we will consider all those customers that are or not aware or that are unable to use the internet ( illiterate for instance) or that because of infrastractures or incentives have lacks of benefit or people that live in places where internet is not available. Said that, the potential market demand is around 7,1 billions of people. 3. MDI The MDI is : 50,7 It means that companies (internet providers) should stress on benefits deficiencies and price reductions. And I think that it’s quite conform to the information we had from the case. In fact, in the case are highlighted the lack of benefits and infrastructures and the low income of the people that are offline. 4. REASONS WHY PEOPLE DO NOT USE INTERNET The barriers that people find in adopting internet span, mostly, in four categories: * incentives * low incomes and affordability * user capability * infrastructure The first category comprises reasons...
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...Information Technology Acts Paper Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) Reche Quiapos INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER APPLICATION AND SYSTEMS/BIS220 October 28, 2012 Nabih Zourob Information Technology Acts Paper Being a Parent that comes from a family-oriented environment, the topic of this paper opens up doors for me on how my children are protected when using the internet. At this modern era, at my children’s age, they were exposed to the Internet growing up. The best way for me to see how they are protected from the World Wide Web is knowing that I can keep them safe from all the acts that our law has passed. Since, I cannot be with them every minute of the day while they are on the computer, I have signed up into this website called “Google Safe Eyes” where it keeps you posted when your children are trying to view inappropriate websites. It alerts to your phone and email, the time and website that they’re trying to access online. A growing Internet sectors plays a big part on children. The Interactive nature of the Internet enables marketers to gather personal information from children through registration information on chatrooms, and other discussion boards available for children. These businesses of marketers will then sold to a third party after they gather all personal information for commercial purposes. This action opened-up doors for abusers and pedophiles that are dangerous for children...
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...Growing Internet Use in China Reflects Changing Society Internet Use Explodes in China Internet use in China is exploding. According to Kai-Fu Lee, President of Google, China, the growth of the Internet is 40 to 50 percent in the last two years. Today, the number of Chinese using the Internet is greater than the number of Internet users in the United States, and Kai-Fu Lee anticipates that by the end of the year, about a quarter of China’s 1.3 billion people will be online. However, Chinese Internet users tend to be much younger than their American counterparts. In China, the average user is 25 years old as compared to 45 years old in the United States. Some experts anticipated that greater access to information could prompt the Chinese to question their government, but the growing Internet usage seems to have done just the opposite. Many Chinese are now questioning what they perceive to be mistakes and representations by the Western press about events in China. After reports by the Western press about events in Tibet and the Olympic torch relay protests for example, many Chinese were angry and felt that their government was being unfairly criticized. Some actually used the Internet to coordinate anti-Western, pro-China demonstrations. Most Chinese people appear to believe that the market reforms implemented in China have been very successful. They see their economy getting stronger, and more opportunities. Melinda Yu, president of the Foreign Correspondents...
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...BUSINESS GOVERNMENT AND SOCIETY THE POWER OF INTERNET AND ITS IMPACT IN INDIA INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT PGDM[2013–15] BY: R O H I T K U M A R G O E L [DM15142] SECTION 1 Page |2 CONTENTS S.NO. I II III IV V TITLE INTRODUCTION IMPACT ON BUSINESS PRACTISES AND SOCIETY IMPACT ON GOVERNMENT AND SOCIETY CONCLUSION REFERENCES PAGE NO. 3 3 6 6 8 GREAT LAKES INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT | Introduction The internet is a medium that is soaring in polarity in almost every facet of the world and is used for a myriad of reasons by persons, universities, governments and businesses. It is the network that facilitates communication among all the smaller networks and individual computer systems that connect to it. It is growing at an impressive rate due to the many services it facilitates, the ease with which services can be created, the presence of a single standard and the global reach that makes national boundaries invisible. With the dramatic increase in bandwidth, decreasing communication costs and an everincreasing number of organizations using it, the Internet has ushered in a revolution. As far as businesses are involved, the internet usage has been tested to a variety of experimentations that seek to determine the viability of using the internet to improve business practices in various industries in India. One particular aspect of business is that the internet marketing has a great impact on society. Around the world, developed countries have improved their communication systems...
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...SWOT analysis was on an internet café business. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. I will be discussion all four of these areas in the JavaNet’s business plan. The internet café is called JavaNet, which will provide a different type of communication and entertainment for the public to use at low cost fee. They will educate the public on what the internet can offer them. They will also provide bakery items and coffee at an affordable price. Within two years of operation JavaNet will be sufficient with a customer base to keep the business functioning. Since the internet is continuingly growing, JavaNet will be able to educate the novice users which will bring people of all ages and backgrounds together. I found that JavaNet does have some strength within their business plan. The venture has experienced researchers and creative leaders. The business model is well-developed targeting people of all ages and backgrounds to come to a place with a common goal, to learn what the internet can offer them. The market segments have been accurately targeted by being the first internet café in Eugene. The distribution channels are chosen from the local wholesalers in Lane County. The wholesaler retails beans to twenty different locations in the Eugene area. The friendly and helpful staff will be able to help the growing population of the daily internet users. They were selected by having the passion for teaching and sharing internet experiences. The staff is...
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...analyze the impacts of excessive use of internet, both positive and negative, on youth. Although the literature covers a wide range of impacts, this review will focus on ten major researches. These researches include Use of internet and its effects on our society: This paper emphasizes on the effects of Information Technology on citizens, adults and teens in perspective of their relations, entertainment, education, socialization and the problems that internet and technology can bring in our society. Technology can have both positive and negative effects on people of different walks of life at different times. The need is to understand the true impact of IT so that ever body gathers benefits that yield a healthy...
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...Historical Analysis Paper: Internet Addiction- A Rising Issue The number of Internet users has intensely went up over the years due to the growing accessibility of the Internet. In 2009 the amount of time Americans spent online increased by over a hundred percent from 2004. China, Japan, the United States, Brazil and India are currently the countries containing the largest populations of Internet users world-wide. The countries most plagued with Internet Addiction Disorder include mainly the countries within the continent of Asia such as China and South Korea as well as Northern America, United States (Conrad). Internet addiction has become a serious problem that is progressively modifying the brain structure and function for persons addicted. Like other forms of addiction, the Internet addiction results from the excessive usage of the computer and other internet enabled technological devices which causes increased dependency. Psychological issues and Mental disorders generally tend to lead individuals towards various forms of addictions and exacerbates their illness; this can happen in the reverse chronological order as well. College students are more likely to be disposed towards Internet Addiction because of their developing minds at that stage and the increasing role the Internet plays in the academic world. Scientists are currently researching for more and more efficient treatments for this Internet Addiction Disorder or IAD, but hey must initially be able to correct...
Words: 1999 - Pages: 8
...factors that have aided this transformation. They include: • The expansion of new markets – foreign exchange and capital markets are linked globally. They operate 24 hours a day with dealings any where in the world possible in real time. Financial deregulation and the floating of the Australian dollar since 1983 intensified the impact of globalisation on the Australian economy. • New technology and the tools of globalisation – the internet, email, mobile phones, media and communication networks have all sped up the process of globalisation. They have increased the spread and speed of knowledge transfer and communication. Australian consumers can buy products from any nation in the world, transfer funds between accounts or purchase shares in any major market. Australian businesses can market their products at a fraction of the cost and be exposed to a global market place of competition. This potentially is the closest we will ever come to the perfect market. • New institutional players – The World Trade Organisation (WTO) has growing authority over national governments, as does the IMF with its restrictions and controls it can impose on nations requiring assistance. Multinational corporations have more economic power than many nations. Hedge funds and financial dealers are able to manipulate financial flows and subsequently exchange rates, leaving nations helpless in their wake. This in turn renders traditional economic policy...
Words: 2806 - Pages: 12
...into the Internet, and more signing on every day, information that is printed online is viewed by a massive number of consumers. This large number of potential consumers has fueled the motivation for advertising agencies and companies to post ads online. This paper examines how the internet community is continually growing and how companies are taking advantage of this growth and utilizing the internet as a medium to advertise. It looks at how through the variety of mediums available, companies can reach a greater customer base than they would have reached through using traditional media, such as television or newspaper. It discusses how, the potential exists for internet advertising to be the primary means of advertising and how, as the technology continues to be enhanced coupled with the internet's accessibility and mobility, we will most likely see more companies utilizing internet advertising as the preferred medium to potential customers and investors. Introduction Internet Advertising is the way of the future and it is very evident since many companies and businesses have their own web sites and advertisements are located all over the World Wide Web. The Internet or World Wide Web is quickly becoming the most effective way for a business to advertise their products or services to customers. Web sites such as search engines or small sites that sell advertisement space for sponsoring are profiting highly from the increase of advertising on the Internet (Afuah...
Words: 458 - Pages: 2
...offering and better enable the company to outcompete its competitors. Hasting’s goals for Netflix is to build the world’s best Internet movie service to build the world’s best Internet movie service and to deliver a growing subscriber base and earning per share every year. In May 2010, Netflix’s strategy was producing impressive strategic and financial results. During the past five years, Netflix had emerged as the world’s largest subscription service for streaming movies and TV episodes over the Internet and sending DVDs by mail.” B. Analysis I. Strategic Analysis 1. Competitive forces in the movie rental industry a. Rivalry among companies: strong Netflix have to deal with rivalry from Blockbuster, Redbox, and video-on-demand providers. The battle includes many competitors and each of them is trying their best to attract the customer. Customer has many options and their choices are based on some factors: * Price: rent each DVD or buy subscription plan/ what kind of plans * Convenience: stream from your device or got DVDs then return * Variety of rental library: how big and how vary the company library is * Availability: customer who choose to stream movie over internet or VOD never face the situation when there are no available DVD to rent like customer who choose to rent real DVD from store. * Ease of use: streaming customer can choose to see movie in more than one device. It is also easy for them to browse the company library. ...
Words: 3142 - Pages: 13
...Growing Up Online Michelle Krueger I agree with regards to the video Growing up on line produced and directed by Rachel Dretzin. This video discuss the advantages and disadvantages of children’s having open access to internet and the problems it has caused at home, school, social media as well as ing. Whilst everyone is entitle to their opinions, I feel strongly agree with the negative consequences. I would therefore like to explain in more details the arguments about this video. As I mentioned before, the open access to internet for children’s has brought some negative consequences. First, at home we see how children’s lock their selves in the room to use the computer and most of the times when parents walk into the room they want to change their screen or hide what there are doing. The reason behind this is because they had found a different world where they can be and act in a way that they wouldn’t in front of their parents and their friends. They find people who they can’t talk to about eating disorders, sex preferences, family problems, among other topics without been judge. They also feel more free and outgoing on the internet. This are negative reactions and consequences because we should be able to talk to our parents or someone close to us every time that we need to. We will get better advice from someone that is part of our life’s and care for us rather than form a stranger. Second, internet...
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...In the history of the development of e-commerce, innovations such as WWW and Internet are seen at the heart of understanding the subject. Over the past twenty years Internet has become the lifeline of any business. Current trends show that the use of Internet, smart phones and the confidence of the people in using their cards online are growing exponentially. Experts such as AMR research, Jupiter Media, Emarketer.com predict a promising and glorious future for the e-commerce in the 21st century. The total volume of e-commerce has been growing by 15 to 25 percent every year and will continue to grow. However, there are challenges for e-commerce to grow in future, it will grow but the growth will vary from country to country and affect the online market at various time periods and the main question is how fast will it grow and what will be the scope of its growth in the future 5 years. These are the main questions that will be addressed in this essay, which will focus on three interrelated broad themes that e-commerce involve: society, business and technology. It is a period of reinvention involving the extension of Internet technologies, and the discovery of new business models based on consumer-generated content and social networking. While a variety of definitions of the term e-commerce have been suggested this essay will use the term suggested by Cabinet Office in 1999: ‘E-commerce is the exchange of information across electronic networks, at any stage in the supply chain...
Words: 2190 - Pages: 9
...Internet has grown rapidly, it is continuously and exponentially evolving, both in terms of number of users and applications. By the year 2006, there were 1,093 million internet users and according to 2014 statistics, this figure has grown to 3,035 million. Two things have marked its evolution; the social web and mobile technology (Miniwatt Marketing Group, 2015). Just to give you the sneak peek of what's internet is becoming now a days with the latest news from last two days. Facebook organized the developer conference "F8" on 26th March. It revealed an unmanned air craft (HARDY & GOEL, 2015) which will help connect the people by beaming down internet to the areas where internet was a problem in past. On the same day, Google also released its Google’s Cloud Platform (Lardinois, 2015) which will help developers to install 120 open source software in cloud. Hence, big companies like Google and Facebook are spending a lot of money on developers and making internet accessible. Now a days, Internet of Everything (IoE) is evolving in developed countries which connects everyday devices in order to give them special functions. Hence, development of such applications is also of interest. “Smart cars, smart appliances, smart watches and more all end up with the “smart” moniker in front of them when they become tied to the Internet and interconnect to ecosystems of devices, software and services. The company behind the Sleep Number beds even announced a smart bed that monitors...
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